Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s February 2, 2010 Message Given to Mirjana on the Day of Non-Believers.
Medjugorje Visionary Mirjana had her apparition in Naples, Italy. Over ten thousand people were present.
“Dear children, with Motherly love, today I call you to be a lighthouse to all souls who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God’s love. That you may shine all the brighter and draw all the more souls, do not permit the untruths which come out of your mouth to silence your conscience. Be perfect. I am leading you with my Motherly hand – a hand of love. Thank you.”
Souls in Purgatory wander in darkness and agony. They, however, do not wander in ignorance. The souls in Purgatory are in clear knowledge of God and ‘enjoy’ the consolation that they will go to Heaven. Not so for too many souls who wander in this life without the belief of Jesus Christ, who is the Light, through souls who give witness to the truth. What is most amazing in this life is the number of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s followers, after 28 years of apparitions, who are still ignorant of God’s love. God’s love is His way. The principles of Christianity are God’s way. These principles are not an undisciplined walk in which anything goes, believing Jesus accepts us as who we are, without changing. It can be argued that Scripture teaches when you find God, He accepts you the way you are. This is true, but God loves you too much to leave you the way you are.
The ones who think they do not need to undergo continuous change once the grace of conversion begins, not only wander in the darkness of ignorance, but profess untruths by their witness, both in words and deeds, mouthed by words spoken by their poor lives. Truth is lacking in the life of not only nonbelievers, professing atheism, but also in nonbelievers who profess they are Christians. We, as a culture, are in near total darkness as to what we allow in the behavior of the culture.
A lighthouse warns ships of dangerous shorelines which can destroy them if they do not heed the light. The definition of lighthouse:
Lighthouse: a tower or building erected on a rock or point of land, or on an isle in the sea, with a light or number of lamps on the top, intended to direct seamen in navigating ships at night.
>There is little light in the culture today giving warning, navigating society away from danger to safe harbors. Yes, there are some who give light, but often it is so dim that it cannot be seen through the fog of society. Those who populate society are in constant danger of crashing upon the rocks satan has placed in the culture to sink as many souls into hell as possible.
Today, it has been shown in studies that a child raised in a good family, but in a bad neighborhood, with immoral peer pressure, etc., is worse off than a child raised in a bad family but in a good neighborhood with moral peer pressure. The overemphasis of good family and acceptance of bad culture is ignorance sated with darkness. Peer pressure is so powerful that children raised in good families are infected negatively by the culture. Even if they are not made into complete nonbelievers by the culture, they are still damaged by it. A healthy, Godly culture fosters the elevation of man. A culture sated in darkness nurtures man’s fall into ignorance. For this reason, we cannot expect the good health of family without instituting and keeping culture at large in check by God’s love.
Where are the voices today mouthing truth? One voice only, in the wilderness of a wild world gone astray, can be heard and only by those whose consciences really seek Her truth. The revelation of the Woman of Revelation, Mary, Queen of Peace, who comes to pass the light to us to navigate through darkness. Nature parallels Our Lady as the moon reflects the light of the sun and lights up the earth’s night for man not to wander aimlessly as he travels across land through the dark. We cannot allow culture to grow any longer in darkness. We must witness and “mouth” truth, or we will be silenced, and our consciences will no longer be allowed to voice and object to the fallenness of the culture. The culture then will extinguish the God who Our Lady wishes to be shown through us as a Lighthouse. We are called to guide souls who wander through the perilous, rock strewn waters of the culture that is drowning man today. But many, especially Our Lady’s children, do not believe they are in untruth. How many of you are being the light, objecting to society’s direction?
>One example: environmentalism today is a religion. It is seriously infecting even the Church. Many people walk in such darkness, having wandered off into untruth in accepting that the earth is being destroyed. They are wrapped up in carbon credits and radical environmentalism, all of which is worship of the earth. Others use this untruth as a pretense to take advantage of the love and sentiments all of us have for nature, in order to extort and make money from fear of many who believe the earth is dying. Many, through the sham of climate change, professing the earth as our mother, are wandering off to worship the earth, not God, its Creator.
Recently, the United States Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs, built a pagan worship circle outdoors for followers of wicca (witches), druidism, and other earth-centered worship. The sergeant who sponsored the double circle of stones on top of a hill on the campus, said, “earth-‘centered’ spirituality encompasses many beliefs, many recognize multiple gods and goddesses and observe holidays tied to the seasons.” Another personnel of the military, a military chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel William Ziegler, said designating the space is part of the school’s efforts to foster religious ‘tolerance’ to defend freedom.
