August 5, 2013 A.D.
Our Lady’s Birthday
The year 2013 marks the 2,029th birthday of the Virgin Mary, as Our Lady revealed to us when She told the Medjugorje visionaries in 1984 that August 5, 1984 would be Her 2,000th birthday. For three days before the celebration of the second millennium of Mary’s birthday, there was fasting and continuous prayer. Confessions were heard by seventy priests without respite; great numbers of people were converted. Our Lady said on this day:
“Never in my life have I cried with sorrow, as I have cried this evening with joy. Thank you!”
It is a great grace and a mystery that Our Lady’s true birthday has been revealed to us in this time of grace through the apparitions of Medjugorje. This August 5th, what are you doing for Our Lady’s birthday?
The first public celebration in the world of Mary’s birthday, August 5, and of Her vigil, “Mary’s Eve” on August 4, took place in 2005. On the evening of Mary’s Eve, August 4, 2005, 2,021 candles were lit which illuminated this painting that depicts the birth of Our Lady. Our Lady did a real miracle on that day that is recorded in an audio documentary entitled, “Remember When It Rained.” Everyone who was present for this apparition in the Field of Apparitions knew they were part of something much bigger than what they could conceive at that moment. A miraculous event took place in Our Lady’s apparition in the Field. You will want to gather your family tonight after downloading a copy of it and listen to “Remember When It Rained”.
In anticipation of Our Lady’s August 5 birthday, the Caritas Community gathered in the Field to pray together the evening of August 4, 2013. Our Lady’s statue was lit up by dozens of candles and the night promised to be pleasant with a clear sky. Before we began the Marian Mysteries of the Rosary for Mary’s Eve in the Field, the children at the base of Our Lady’s statue recreate the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain. Always imitating adults, they form a little dirt mound, make a cross and the 14 Stations of the Cross going up to it. Having played and worked beside us with the building of the Cross, the children’s memories of this history for America’s Cross is imitated in their own little way. Unfortunately, children today are imitating a wayward environment surrounding them with the influence of excessive and often profane entertainment, cell phones as their god, in which they live for the day and its whims. Life has no purpose except self. Our Lady’s way keeps our children in the community in the dirt, for which we are grateful.
August 4, 2013
Never too far away, the Cross looms above Our Lady. The First Marian Mystery from the Marian Mystery Rosary:
The First Marian Mystery:
The Creation of Mary
God, all-powerful and all knowing, knew He would be betrayed. He knew when He formed man, that this perfect creature made in His image, would destroy in him all that is good and holy. He knew the gifts He would give man would be used for evil rather than to elevate the creatures He so loved. Even in the beginning, He foresaw the wars, the infidelities, the murders, the impurities, the greed and the jealousies that would consume man. And at the moment He breathed life into Adam, He knew there would be Calvary; there would be the Cross; there would be His Blood poured out for man’s ransom and his salvation.
Yes, God foresaw all this. And yet He smiled. For in the midst of all this destruction, there would be one perfect Flower, a Creature of His own, a soul so pure, so beautiful and lovely, so filled with the best of Who God is, the creation of this one Creature, would be God’s consolation. A soul who would love Him with perfect devotion, even accompanying Him all the way to death’s door without counting the cost of Her own sacrifice.
The creation of Mary. A mystery so deep and so wide that if we had a thousand years to contemplate it, we still could not comprehend the love that formed the Woman Who was given to us by God as our own Mother.
After the Rosary, sky candles were lit for Our Lady’s birthday, known as sky lanterns. Heat from the lit flame fills the paper balloons that are held lightly by the hands of the Community until they weightlessly lift up and drift away. Everyone follows with their eyes the trail of light that each candle leaves as they go way up into the sky until they disappear carrying our wishes to Our Lady for Her birthday. It’s a wonderful scene and gives a beautiful “Christmasy” feeling. One day we will be in wonder that this small beginning of “Mary’s Eve” and “Mary’s Day” here at Caritas, who is keeping it alive, will be so big across the world. After the secrets are released, those who know Her will know Her in a new way, and those who don’t know Her will newly know Her and will be in awe of what God has done across the earth to save it through Her hands as the Queen of Peace.
A day that will one day be like Christmas Eve except we will be celebrating Mary’s Eve. These children spell-bound by a history they are witnessing without realizing the magnitude of what it is they are participating in. For years the Marian Mysteries of the Rosary have been prayed on Mary’s Eve and Mary’s day as an annual celebration in the life of the Caritas Community. Just as the early Christians celebrated the important events of Christ’s life and times, the Community lives and celebrates these times of the life of Mary and what She is doing, incorporating them into a way of life to fabric them into Christendom and into the universal Church from a little humble shepherd’s field; these times of the greatest apparitions the world has and will ever experience.
The bright lights of the sky candles for Our Lady stood out against the stars of the firmament. A song was played over and over while the Community lit the lanterns and watched them slowly take flight. The mountain by this time of night was fully in the shadows, but we knew at the top of that mountainside, there was the Cross.
There’s a place at the edge of the sky
Where there’s a love deep as it is wide
Weak or strong, hungry or all fed
There’s a breeze from the angels flying overhead
And there’s a path of glorious light
That guides you up the mountainside
And at the top if you could you’d cry
For you’d see pure love for the very first time
Deep as it is wide
Every breath taking me closer
Every step leading to paradise
They say the faithful get to go there
I believe there’s a love
Deep as it is wide
“The creation of Mary. A mystery so deep and so wide that if we had a thousand years to contemplate it, we still could not comprehend the love that formed the Woman Who was given to us by God as our own Mother.” (Taken from the First Marian Mystery of the Rosasy)
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4 thoughts on “Mary’s Eve With the Community of Caritas 2013”
Happy Birthday Mama.Thanks you Mama on this day I applied for my NZ Citizenship.You brought me to this country from far away lands and blessed me with Baptisim with your son Jesus , Abba Father and Holy Spirit.You also gave me the grace of fasting this week and though I did not know it was your birthday this week I offered 3 fasts for your intentions.I am truly Blessed Mama.Please pray for me and salvation for my family and I offer my prayers merits and indulgences to you most Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart OF Jesus.Happy Birthday Mo Mara
So it is correct that Jesus was born in year 1 and Mary was 16 years old! This could also help in the discussion about the real birthdate of Jesus! WOW!
Thanks and May God Bless You all dear friends! Our time in Srilanka for the apparition is 3.00 AM August 6th. Happy Birth Day mother Mary! I love You so much. Without you, we were still in darkness. You are the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven! No words to express my Love to you and to the Holy Trinity. Hail Holy queen! Please pray for the nonbelievers!
Happy Birthday Dear Mother Mary. I pray that all your Intentions will be realized, and also I pray for the conversion of sinners, and for Peace in the world. Please Mother Mary, I ask you to give all my family healing. .I thank you and your Divine Son for all the graces and blessings that we have received. I love you Dear Mother MARY . YOU ARE THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN.AND OF THE UNIVERSE.PLEASE INTERCEED FOR US ALL