There couldn’t have been a more perfect night for Our Lady’s apparition on the mountain to Ivan. At around 9:00 p.m. a full moon rose just behind Apparition Mountain, and slowly ascended into the sky as pilgrims began making their way towards the mountain, some already on it to be present with Our Lady in Her apparition. What a beautiful grace for the tens of thousands in Medjugorje to be able to live the 29th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions on the very mountain where She first appeared, and continues to appear. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 11:00 p.m. Ivan relayed that in all his 29 years of apparitions, he has never seen Our Lady look so happy. Of course, Our Lady gave visionary Marija the monthly message today, as well, which focused on joy. The translation of the message given to Ivan will be available on tomorrow.
Marija and Ivan came to the Adoration Chapel by St. James Church for their 6:40 p.m. apparition. On the grounds of the church thousands were gathered to attend the evening Rosary and Croatian Mass, very, very few knew of the apparition of Our Lady taking place in the midst of everyone gathered at the church. The few who knew that, knelt down facing the wall of the chapel knowing that Our Lady was just beyond the wall. At the moment of the apparition, many laid their heads and open hands on the outside wall of the chapel to try and pierce through the wall to Our Lady. Seeing the intense emotion and tears on their faces, it could be seen that Our Lady can easily penetrate hearts even through concrete walls.
Today was visionary Ivanka’s annual apparition as well. Tomorrow information will be shared as to what happened in her apparition today.
The moon has no light of its own, but only reflects the light of the sun. It is the same with Our Lady. She reflects the light of Jesus to the world that has grown dark and cold. Here a full moon lights up the sky over the village of Medjugorje during Ivan’s apparition on the feast of Our Lady Queen of Peace, the 29th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions.
12 thoughts on “Medjugorje Joyfully Celebrates 29 Years of Apparitions”
Thank you, thank you and thank you for making it possible for us to be in the great presence of the Queen of Heaven and Earth, Our Mama Mary. I pray that we will not take this for granted, with our limited mind, that the Mother of God is giving Her Best to us, that every second that She is here on earth is used fully for our salvation. We are so grateful that you allowed us to serve . We got more than we gave. Our 6 days will be historical for us, that will be told to our children’s children, a spiritual legacy. As Mama Mary said, only in Heaven will we fully understand Her coming and our role in God’s plan. The climb to the penitentiary mountain was a great experience, for us, too. You don’t know what you are capable of, what are you made of, until you up your commitment. The weather condition was another opportunity for us topay now rather than later’ and with interest. We send our love and prayers to all of you. We were so happy during our stay there, experiencing Heaven on earth