What?……And we remain silent…
The sergeant who sponsored this neo-pagan temple has wandered off in the darkness of ignorance. On the other hand, the Christian chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel William Ziegler, is stupid, an idiot, a lighthouse with a burned out bulb in his spiritual beliefs, leading souls to ignorance and perdition. Too strong of words? We know that we will receive some negative comments about what is stated by those who reject what is stated about Ziegler or who want to walk the path of tolerance. But those of you with such mentalities, have silenced your consciences and are in the company with this King of Idiots, Lt. Col. Ziegler. In the early Church, Christians were strong in God’s love. They would not tolerate Lt. Col. Ziegler’s tolerance. They would kick him out. Today we call it excommunication. St. Paul states:
Galatians 3:1-5; Cor. 5:12
O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun with the Spirit, are you now ending with the flesh? Did you experience so many things in vain?….. Cor. 5:12 ‘Drive out the wicked person from among you.” (speaking of Christians)
The love of God is to be strong enough that the Church be protected from hirelings who are supposed to shepherd the flock, who are instead shutting off the light and turning on the darkness of the untruth of tolerance, leading the lost sheep to be killed in their idolism, as wolves in sheep’s clothing.
We are guilty in the Church of being silent in our conscience. We are more concerned about being labeled unkind or intolerant than standing true before God. We are afraid to cast the light of truth on depraved souls because we allow a disguised ‘fear’ to prevail under the banner of tolerance. Abominable lifestyles are tolerated by many Christians because many may know someone like this. Fear of being viewed as insensitive seizes many Christians to silence their conscience. We cannot permit these untruths. They, by their abominable lifestyles and Christians, by their tolerance, will bring about the destruction of our society. God allowed the destruction of society in the past, and because He is unchanging, He will allow it again. We lead society to this end when we ‘permit’ untruth to come out of our mouths, accepting sin while silencing the conscience of truth. The city of Sodom was destroyed and, along with it, Lot and Abraham’s houses and possessions. Lot’s wife tolerated this lifestyle in Sodom, and she disobeyed God by looking back on the life she would miss and no longer would have. She turned into a pillar of salt. Her mentality of tolerance of abomination for the sake of keeping what she had, is the infection that is actually leading our culture to the same – a proliferation of sin and abomination. The proliferation of abominable lifestyles and other depraved sin has come through the tolerance and acceptance of them by Christians who have permitted these anti-truths through a silent conscience. The following was sent by an individual whose darkness of ignorance must be blamed on the poor witness of Christians and even those who make scandals, which helped this individual to wander off to untruth and the heresy of rationalization, even about Holy Scripture. The individual wrote, and then we responded. The individual then wrote again.
The individual wrote:
“I do not like your reference to ‘certain’ people as abominations. I do not condone discrimination of any kind.”
Our response back to this individual:
“So are you above God? It is God Himself who condemns this sin as ‘abomination’. Read Romans, Chapter 1. God condones discrimination against this sin. To not call sin by what it is, is to love the sin and hate the sinner, which is what you are doing. Romans, Chapter 1 explains AIDS as well, since ‘God turned them over to themselves for the destruction of their bodies.’ All this can be explained in Romans, Chapter 1. We hate the sin in order to save the sinner, because in the end, it is the truth that sets you free. We do not sugar-coat the sin in order to please the sinner.”
The individual’s response back:
“I am not above God and you have no right to ask that question. It was very presumptuous. Basically, how dare you. I recognize that the Bible, as it exists today is incomplete. Many books of the Bible were destroyed by Emperor Constantine and you cannot deny that priests have engaged in the very conduct that you call an abomination. In addition, the Church you serve protected those priests by maintaining a wall of silence and moving those priests to different parishes when that wall of silence could no longer be maintained. Those are facts. They cannot be disputed. Well, they can, but disputing those facts can be done only through lies.
“In addition, the Bible, as it exists today, is a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation…I’m sure you get the picture by now. There is no way to know for sure that all the people who copied the Bible by hand over the last 2,000 years made no mistakes and did it 100% accurately. You simply cannot prove that. Especially when additional books, that contain information that disputes the ‘approved’ existing books have been discovered.
“Your letter was not welcome. I did not ask for feedback. I cancelled my membership/subscription to your ridiculous, discriminatory newsletter for a reason. Again, I want to emphasize that I did not ask for feedback/response and it was not welcome. Leave me alone. Any further responses from you will be considered harassment and I will take appropriate action. This is the United States of America and discrimination and harassment are illegal. You have been warned.
