Our Lady’s Monthly Message
Tonight’s evening apparition to Marija was held in the small Adoration Chapel near the Church of St. James. It was here that Our Lady gave the monthly message to the world, on this special 26th anniversary of Her apparitions, June 25, 2007. After leaving the Adoration Chapel, Marija spoke to the founder of Caritas and said that Our Lady had given a very beautiful message this evening. Croatian Mass followed the Rosary and apparition, and then for the second evening in a row, five of the six visionaries gathered in the area of the altar to end the novena of prayers to Our Lady for the anniversary, as well as pray the 7,7,7 prayers. It was a very moving scene to see the original visionaries together again after all these years. Mirjana, Ivanka, Ivan, Marija and Jakov took turns praying the prayers. Vicka, who is still recovering from a back injury, was not able to be present. Tens of thousands of pilgrims, after Mass was finished, streamed through the fields and vineyards to attend Ivan’s prayer group where Our Lady appeared at 10:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s June 25, 2007 Monthly Message to the World given through Marija:
“Dear children! Also today, with great joy in my heart, I call you to conversion. Little children, do not forget that you are all important in this great plan, which God leads through Medjugorje. God desires to convert the entire world and to call it to salvation and to the way towards Himself, who is the beginning and the end of every being. In a special way, little children, from the depth of my heart, I call you all to open yourselves to this great grace that God gives you through my presence here. I desire to thank you for the sacrifices and prayers. I am with you and I bless you all. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
Ivanka’s Annual Apparition
The visionary Ivanka Elez received Our Lady in her home, for her annual apparition today, June 25th 2007. Ivanka’s last daily apparition was on May 7, 1985 and on that day, after Our Lady confided to her the 10th secret, She promised to appear to Ivanka every year on the anniversary of the apparitions, until her death.
Today’s apparition to Ivanka lasted 17 minutes. Ivanka’s husband and their three children were present for the apparition. Following is the description of the apparition from Ivanka:
“Our Lady remained with me for 17 minutes. She was joyful and spoke to me about Her life. Our Lady said:
‘Dear children, receive my motherly blessing.’ ”
Ivan’s Prayer Group Apparition
Ivan’s prayer group apparition took place on Apparition Mountain at 10:00 PM. Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Tonight, when Our Lady came She was very, very happy. She came with three angels and greeted us by saying,
“Praised be Jesus, my dear little children.”
Our Lady then prayed a long time with Her hands extended over all of us and blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing, and gave a blessing for all religious articles, Rosaries, everything that you brought for blessing. I then recommended all your intentions, petitions, all your families, and especially for all those who are sick. Then Our Lady continued to pray a long time with Her hands extended over all of us. I then prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. And after finishing this prayer, Our Lady spoke to me, just for me, privately. And after She finished this conversation, Our Lady left saying
“Go in peace, my little children.”
This is tonight, important for meeting. You know Our Lady give message for all in the world through Marija. You need to live this message, this last message, Our Lady gave today.
Poruka, 25. lipnja 2007.
“Draga djeco! I danas vas s velikom radošću u svom srcu pozivam na obraćenje. Dječice, ne zaboravite da ste svi važni u ovom velikom planu koji Bog vodi kroz Međugorje. Bog želi obratiti čitavi svijet i pozvati ga na spasenje i put prema Njemu koji je početak i konac svakog bića. Na poseban način dječice sve vas pozivam iz dubine svog srca otvorite se ovoj velikoj milosti koju vam Bog daje preko moje prisutnosti ovdje. Želim svakom od vas zahvaliti na žrtvama i molitvama. S vama sam i sve vas blagoslivljem. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.”
Messaggio del 25 giugno 2007
“Cari figli, anche oggi con grande gioia nel mio cuore vi invito alla conversione. Figlioli, non dimenticate che siete tutti importanti in questo grande piano che Dio porta avanti attraverso Medjugorje. Dio desidera convertire il mondo intero e chiamarlo alla salvezza e al cammino verso di Lui che è il principio e la fine di ogni essere. In modo speciale, figlioli, vi invito tutti dal profondo del mio cuore: apritevi a questa grande grazia che Dio vi dà attraverso la mia presenza qui. Desidero ringraziare ciascuno di voi per i sacrifici e le preghiere. Sono con voi e vi benedico tutti. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”
Message du 25 juin 2007
« Chers enfants, aujourd’hui encore, avec une grande joie dans le coeur, je vous appelle à la conversion. Petits enfants, n’oubliez pas que vous êtes tous importants dans ce grand projet que Dieu conduit à travers Medjugorje. Dieu désire convertir le monde entier et l’invite au salut et au chemin vers Lui qui est le commencement et la fin de chaque être. D’une manière spéciale, petits enfants, je vous invite du fond de mon coeur: ouvrez-vous à cette grande grâce que Dieu vous donne à travers ma présence ici. Je désire remercier chacun de vous pour les sacrifices et les prières. Je suis avec vous et je vous bénis tous. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel. »
Botschaft vom 25. Juni 2007
„Liebe Kinder! Auch heute rufe ich euch mit großer Freude in meinem Herzen zur Bekehrung auf. Meine lieben Kinder, vergesst nicht, dass ihr alle wichtig seid in diesem großen Plan, den Gott durch Medjugorje führt. Gott möchte die ganze Welt bekehren und zur Erlösung aufrufen und zum Weg zu Ihm, dem Anfang und Ende jedes Geschöpfes. Auf besondere Weise, meine lieben Kinder, rufe ich euch alle aus der Tiefe meines Herzens auf, euch dieser großen Gnade zu öffnen, die Gott euch durch meine Anwesenheit hier gibt. Ich möchte jedem von euch für die Opfer und Gebete danken. Ich bin bei euch und segne euch alle. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid!“
Mensaje del 25 de junio de 2007
“¡Queridos hijos! También hoy, con gran gozo en mi corazón, los invito a la conversión. Hijitos, no olviden que todos ustedes son importantes en este gran plan que Dios guía a través de Medjugorje. Dios desea convertir el mundo entero y llamarlo a la salvación y al camino hacia El, que es el principio y el fin de todo ser. De manera especial, hijitos, los invito a todos desde la profundidad de mi Corazón: ábranse a esa gran gracia que Dios les da a través de mi presencia aquí. Deseo agradecer a cada uno de ustedes por sus sacrificios y oraciones. Estoy con ustedes y los bendigo a todos. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!”
Orędzie 25. czerwca 2007r.
„Drogie dzieci! Również dzisiaj, z wielką radością w sercu, wzywam was do nawrócenia. Dziatki, nie zapominajcie, że wszyscy jesteście ważni w tym wielkim planie, który Bóg prowadzi poprzez Medziugorje. Bóg pragnie nawrócić cały świat i wezwać go do zbawienia i na drogę prowadzącą do Niego, który jest początkiem i końcem wszelkiego bytu. Dziatki, z głębi serca, w szczególny sposób wzywam was wszystkich, otwórzcie się na wielką łaskę, którą Bóg wam daje przez moją tu obecność. Każdemu z was pragnę podziękować za ofiary i modlitwy. Jestem z wami i wszystkich was błogosławię. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”