
May 18: Ivan in Medjugorje – Our Lady Gives Message Tonight

May 18: Ivan in Medjugorje – Our Lady Gives Message Tonight

May 18, 2012 A.D.

Thousands of pilgrims gathered underneath a clear, beautiful, star filled sky tonight at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje for the visionary Ivan’s prayer group apparition. Substantial rains the day before left the air clean, fresh, and cool, and a gentle breeze floated over the pilgrims as they prayed and sang while preparing to be in the presence of the Mother of God. At around 9:30 p.m. Ivan began a Rosary that was continued by other prayer group members, ending with the 7,7,7 prayers immediately preceding the apparition. Our Lady came shortly before 10:00 p.m., and the apparition lasted approximately 7 ½ minutes. There was a clean, pure silence throughout the entire apparition, broken only by a few soft sobs coming from those whose hearts were being laid open by Our Lady’s presence.

After the apparition of Our Lady at the Blue Cross in Medjugorje, on May 18, 2012 at about 10:00 p.m., Ivan said:

“The most important from tonight’s meeting together with Our Lady I will try to describe in these words:

Our Lady came to us joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her motherly blessing: ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’

Then Our Lady, with Her arms extended, prayed for a while over all of you here. She prayed for a while over you who are sick present here and then She blessed us with Her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought for a blessing. Then Our Lady, especially prayed for a while for priests, bishops and the Holy Father. She also called us:

‘Dear children, also today I desire to call you to pray together with me for my shepherds, that they may lead their flock tirelessly in faith. The Mother prays together with you. Pray, dear children, with the Mother. Thank you, dear children, also today for having responded to my call.’

After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, all you intentions, your families and in a special way, all the sick. Then a conversation followed between me and Our Lady. After that conversation Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross, with a greeting, ‘Go in peace, my dear children.’

Once again, I would like to emphasize that Our Lady today for a longer time especially prayed for priests, bishops and the Holy Father and She also invited us to pray for this intention.”


Our Lady's Apparition at Ivan's Prayer Group May 18, 2012

Medjugorje visionary Ivan has returned to Medjugorje and had an apparition of Our Lady tonight, May 18, 2012, at the Blue Cross. He can be seen here at the foot of the Blue Cross, gathered with his prayer group. Ivan is seated in between the white pole and the Blue Cross. Today is the anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s birthday. Our Lady once said to the Medjugorje visionaries that John Paul II was Her Pope. So many of the bishops that Our Lady has asked us to pray for were placed in their position by John Paul, and so many of the priests became priests through Pope John Paul’s witness. John Paul II was a believer in Medjugorje and worked “tirelessly” in doing everything he could to see Our Lady’s plans fulfilled in the world. Medjugorje visionary Ivan was the only visionary who had an apparition of Pope John Paul II on the day that he left the earth, April 2, 2005. The Holy Father appeared with Our Lady that evening at his normal apparition time. He was smiling, young, and very happy, all in white with a long gold cape. Our Lady turned, smiling, to look at the Pope and he was looking at Our Lady, smiling. Our Lady then said to Ivan:

“This is my son; he is with me.”

As we pray for our shepherds in fulfilling Our Lady’s call to us tonight, let us remember a prayer of thanksgiving for the life of Pope John Paul II who did much to bring renewal to the priesthood, through leading the Church back to the Heart of Our Lady.

It’s always a joy to learn of Ivan’s return to Medjugorje and be able to hear the words of Our Lady that She speaks from Apparition Mountain through the prayer group meetings. So many of you from around the world have shared with us the happiness it brings to you to be able to be on your knees before and at the time Our Lady appears though you may be a half a world away. We know you wait for Her message, and feel deep gratitude that you can respond immediately to Her requests. Our Lady seems to give a grace to those who have their hearts turned towards Medjugorje on the evenings of Her mountain apparitions to Ivan because we hear from people all across the world that just through reading the descriptions and pondering the pictures they feel they were somehow there on the mountain with Her. For those who have been to Medjugorje, it brings back sweet memories of being with Our Lady on Her mountain. For those who have never been, it is a joy to feel a part of the immense event that Medjugorje encompasses, and that through their prayers joined to those gathered with Ivan, they are making a contribution in seeing Our Lady’s intentions fulfilled.

