Hope – Make It So

Hope – Make It So

Mirjana, who receives the second of the month message from Our LadyA special writing from a Friend of Medjugorje covering Our Lady’s March 2, 2016 message. You just need to read it…

March 4, 2016 A.D.
Updated March 7, 2016 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2016 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, my coming to you is a gift from the Heavenly Father for you. Through His love I am coming to help you to find the way to the truth, to find the way to my Son. I am coming to confirm the truth to you. I desire to remind you of the words of my Son. He pronounced words of salvation for the entire world, the words of love for everyone – that love which He proved by His sacrifice. But even today, many of my children do not know Him, they do not want to come to know Him, they are indifferent. Because of their indifference my heart suffers painfully. My Son has always been in the Father. By being born on earth He brought the divine and from me received the human. With Him the word came among us. With Him came the light of the world which penetrates hearts, illuminates them and fills them with love and consolation. My children, all those who love my Son can see Him, because His face can be seen through the souls which are filled with love for Him. Therefore, my children, my apostles, listen to me. Leave vanity and selfishness. Do not live only for what is earthly and material. Love my Son and make it so that others may see His face through your love for Him. I will help you to come to know Him all the more. I will speak to you about Him. Thank you.”

A Friend of Medjugorje has 30 years of cognition with Our Lady and Her messages; 30 years of trials, persecutions, experiences of walking with Our Lady in an intimate way and learning the process of conversion. He has amassed a following around the world, those who follow his life in how to put the messages into everyday life. The following was written in a way that only A Friend of Medjugorje could write. He threads the meaning of Our Lady’s messages through a story he lays out in such a way that with prayer, you will know it is a letter to you from Our Lady, through A Friend of Medjugorje. A tragic story that gives one the impulse for conversion, which is the purpose of all of his writings.

What you are about to read should not be read without prayer. Pray to Our Lady to be with you: open your heart to Her, for Her to convey what She wants you to know through this epistle, this letter from an apostle of Our Lady, to you.

Hope – Make It So

by a Friend of Medjugorje


The following is a true story…

The year was 1973. Thirteen-year-old Lisa decided to go riding bareback. She decided to ride after dark. She decided to ride along the road. Three decisions of a sum total that did not add up to an addition, but rather came to a subtraction. Those familiar with horses know that when you are sitting on a horse, you are sitting on 1,200 pounds of might. You don’t always have the same responsiveness as driving a car— keeping it straight, turning or stopping. Responsiveness of even a well-trained horse is much less than the responsiveness of a car. Lisa, deciding to ride bareback, in the dark, down the side of a well-traveled road made a big mistake. At first, everything was fine as car after car passed by in both directions. It is always a thrill to ride an incredible animal that follows the commands of the rider. But, unpredictable things happen and during this night ride, Lisa found it to be so.

As she rode, her horse eyed a white post a short distance away. Horses are skittish when they see something they can’t identify, especially in the dark. Lisa’s horse became spooked and side-stepped towards the road. Unable to guide him forward, pacing down the side of the road, the horse’s fear fought Lisa’s command to go straight, as he wanted to keep a distance, going wide to “go around” the perceived threat of the post. This put Lisa and the horse in the road. A driver behind the wheel of a car suddenly saw in his headlights the horse and rider. Unable to stop the car, he plowed into them. Lisa’s horse was killed. Lisa was not a Christian and was “indifferent” to God. This “made it so” for an even greater tragedy. For when someone is indifferent to God and dies, it is beyond tragic. Along with her horse, Lisa, herself, was dead.

In a different story from the history of Medjugorje, Medjugorje visionary Marija saw a 17-year-old girl falling into hell. How could it be that one so young can suffer two deaths—a mortal death, and an eternal death? This is the tragedy of Our Lady when She said today, March 2, 2016:

“…today, many of my children do not know Him, they do not want to come to know Him, they are indifferent. Because of their indifference my heart suffers painfully…”

Our Lady says today, March 2, 2016:

“…Leave vanity and selfishness. Do not live only for what is earthly and material…”

Our Lady tragically suffers for so many souls today. How can Our Lady penetrate hardened, indifferent hearts? Especially when they are so unreachable?

William is another tragic story. He is known as Dr. William. He is an abortionist who ruthlessly kills babies for the selfishness of money for himself, and the vanity of mothers who believe they have the authority and power to decide whether or not to abort their own child. Dr. William, his wife and their three children all were indifferent and hardened towards God and His laws. Money drove Dr. William. His wife and three children knew they lived by the wealth that came from the death of babies. How did they know? Their husband and father admitted openly that he knew these babies weren’t “just tissue”; they were babies and what he did was murder.

Raised in such an environment, “aborting” God’s law made the condition of hardness all the more impenetrable. It made for a situation of what Our Lady has relayed in Her messages—that many souls go to hell because they have no one to witness to them. Blinded by comforts and false peace under the deception of vanity and selfishness, these poor children of Our Lady know no fate other than hell while on earth, and then pass from death into eternal darkness. Our Lady, therefore, has an impossible work to convict souls that are “unconvictable.” Impenetrable hearts that She wants us, Her apostles, to reach and to:

March 2, 2016

“…Love my Son and ‘make it so’ that others may see His face through your love for Him…”

The poor family enslaved by the sin of abortion and materialism, under the father’s authority, represents so many family’s today who do not know the love of God. Impenetrable hearts who tragically and generationally will populate hell. And Our Lady suffers.

Dr. William’s son, Bill, lived his whole life without God, living in a pagan family. He was raised, like so many, with “material” comforts and there was no need for God. At 11 years of age, he picked up a Bible and began reading the Book of Matthew. Then he read Mark. And then Luke and John. When he finished, this impenetrable, indifferent, hardened heart welled up with so much love that he said to Jesus, “I love You. I want You in my life.” How could this be? Who was it, as Our Lady said today, who filled the role to:

“…Love my Son and ‘make it so’ that others may see His face through your love for Him…”?

Sometimes, we cannot understand how or why God penetrates a heart, but it is enough to know that somehow little Bill, a pagan in a pagan family, came to know the love of God. It wasn’t easy for Bill at eleven years of age to dwell in such a family environment. But he witnessed and witnessed with his life the love for Christ to them. There will always be obstacles to becoming a Christian, and often the greatest persecution will come from family. But Bill’s light shined out. From Bill’s face, something was reflected and his pagan sister, Lolly, recognized it was something that she did not have. Love. It etched away at her heart. As hardness and indifference melt, so does untruth. Truth, then, becomes painful, and one must accept it or reject it. Some cannot embrace the truth when it begins to convict, so they reject the grace of conversion. Rejecting the grace to become more open, they instead become even more hardened than they were before grace was given to them. Today Our Lady said:

“…I am coming to help you to find the way to the truth, to find the way to my Son…”

Lolly saw something in her brother that enkindled a spark that flamed into love. She came to love Christ. She became a Christian.

Dr. William’s wife remained, as did her husband, a pagan. Both young Bill and Lolly began to hate what their father did. Their mother began to get a glimmer in the face of something in Bill and Lolly. She began to see truth and had a moment with destiny in which she was faced with a decision—to accept or reject truth. What of her vanity and material comforts  acquired with money from the profit of death? What of her denial of the truth of what her husband was doing, even collaborating with it by living by this money? Dr. William’s wife was pressured to either succumb to the pressure of the world or the pressure of the grace of truth. The dam broke. Love flowed out. Our Lady said:

February 25, 1995

… I invite you to live with love the messages I give and to transmit them to the whole world, so that a river of love flows to people who are full of hatred and without peace…”

Two young Christians convicted, while showing Jesus’ face through their witness of love for Him, and their mother became a Christian!

Dr. William, with so much murder on his hands, wanted nothing of it. Sadly, amidst having three Christians in his home, he did not stop the abortions. His wife and children pleaded and begged him to stop, but too much blood had been spilt through his hands. They repeatedly told him they loved him, but they hated what he did. As the years went by, his heart displayed what repeated murder will do to the heart. Again, tragically, this was one heart that would not be penetrated. He was too lost and hardened by rejecting truth too many times.

As the four seasons circled from one winter to the next, year after year, eventually Dr. William and his wife divorced. Young Bill, now grown, is married and today is in his 50s. His sister, Lolly, married and she and her husband became missionaries. The three Christians of this family knew they had miraculously received the truth of the Word who, “being born on earth He (Christ) brought the divine” and who from Our Lady, “received the human.”  The Word that grew in Her womb, as no other womb has ever known.

The children who are aborted from the sacred womb are the faces of the Crucified Christ. Somehow from this broken family, the three received the grace to break from the untruth of this life of sin and death.

