For Immediate Release
June 3, 2020
4:00 AM Central Time USA
(Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama) – A Radio WAVE Special World Report will air this Friday, June 5 at 8 PM Central. The current climate of the United States invites us to ask many questions.
You do not want to miss this extraordinary broadcast. You will be convicted. You will be moved in your soul and at the end, your heart will experience amazement, goose-bumps, tears and hope. Tell everyone to tune-in, and block out an hour and a half for the broadcast.
For the second of the month writing, a Friend of Medjugorje will address questions everyone is asking and more in a Special World Report, this Friday, June 5, 2020, airing at 8:00 PM Central Time USA. Tune-in, in advance.
The Patriotic Rosary novena, which many across the nation are participating in from their own homes, is also scheduled for the following day, Saturday, June 6. Here is the Radio WAVE schedule for Friday night, June 5, through Saturday June 6:
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Beginning the very best patriotic music of God, family and country.
8:00 PM: The Special World Report broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje.
After the Broadcast: Patriotic Music through Saturday, until Midnight on Saturday, June 6.
Spread this broadcast to all your family and friends, to all your prayer group members and mail lists. Listen live online here…
Press Contact:
Medjugorje Network Information Services
Caritas of Birmingham (Alabama)
Internationally: 001-205-672-2000
[email protected]