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63 thoughts on “May 18: Ivan in Medjugorje – Our Lady Gives Message Tonight”

  1. Pauline Michaud

    Thank you for providing this blessing for us who have not yet had the opportunity to visit the holy site of Medjugorje. Please keep these wonderful messages coming.

  2. Veranne Do Nascimento

    It’s beautiful and good information. It makes us feel joyful. Thanks for sharing with everybody!

  3. I was very privileged and honored to been given the opportunity to see Pope John Paul II when he visited Miami, Florida in 1987. I was within 100 feet of him and I was just so amazed by his presence of holiness. I knew then, as many others did, that he was a saint and a very special child or God. We are all blessed that he was with us in our lifetime. Thank you Jesus and Mary.

  4. Peter Gascoigne

    For a long time I too have felt that Pope John Paul 11 was special and to read about Ivan’s apparition Of Our Lady smiling to this Pope & John Paul smiling back fills me with immense gratitude of just how great he was. It’s hard to describe but you feel as though you’re intimately part of a unique family. Thank you Jesus.

  5. Margaret Moore

    I have been to Fatima and Lourdes and loved that exprence and would love to go to Medjugorje to be there too. I have seen Ivan in Az. about 3 yrs ago and the Blessed Mother visited us there. Was wonderful. Thanks for keeping me updated on whats going on. The priests, bishops and the Holy Father are in my prayers.

  6. Ann Mulkerrin

    Just beautiful! It moved me deeply. Our beloved priests so dear to our mother are in my heart as well. I am so grateful for all the priests who have touched my life and ask God’s blessings on their souls, lives and ministry.

  7. I recently signed up for the site, and when I finally got an email saying IVAN would be in prayer at 10 pm. I was thrilled, I dropped everything I had going on, went into my room with my Rosary and prayed… it was 4 pm my time. But I knew she was present to IVAN, on this Earth. I really love this site, I read things from it everyday. Thanks for showing us the prayers from Mary. God bless everyone. <3

  8. Thank you for posting this encounter between Our Lady and Ivan. It is always a source of encouragment, a bit like a ‘hug’ from our Heavenly Mother.

  9. Thanks Ivan for the messages and all those in Medjugorje. I have been reading a lot on Our Lady’s messages and have sent them out to friends. I am very happy and Our Lady’s words has been helping me in my interior life. I pray that soon I would have the opportunity of coming to Medjugorje to be with Our Lady. Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother!

  10. Thank you for the message from our Mother. I so look forward to reading these messages and yes, looking at the cross on Blue Mountain I always vision myself gazing into the sky with the hopes of seeing her. I think now more than ever our Priests ,Bishops and Archbishops need prays. Lets join forces and pray for them.

  11. Dolores Finlan

    I am so inspired when I see the postings of Our Lady’s messages. Thank you and please do not stop spreading her messages. God bless!!

  12. Thank you for letting us hear about these messages. We were in Medjugorje in November and I wish we can go back to that blessed place where we could feel Her presence. We all should pray more for our clergy and specially for the Pope.

  13. Denise M.Sibilly

    An infomative news from Medjugorje Ivan prayer group Blessed Mother for visiting us through Ivan. to God be the glory and Thank You Blessed Mother.

  14. Yes this is amazing and miraculous. Thank you for the message from Our Lady Ivan and all those who sent out the words. I am so grateful. Praying for you all from Ontario tonight.

  15. lourdes.belarmino

    I was so amazed to know the Pope John Paul was shown to Ivan. I love him so dearly. Everybody does. Our Lady has a very deep relationship with him. How I wish I could see both of them. I will do my best to get to Alabama this coming July.

  16. Thank you mother for imprinting yourself in my petal. Thank you too for giving me the opportunity to see your messages through our faithful Caritas.I will pray more for our Pope, bishops and clergies.

  17. Thank you mother for everything. You know what is in my heart. Thank you Caritas for sharing with us the messages.

  18. Ivan is so amazing, Our Lady knew who to pick.. I had the awesome opportunity to be a part of Ivan’s apparition a long time ago. I stayed in a cloud for days. It’s still so vivid as if it were yesterday. I saw the love between Our Lady’s eyes and Ivan. It was so awesome. If only the world could feel that love. I can’t express that love but to a few, they can’t comprehend it. I can’t love Our Lady enough…

  19. Let us obey Our Lady and pray for the Shepherds of the Church, for their final perseverance and our own as well.

  20. Thank you for Our Mother Mary’s message. Yes, we need to pray for our shepherds especially the bishops and priests in the USA. In these times of religious trials here. Pray for us all . When I read the messages I feel that I am there at the Blue Cross.

  21. Deacon Michael Salazar

    Every time that I read the messages it feels like Our Blessed Mother is speaking to me personally. I really do miss being in Medjugorje. I felt such a peace when I was there. God bless the people of Caritas for getting out these messages and God all Gods people.

  22. Linda Lind Bowman

    I look forward to the messages and sharing them. I believe and I trust. Thank you, Peace of Christ, Linda Bowman

  23. Evelyn Welter

    I did miss the apparition. I was too busy washing windows. I regret this very much because I did not take the time to read the message on my computer. This was also the 24th birthday of my oldest granddaughter, who I think is very special to God. She spends each Sunday volunteering at Our Lady Queen of the Universe Basilica in the morning and leads a choir at 5:00 P.M. at Corpus Christi church in Celebrations, Florida. She has been offered a full time job with Disney World and her prayer is that she not have to work on Sundays because she would have to give up these two ministries. I could have asked Our Lady to grant this request. I have been to Medjugorje and I know Our Lady is there. With deepest regrets I thank you for giving us this opportunity and I will be more diligent in reading my email from now on.

  24. carel van der Heyden

    Having visited Medjugorje my memories are constantly in my head and the good Virgin Mary has been my help during my life. I follow also Caritas and know that She will be appearing in July in Alabama. I follow everything which comes from Medjugorje. God bless Carel

  25. Dear caritas, it’s a joyful news from Our Lady in Medjgorje and i feel blessed eventhough i’m far away in Malaysia but some day I will be there to meet you Mother Mary… Kota-kinabalu. sabah Malaysia

  26. Lama Bannoura Daoud

    I am so thankful that I can read our Lady’s messages. I wish that I can be there at least once. She is my heavenly mother who takes care of our tiniest needs. I want her to know that I love her so much and that I want her to help me in praying to save my family’s souls. Thank you Morher for saying “YES” to God’s message in the Annunciation. Jesus, my Lord, saved us through you.

  27. Thank you so very much Caritas for your emails sent to advice us of the apparitions and prayers dates and time. I am also greatful for the information you placed about the Pope John Paul II’s apparition to Ivan. I was not aware of this and I was so happy to have learned that his passing on to a better life was accompanied by our Heavenly Mother. Thank you and may you always continue to bring refreshing news to our hearst, souls, and mind. God Blesss you forever!!

  28. I have been in Medjugorje 24 years ago and since then, my life has changed ! My Love for Our Lady had gained a new strenght and I always feel her presence in my heart, my thoughts and my acts. I’d like to thank you all for giving us the chance to continue hearing her messages ! She is the only one who can guide us throught this difficult world, wwho can lead us to Jesus’s heart !!!

  29. Alice Alexander

    Dear Caritas, Something stirred in my heart reading Ivans message. Also, I had never heard that Pope John Paul II had appeared with the Blessed Mother Mary. What a wonderful thing. I want to go back to Medjugorje soon while I can stile walk. I went with you folks in 2008. I believe and will go with you again. I love you

  30. Wilma Milagros Kafka

    Thank you my LADY, MOTHER of all of us and especially of OUR REEDEMER.YOU NEVER FAIL US.Ivan’s message last night from you has ended four years of pain for me. What a blessing!!!!Today I am back asking for the same problem one of my children has. I dare do this so quick for our Lord says do not be afraid to ask, I am wth ypu always. Thank you. With all my love for Jesus and Mary

  31. Angelica Mete

    I feel so blessed to be able to see our Lady,s message when she visits and it brings me closer to her .Thank you

  32. Thank you for bringing this to us. I truly miss Pope John Paul II; but do know that he is in heaven with our sweet Mary and her son Jesus Christ.