The mother, Bill and his wife, and Lolly and her husband began to protest outside abortion clinics. They joined others who would hold hands and block those going into the clinics. They were protesting in groups of about 50. When the first group was arrested, another group of protesters would come in to replace them. They would not carry their driver licenses or give their names and addresses at the jail. The police did not know what to do with them. Dr. William’s family had decided to go against their father and block his own abortion clinic that was located in Birmingham, Alabama. Bill’s wife tried to convince Bill not to go to the clinic, saying she would go in his place because she was afraid that his father, Dr. William, would become enraged if he saw Bill there. Bill wanted to do it anyway. There was no seeing eye to eye.

It is painful to know a loved one is on the path to hell, especially in a case like this where Dr. William had admitted that he knew that what he was doing was murder. It gives one the understanding of Our Lady’s words:

“…My heart suffers painfully…”

Our Lady suffers from the hearts of family members who do not want Her Son and are indifferent, causing deep pain for the loved ones who cannot bear the thought of a family member going to hell. It is the sword in Scripture of which Simeon spoke to Our Lady that would pierce Her heart, so that, many men’s hearts will be laid bare. This also ‘makes it so’ that family members can remain hopeful, through their suffering united to Christ and Our Lady’s heart – that the most impenetrable hearts, even a heart like Dr. William’s, can be pierced and illuminated with the love of Christ. Yet, it is a reality that not everybody will be saved because the hardened heart you suffer for must, himself, accept Christ, as Our Lady said:

“…the light of the world which penetrates hearts, illuminates them and fills them with love and consolation…”

The tragedy of Dr. William, who is still alive as of March, 2016, with years of rejection of grace through the suffering of his family makes all of us lose our hope for loved ones caught in the grip of satan. When that happens to us, in our own families, it is a double tragedy for the sinner and us. Hope is necessary to have purpose to rise every morning. We can never give up, even when we believe it is useless. We are not to give up. Dr. William, the hardened-hearted abortionist, whose heart represents the hardened hearts you are praying and suffering for presses you not to give up, even when everything tells you it is hopeless, because hell is to be avoided at all cost of your suffering.

As Dr. William faces his eternal fate, of a life lived in a heinous way, his family can at least take consolation, as Christians, that they did everything possible to change his eternity. They can sleep in peace because their husband, their dad, who they never stopped loving and suffering for— became a Christian! Yes, they never let up that what he was doing was wrong and they never quit hoping and showing their love of Christ through their lives and witness. Dr. William converted!

“…the light of the world which penetrates hearts, illuminates them and fills them with love and consolation…”

The passage of the seasons continued. Years flowed by, aging the family. There still was an empty hole in the family because of the history of what they had lived through. One day, Bill’s mother decided to go to a farmhouse they owned, 30 minutes from their home, to clean it. It had been untidy and a mess for years. She busied herself cleaning. When she got to one particular chest of drawers, opening the top drawer, all she saw was shredded paper torn up by rats making nests through these many years. Nasty as it was, she began to clean, tossing the shredded paper into the garbage. When she reached the bottom of the drawer she saw something lying underneath made of paper, which amazingly, was the only thing not shredded by the rats. She thought, “How strange,” then picked it up and began to read it. It was a religious tract speaking of Jesus’ love and the way to salvation. She read it page by page until the end. At the end was a statement asking for a signature if “you will accept Jesus.” The mother saw handwritten in the tract, “I love You Jesus and I accept You as my Savior.” Then the date. Then the name. The date written was two weeks before Lisa was killed riding her horse, bareback in the dark—when she came into the light from the darkness she had been living in. The daughter of Dr. William and his wife, who “made it so” that her little brother Bill, at 11 years old, because of the crisis of his sister’s death, caused him to pick up the Bible and was converted—no doubt, through his sister’s prompting from Heaven! Bill passed on the grace from there.

That was the empty hole in the family—the grief of the family that Lisa had died with the stain of paganism and was lost forever, missing the possibility of conversion they had all received. Our Lady said:

March 28, 1985

… today I wish to call you to pray, pray, pray! In prayer you shall perceive the greatest joy and the way out of every situation that has no exit…”

Their daughter, their sister, died as a two-week-old Christian and converted her loved ones from the other side by a miracle! And miracle of miracles, the empty hole in their hearts was now filled, illuminated by a secret lying in a drawer which was preserved for years, while everything else was shredded,

March 2, 2016

“…filling their hearts with love and consolation…”

Never, never, never lose hope. God does that which is most impossible no matter how bleak everything appears.