“And, you could have used your name, you coward, instead of hiding behind Medjugorje.com, operated by Caritas of Birmingham. Do not contact me again. Go spread your pompous message of hate and intolerance somewhere else or you will be hearing from the American Civil Liberties Union and my lawyer. God bless you, because you are full of hate and could use all the help you can get.”
Anyone with knowledge of the Church’s teachings, Scripture, etc. can see how Our Lady’s words “of those who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God’s love,” can be applied to this poor soul who cannot see it is love for the sinner to point out the sin. Our Lady of Medjugorje said:
February 2, 2010
“…Be perfect…”
We must change to become perfect. And as for the body of the Church, it must become perfect. How do we do that? When a famous coach was asked, “How do you keep your team so motivated?” He answered, “I get rid of the unmotivated.” We are to do the same in the Church.
How do we make the Church perfect? Rid the Church of the unmotivated, according to St. Paul (drive the unrepentant out from among you). What will be left is a people who know and understand what is sin, who know they are sinners, who will confess. This people will then be perfect in their witness as a lighthouse in conveying what is sin and God’s mercy and forgiveness to those who wander in the darkness of ignorance of God’s redeeming love. That is perfection of our witness. God is always striving and moving His people toward perfection.
Yes, let’s rid the Church of those who think there is no sin, such as United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel William Zeigler’s acceptance of idols, and abide by St. Paul’s words:
1 Corinthians 5:11-13
“…(do not) associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality, or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber – not even to eat with such a one…Drive out the wicked person (unrepentant) from among you.”
How can we reach souls in such darkness unless we “become perfect.” Our Lady of Medjugorje said:
February 15, 1988
“Be the reflection of Jesus…”
We are to mirror Jesus and His perfection. Will we be able to do so? No, we are sinners, and Jesus was not. But we must strive, we must will to be perfect. Our Lady of Medjugorje said:
March 18, 2008
“…The way on which I lead you is difficult and full of temptations and falls…”
We must be merciful to the darkened ignorance of the sinner above who wrote to us, but intolerant of the sin. But, we must rid the Church of false believers. St. Paul writes:
1 Corinthians 5:9-13
“I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with immoral men; not at all meaning the immoral of this world, or the greedy and robbers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But rather I wrote to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality, or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber – not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the Church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. ‘Drive out the wicked person from among you.’
The Church is in need of a Mother’s love. In the Community, our work load is so heavy that often mothers rise throughout the night to keep caught up on washing the family’s clothes. “The” Mother has come to do what a good mother does: to wash and purify the Church.
Our Lady wants us to shine all the brighter and draw all the more souls. Better to have a smaller, leaner, holy Church than a large, fat, darkened Church. A holy Church, whose light will not be dimmed, but shine to all those who are in need of the Light.
In the Name of Our Lady and Her Love,
P.S. The book, Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping™, also makes the distinction between legitimate religions and false religions such as wicca, a distinction clearly understood by our Nation’s founders – the very men who wrote the Constitution.
“If you rely on current(modern) dictionaries to understand the meaning of religion to interpret the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, you will find the following definition:
Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the Universe.
“This definition of religion is all encompassing of any group to de-fine anything. However, if you look up the word “religion” as our Founders understood it, in Webster’s Dictionary of 1828, you will find:
Religion: includes a belief in the being and perfection of God, in the Revelation of His will to man, in man’s obligation to obey His commands, in a state of reward and punishments and in man’s accountableness to God; and also true Godliness or piety of life, with the practice of all moral duties.
“A distance in meaning between the two definitions as wide as a galaxy. The revisionist’s (changing history or word meaning) modern definition of religion, illegally and falsely changed the meaning of the religion clause in the Constitution to now include non-religious groups. The Founders of the United States of America never intended…or could never have even ‘dreamed’ that Christian worship would one day be held as equal to wicca, devil worship, idolatry, etc.”
Our Lady speaks of the only true religion, the only true source of salvation, saying on March 18, 2002:
“…Comprehend, dear children, that without my Son there is no salvation. You should become aware that He is your beginning and your end…”
Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping™ also states:
“…If decision makers in the military were educated to our nation’s founding and to our Forefather’s views, and what paganism and devil worship versus religion is, they would have known that no such right exists for the practice of witchcraft under the U.S. Constitution and adamantly refused to acknowledge the wiccan’s request.
“…Our nation guarantees others’ rights of worship of legitimate religions. But we do not have to compromise, practice quietism, nor apologize that our nation is Christian.”