  33. Jennifer W. Robbins

    Thank you for your message to be in prayer at the time of the apparition of Our Lady to Ivan. I was awake at 2.00 a.m. on the 19th according to the table so kindly provided by you. I prayed the Rosary – for our Lady’s intentions. Now after reading Ivan’s message – I will pray even more earnestly for our shepherds and our Sisters and Holy Father. Thank you for bringing me so close to darling Mother Mary.

  34. Thank you dear Mother,for loving me and taking care of me,and bringing me close to your Son my sweet Jesus.Thank you my Mother,for making me the person I am today.Thank you for allowing me to answer to the Almighty’s will.Thank you for peace in my heart.Thank you for making me pass.Bless me Mother so that I may come to Medjugore,and be close to you.I love you my sweet sweet mother.thank you.

  35. Patricia Lewis

    I wait eagerly every month to read the messages given to the two Visionaries……brings me so much of joy and peace even though I am half a world away.God bless you all. Please pray for me as I pray for you and the good work of the Caritas Group.

  36. It is always a blessings to get to read the messages of our Loving caring Mother Mary, every time i read her messages it reflects on our lives. It makes me feel blessed and renewed. Thank you most blessed Mother for being there for us. I am looking forward for my time to come and be with you during the apparitions.Glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

  37. Thank you for sending us updates about the latest aparition of our Virgen. It is such an immense joy to have been in Lebanon with Marija during one of the aparitions. In my personal opinion, this was the best trip of my life, considering that the things regarding God are first than any other material thing. I feel renewed, joyful, hopeful about what is our mission on this earth: to pray fervently for the conversion of sinners and to let people know about the beauty of our faith. Thank you.

  38. Thank you so much for passing the messages of Virgin Mother Mary, Ivan and Pope John Paul II, which I enjoy. and which I share with my friends in Prayers Group. We are indeed blessed for same. Thanks also for all members of the Medjugorge Team for their faithful work. May God Bless you all.

  39. I always feel so warm and comforted when I read about Our Lady. I have been to Medjugorje three times many years ago. I was born on June 24th, the Feast of John the Baptist, and I was fortunate to be on the mountain at the anniversary one year. I am sorry to say I have fallen and need to find the way to rise to grace. Our Lady is the way. Thank you for sharing the news. God bless!

  40. I wanted to be a part but could not make it happen tonight. One day I want to come with my family. God’s will be done. Thank u for the info & message.


    Praise be to the HOLY TRINITY! Thank you Blessed Mother for your message.I pray the Holy Rosary daily and love the Blessed Mother!!May all the faithful trust in the DIVINE MERCY and be devoted to the Mother of GOD…

  42. Hi,you guys are doing a great job.You are really blessed doing our lady’s work.My friend and I were there afewyears ago and his leg was cured.I love her message and I use it for our novea every saturday.Thank you,Mother Mary for your wonderful intercession.

  43. It is always good to hear from Our Lady in Medjugorje and feel Her presence with me when I read Her messages. I have been to Medjugorje eleven times and have taken people there several times. I feel blessed that I am one of the many people that She has chosen to take people there. I could never have done it with out Her help. I am Blessed

  44. I felt like was there again as I read the message. I have stood below the Blue Cross before to hear a message and I have tears in my eyes thinking of the beauty of what is happening in Medjugorje with Our Beautiful Mother who loves us so – She just wants us to love her Son as much as She loves us. God bless you for bringing this to me.

  45. Dear Caritas, It was a joy to get an email reminder to be in prayer for Ivan’s prayer group. In this busier than ever rat race all of outside of Caritas live in..its so refreshing to get you calls to prayer. I immediately heed Our Lady’s request for pray, at least I try to on the same day and I lovingly join my prayers to the ones being prayers being sent up by all yall at Caritas. Thanks seems like such a smile word to be send you in exchange for keeping up all connected to whats going on in Heaven and on earth…something must be up..Our Lady has repeatedly asked us to prayer for our Shepherds…i will offer masses and adorations for them until her June 25th 2012 anniversary message. And as always you are all in my prayers and on my heart. Cant wait to join you for the July retreat. Hug, Renee