In Love of Hope,

Friend of Medjugorje

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33 thoughts on “Hope – Make It So”

  1. What an amazing and inspirational story. It is a true account of God’s presence in our lives. I encourage anyone out there whose life has been wracked by the horrible pain, guilt and hopelessness of having received an abortion, whether by their own decision or by the encouragement of others, to seek immediate forgiveness through the Sacrament of Penance. In this Year of Mercy, I received full absolution in the Sacrament of Penance on March 4, 2016, for my sin of abortion that weighed heavily on me for 35 years. I continue to be awestruck by the patience, mercy and kindness our God has for us if we truly seek it and cannot describe how uplifting it is to know His love! Appropriately, after receiving absolution, the sermon that Sunday at Mass was about the prodigal son returning home. How fitting it was for me. God surely does work in mysterious ways! I now reach out to spread the word about His grace and mercy. Thank you my God.

  2. it has been greet reading this. What has touched me is the fact that God is always patient with us but I should not take anything for granted because every moment of our activity will have to be accounted for when the Lord calls us before Him. Also I should be missionary in whatever work am doing so that if it does not glorify God then surely it is wasted for the devil’s glory. But God is so mercy full that He is always waiting for us to return to Him like the prodigal son.

  3. I needed to here that. I HAVE to keep praying for my deceased husband. A woman has tried and is still trying to lead him astray Marriage is God’s Plan. I am trying to do as you say-pray, pray, pray. Dear Blessed Mother, help him to return to me. Married for 61years. It had to mean love. His Life Partner.

  4. I want to cry tears of joy. I want to laugh out loud with joy. I want to sing God’s praises. I want to run to the Blessed Sacrament, fall down before God and thank Him with all my heart for His amazing grace, His endless love for us/me. Jesus I trust in You. Here I am Lord, I come to do Your Will. Use me, fill me, send me and keep me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! How great Thou art.

  5. Trusting in God and preserving in prayers, this story reminds me that God always has a plan and that my Heavenly Mother will always be their loving and guiding me in every part of my life. I am grateful for this gift of faith and thankful for this beautiful story.It was very encouraging.

  6. Jennifer Winifred Robbins

    Such a beautiful message. What a beautiful set of responses. Praise God for sending Mother Mary even now to save souls. O Mary Conceived without Sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee. O Mother, please pray for the conversion of the whole world … lead us to Jesus … bring all souls home.

  7. Thank you so much for the encouraging words. The story has has opened up my mind to not giving up. There are prayers that have not been answered for so many years and l had given up. Am praying for my son to be reconciled to God and come back to church. I will continue praying and never give up. Mother Mary please intercede for me. Amen.

  8. Thank you so much for this amazing story of Hope which for me is powerful as the word, hope, has a deep meaning for me. Thankfully my Lord, my children are faithfully following their Catholic faith and raising their children in the same way. But my heart has been heavy for many many years for my loved one and our country. The choices in my love one’s life were hurting his health and me. America has been falling apart which grips my heart. Through God’s grace each day I would find hope but just a flicker. About 4 years ago the word hope was spoken to me by two very important people in my life and I have held on to that word ever since. Reading your book about changing your husband gave me more hope. Hope is shinning more brightly with my loved one and hope for America has been confirmed and shinning more brightly after reading your story, thank you! Immediately seeing the word Hope in the title, I knew Our Lady was speaking to me!!! Blessings and God’s love and mercy wrap you and all

  9. Dear Beloved Family, I wanted to encourage you all in your mission. The recent writing of A Friend of Medjugorje was very hope-filled and I hope that many people read it to gain true hope for their situations in life. I shared the special writing with others, because it is an important reading that confirms that God listens to prayer, never gives up on us, and He is the True God of Miracles. God bless!

  10. Such a beautiful story gives me hope for my addicted sons, they are Christians but my hope is they will overcome drug addiction as I pray for them daily. Amen

  11. Thank you for this beautiful story full of hope! I have my son that is indifferent to anything that deals with faith and to top it off he lives in Canada and I live in Italy with the rest of the family but he doesn’t want to speak to any of us. It’s heart-breaking but I have hope. God bless you all!

  12. Thank you for this beautiful story. Years back when Fr. Stefano Gobbi was in the United States, many parents came up to him with concerns for their teenage children and their salvation. When Fr. Gobbi asked Our Lady about their concers she replied “tell them to pray the rosary and to say ‘with this rosary I bind all my children to the Immaculate Heart of Mary’, and I will see to their souls.” This has been a great consolation for me. I often give masses for my children around their birthdays and throughout the year as well. God is good! God bless you all!

  13. Thank you for this beautiful story. I’ve been praying for my son for 25 years. He was baptized Catholic, received first penance, and first holy communion, however he never believed, even as a small child. I found out that he had even joined an atheist group in college and dabbled with some satanic worship. As of late he has turned to Buddhist philosophy and spirituality. Over the past two years, he has been writing books for an occult publisher. My heart breaks for him, but I have not given up praying for his conversion. I have always felt pretty confident that he would eventually be converted. This story gives me even more hope. Again, thank you for sharing. God Bless.

  14. So Beautiful and full of Hope. Just what we needed in this period of time. Thank You. Some days are hard it is hard to find people who believe and I was filled with hope. We will Pray pray pray and fight the good fight.

  15. Dear faithful in Our Mother Queen of Peace – our son has become indifferent and it has damaged everything around him: his family, but I WILL keep praying and asking Mary to intercede for the beautiful son God gave us. Yes, we do need to pray with our hearts together and know that Mary is praying for all of HER children.

  16. Praise God and thank him for this miracle and all miracles… Sacred heart of Jesus I place my trust in you..thank you God for today..

  17. My husband was not a practicing catholic for many years. When he was terminally ill, I asked two or three times if he would like to see a priest. He said no because he just didn’t believe like I did. So I left.this situation to our Blessed Mother telling her to take care of it because I didn’t know what else to do. The day before he died he agreed to have a priest come who gave him the last rites. After his passing I offered Gregorian masses for him and without asking for specific dates, they began on the feast day of the birth of Our Lady and ended on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. To me this was confirmation that Our Lady answered my request. Thank you, my dear mother.

  18. angus a. stevens

    BEAUTIFUL to say the least. A person needs a lot of hope these days. Despite everything that is going on in our church, I do not give up. Why? Jesus said, “The gates of hell will not prevail against my church”. Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament. Those are the reasons I do not quit! Carry on. Yours in JMJ

  19. Mercedes Hawkins

    I loved your article, I too have a situation similar. I still had not given up on my husband but I was trying to find a way to leave him. My grandson and I have been praying for him and my grandson’s mother who are refusing our lord. Thank you for this story, we will continue with our prayers. We must all pray for each other our families and the world. We must help Our Lady have a tremendous Triumph.

  20. Debra Goodlander

    Beautiful! What a hopeful message this is for all people who have loved ones who seem lost. Keep praying, and never ever give up!

  21. Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing. This serves as a reminder to me to keep the prayers and acts of sacrifices coming. One truly never knows where that work may lead and who will be saved from eternal damnation. May the Holy Spirit continue to provide you inspiration

  22. Roberta daigle

    This story has opened my eyes to the abortion issue as well as prayer for families. Kind memories of my childhood came rushing back as I remember our daily rosary. We had the only water pump on our street and it was in our porch. After supper was rosary time and the neighbours would also arrive to collect there daily water. The gathering was large for our house. People kneeling together to pray. I can still feel the warmth as the prayers flowed. Time passed and I grew up and left home never to pray daily. Lord please help me to return to my prayers.

  23. Barbara Downer

    We, my husband are praying daily as we have a similar situation with two of our sons and their family we know our first son is praying but he is not going to Sunday Mass and his two children are not baptised his partner is a astrologist , I am not sure what her pray life is like but I do know that she attends a religious group.. All are in the UK. We, are praying for change in the family. We have much love for Our Lady and Jesus, we live in Hope that Our Lady will reach their hearts

  24. Mary Kay Price

    This story is just what I needed. I was loosing hope in praying for the conversion of our children. Yesterday, I just completed a 54 day Novena for the conversion of our children and I have not seen a change. They’re hearts are hardened. This has encouraged me to not give up. Now I pray for the grace to not be discouraged. I will hope and trust in the Lord.

  25. Laurie Ulbrich

    I have a similar situation in my family which I gave to Our Lady when I went to Medjugorje in 2012. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I will continue to wait and pray in hopeful love.

  26. Florentino jr. Pangan

    Thank you for a very inspiring and moving story of conversion and a story of why we have to take care of our souls to be prepared always and anytime for eternal life. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ , you are my personal saviour. Thank you our Lady of Medjugorje for coming to the world to take care of us all. Please pray for us dear Friends of Medjugorje as we pray gor you.

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