It goes on to state:
“…no one needs to be sensitive to an atheist’s belief or accommodate them on a level constitutional playing field…God is God. He exists, and for a professed atheist to believe that He does not exist, does not cause God’s existence to cease. So who do we honor? The atheist or God? Who do we respect? The atheist’s belief that God doesn’t exist or those who believe He does exist? Both cannot be accommodated equally. One will offend; one will be offended. It is one way or the other. So whose way is to win out?”
On June 25, 1994, Our Lady said:
“…I desire, little children, to guide you all to Jesus because He is your salvation…”
73 thoughts on “Lighthouse”
I am a 22 year old devout Maronite Christian who after losing my father began to live a life astray but by the grace of God I am now on the path towards righteousness. You are completely right. This great nation is asleep but we are a sleeping giant. I am however ashamed to say that so many of us have been distracted by the devils temptations that frankly keep our eyes blind to the wickedness of his sneaky ways. I feel for a long time now even before 1961 that during America’s Great Depression a new world order was being formed hence the “secret societies” living among us like the wolf in sheeps clothing. Today I feel blessed to say my eyes have opened but I am also sad to say the Catholics around us are afraid to confront these unholy people because they simply see them as human beings who have the right to live a life like you and I on the other hand I have been to the middle east and have seen only a glimpse of what we can expect. God has blessed you with an uncanny wisdom to show
I am a 22 year old devout Maronite Christian who after losing my father began to live a life astray but by the grace of God I am now on the path towards righteousness. You are completely right. This great nation is asleep but we are a sleeping giant. I am however ashamed to say that so many of us have been distracted by the devils temptations that frankly keep our eyes blind to the wickedness of his sneaky ways. I feel for a long time now even before 1961 that during America’s Great Depression a new world order was being formed hence the “secret societies” living among us like the wolf in sheeps clothing. Today I feel blessed to say my eyes have opened but I am also sad to say the Catholics around us are afraid to confront these unholy people because they simply see them as human beings who have the right to live a life like you and I on the other hand I have been to the middle east and have seen only a glimpse of what we can expect. God has blessed you with an uncanny wisdom to show
I am a 22 year old devout Maronite Christian who after losing my father began to live a life astray but by the grace of God I am now on the path towards righteousness. You are completely right. This great nation is asleep but we are a sleeping giant. I am however ashamed to say that so many of us have been distracted by the devils temptations that frankly keep our eyes blind to the wickedness of his sneaky ways. I feel for a long time now even before 1961 that during America’s Great Depression a new world order was being formed hence the “secret societies” living among us like the wolf in sheeps clothing. Today I feel blessed to say my eyes have opened but I am also sad to say the Catholics around us are afraid to confront these unholy people because they simply see them as human beings who have the right to live a life like you and I on the other hand I have been to the middle east and have seen only a glimpse of what we can expect. God has blessed you with an uncanny wisdom to show
Ten years ago, a priest whom I won’t mention his name came to San Antonio on retreat and told us about the manipulation from our government, the secret societies, the powers that be and how everything has been planned for years. He told us how some of the items that hit the news and stay on the news for long periods of time were actually drawing our attention away from what THEY are really doing. I felt as if I was living the Truman show. This priest and his order are not allowed to have retreats anymore in San Antonio, unfortunately. It’s difficult to get people to believe this, including our families. May God bless you.
Ten years ago, a priest whom I won’t mention his name came to San Antonio on retreat and told us about the manipulation from our government, the secret societies, the powers that be and how everything has been planned for years. He told us how some of the items that hit the news and stay on the news for long periods of time were actually drawing our attention away from what THEY are really doing. I felt as if I was living the Truman show. This priest and his order are not allowed to have retreats anymore in San Antonio, unfortunately. It’s difficult to get people to believe this, including our families. May God bless you.
Very revealing. Indeed Laponte ((sp.) the French Revolution; the devil has his goal the destruction of Christ’s Church foremost and then humanity is no problem. HE that IS IN ME.
Thank you! Now I know why I’ve felt so blue all these years. Like no one was listening or caring about how things were changing (and not for the better). Thought it was just me and maybe I was too judgmental!! Keep coming to us dear Mother Mary. We need you so much now. Show us how to show others the light and how to forgive them if they don’t listen. It hurts when they don’t. Thank you Friend of Medjugorje for trying to explain it all to us. With love in Jesus & Mary, Carol
+ Amen, Amen, Amen! Wonderful July 14 episode. May God continue to bless you!
