The major writing from A Friend of Medjugorje will be published Wednesday March 5, be in prayer…
March 4, 2014 A.D.
The message of Our Lady of March 2, 2014 spoke so clearly, that A Friend of Medjugorje put off releasing the major writing that is normally published the same day.
Our Lady’s March 2, 2014 message through Mirjana has within it clear tones of the direction She wishes Her children to follow. Her words say more than what is read at first glance, or even by reading the message multiple times. Only in prayer can one unlock the mystery within. A Friend of Medjugorje has been writing for the past three days, in deep prayer, to convey an important direction, that if prepared for, you will be able to understand, and if in prayer, will be able to accept. It is a direction-changing writing for not only the Medjugorje world, but for all the world. Our Lady’s March 2, 2014 message if lived from the moment you finish reading, can begin to change the world.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas