
Medjugorje, Mirjana, A Mystery Revealed

Our Lady has said if we want to understand the reason for Her coming as well as to know how God deals with His people, we should read Sacred Scripture everyday. She also has said to read the lives of the saints. What we learn by being obedient to Our Lady’s advice is that God never abandons His people but always gives grace to help us return to the way of salvation. Within these pages you will discover the continuation of God’s mercy for His people… but now it is “we” who are being written into that history. It is “our” lives that God’s tender heart is directed towards. And it is Our Lady whom He has sent to be the Herald of His mercy to “our” world, not just for the present children, but for children in all future generations as well. Within the event of Medjugorje there are still many mysteries left to be revealed. One of these mysteries deals directly with “new” prayers which Our Lady has taught to Mirjana and Vicka for the conversion of many souls. How privileged we are to be the “witnesses” of these extraordinary events in these extraordinary times.

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