  46. The apparitions are always so moving. Since my a father was in the uprising of Warsaw & knew Our beloved Pope John Paul. My Father & Mother loved Our Beloved Blessed Lady & our Faith. This is also the anniversary of 7 family members passing away. I pray Our Blessed Virgin Mary & Pope John Paul will bless our family into Heaven That Mary will help me here to help others know her Son Jesus & Gods divine plan to help us remember to have hope & Our Father God loves us in our humanness

  47. Imelda Camarena

    I want to thanks God and Our Lady, for a miracle, that i had ask for years, i had faith that some day He was going to hear me, and just hapen. and i thanks all of you from Medjugorje team, to help people like me, to make posible for us send our petitions to Our Lady, thank you very much.

  48. Mireille Sakr Nehme

    Thank you sooooooooo much for spreading the news and pics of Our Lady`s apparitions….I wait eagerly for these precious news and I transfer them to my friends all around the world….May God bless you and bless our church always…..

  49. Gracias, por este articulo..Como hubiera querido estar presente…Pero por lo menos espiritualmente.Que bonito mensaje., de nuestra Virgencita…Gracias..

  50. I remember being in Alabama the first time of an apparition, and how I was called back from a sinful life. Praise Our Heavenly Father who cares so much for His children here on earth. Thank You, Father for Our Blessed Lady and her visits here to bring her nation back to You forever. Than You Holy Spirit, for praying for all of us, and for You, Blessed Jesus, who gave us Your Life.

  51. Mrs. Eve B. Mahony

    I was so happy to read of Ivan and Our Lady. When I read of Pope John Paul II being with Our Lady, tears flowed with happiness. I wasn’t really surprised, but overjoyed. What a blessing it is to receive these e-mails. My heart is filled with joy whenever I read of Mary’s great love for all. Many thanks from a forgiven sinner. Praise the Most Holy Trinity and Our Mother, Mary.

  52. Bernadette Piotrowski

    …what a privilege, to be able to witness our Lady’s presence together with our Pope John Paul II – on his birthday May 18. He is in heaven, how beautiful and wonderful, but not surprising. He truly is a saint. After reading of this apparition, it has put my heart in such peace and made my eyes fill up with happy tears. I wish I can be in Medjugorje. God Bless you and thank you. Bernadette

  53. Wilma Milagros Kafka

    I think of you dear Mother all day. Looking at the sky, the trees , the flowers, in every place. I look forward to the evenings when I feel the closest to you. I know you are here with me loving me and protecting me right now. Thank you Dear Mother and thank you Ivan. May your blessings be with our priests,nuns Holy Father And I humbly ask tonight for my health especially the horribte arthritic pain I suffer in them and thru my body.May your will come upon me. In 1990 you Mother Mary you bless me by showing me the way to Jesus. Thank you, I have been very blessed

  54. I always look forward with excitement and enthusiasm to reading Our Lady’s messages thru whoever seer it is being given. It gives me inspiration and strength especially in my daily prayers. I come from a far flung city that can not be located on the globe, but your messages always reach me in good order and condition. Thank you so much. May God Bless us all always. tootsie

  55. Always so happy to hear Our Lady’s messages. We were in Alabama when she appeared to Marija and was in the Bedroom for prayer. So happy Our Lady is visiting us. Pray for my grandson who is 13 an always asks about things of faith. Could be an upcoming priest. His name is Dean. Thank you so much.

  56. George Nganga

    What can I say for love beyond words. Let Glory be to God our Father Son and the Holy Spirit for the gift of our mother Mary. It is through whom the incarnated Jesus through God our Father in union with the Holy Spirit our lifes have been founded a new so that we have now been born again in union with the Holy Spirit. How I long one day I will live with my mother Mary.

  57. Thank you and God bless you for providing timely information about our Mama Mary’s presence. Heaven on earth feeling. Real blessings for us especially who are far away and unable to visit that place. Happy to read about Pope John Paul II.Please convey our (devotees) love to Mother Mary and please ask Mother to pray for us.God bless you All lucky people who are in Medjugorje who can see Mother Mary

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