This was so true and I would like to hear more from him. I agree that the Churches have been instrumental in causing the problem with illegal immigrants and have been silent in the truth. I am a strong Catholic…
Your words ring true in what I have observed. “Today, it has been shown in studies that a child raised in a good family, but in a bad neighborhood, with immoral peer pressure, etc., is worse off than a child raised in a bad family but in a good neighborhood with moral peer pressure.” I would like to see the studies. A 15 year old girl I know has been going to boarding school since jr.hi. during the week because of bad peers. I think her grades are better, but she sees the peers on weekends.
Praise the Lord Anyway and know that no matter when we sin we have Jesus our Saviour to give us grace and love when we repent and believe. I hope that soon all will believe in Our Lady’s message and know it is out of love for her Son she gives words to heal and help souls and the human family called God’s children born again through baptism. I truly appreciated the research that Our Friend of Mej.com does and writes here. Brings hope to my family and friends and co workers around me.
Praise the Lord Anyway and know that no matter when we sin we have Jesus our Saviour to give us grace and love when we repent and believe. I hope that soon all will believe in Our Lady’s message and know it is out of love for her Son she gives words to heal and help souls and the human family called God’s children born again through baptism. I truly appreciated the research that Our Friend of Mej.com does and writes here. Brings hope to my family and friends and co workers around me.
The truth is in the writing. The darkness of untruth seeks to push itself upon us. With Our Mother, lots of prayer, and the blood of Jesus, we are given the “grace” to voice the truth. Thank you Jennifer
your wrighting do show how much prayer you have under your belt. i have come to see you as true brother in christ our lord and redeameamer . To notice what we in the cathlic church can learn from our brother is a sign of what Mary has done with your heart of stone. To make the beautiful heart of flesh witch showes how much she loves you to give you her heart of love and truth. May God bless you
You do not have Wyoming listed in the list of states. Mine is Wyoming. I find your article very inspiring and I love reading all your articles. This one is exceptionaly inspiring. My son claimes to be agnostic. I tell him I pray for him and I think he is starting to see the light. You all at MEJ.com help me keep the faith. Thank you and God Bless you all. Bob
Hi thanks so much for your article which is so full of Truth and enlightenment. Your deep reflections and meditations could only be made by a person who prays much and meditates on Sacred Scripture. The person who wrote such a threatening letter in response to your pointing out God’s Holy Truth- as revealed in Sacred Scripture is in dire need of our prayers. Clearly he has INVERTED the Truth to accommodate an abominable lifestyle and his rage and arrogance when challenged with facts belie this.
Hi thanks so much for your article which is so full of Truth and enlightenment. Your deep reflections and meditations could only be made by a person who prays much and meditates on Sacred Scripture. The person who wrote such a threatening letter in response to your pointing out God’s Holy Truth- as revealed in Sacred Scripture is in dire need of our prayers. Clearly he has INVERTED the Truth to accommodate an abominable lifestyle and his rage and arrogance when challenged with facts belie this.
I think we all can see where this is heading. From the signs. All I know is to pray, pray, pray continuously for all the lost souls on this earth, your loved ones and ourselves. As we are the ones that are going to witness our life to everyone we meet. Never stop praying, and ask for protection and guidance, wisdom, and strength from Our Lady, and never be afraid to speak the Truth.
Excellent article. I can’t disagree with a single word. I have often wondered where I would be today spiritually, if it werent for Caritas. Everything that you all do seems so outstanding….from the books, the Mission House, all the artwork and layouts, the articles (like this one), your decisions for the future….it is really an honor to be associated with you….our Lady’s private army.Thank you Mr. (A friend of Medjugorje) and all of you at Caritas for your dedicated work….thank you so much.
Excellent article. I can’t disagree with a single word. I have often wondered where I would be today spiritually, if it werent for Caritas. Everything that you all do seems so outstanding….from the books, the Mission House, all the artwork and layouts, the articles (like this one), your decisions for the future….it is really an honor to be associated with you….our Lady’s private army.Thank you Mr. (A friend of Medjugorje) and all of you at Caritas for your dedicated work….thank you so much.
Thank you for your article. You know you are on the right track when the response is like that poor soul. Let those souls go their way. Shake the dust from you feet with souls like that. In my opinion, as our nation crumbles under the weight of it’s own inequity, it is very refreshing to hear the Truth and there is only one Truth, not many truths. May our Lady bless you! 🙂
Thank you for your article. You know you are on the right track when the response is like that poor soul. Let those souls go their way. Shake the dust from you feet with souls like that. In my opinion, as our nation crumbles under the weight of it’s own inequity, it is very refreshing to hear the Truth and there is only one Truth, not many truths. May our Lady bless you! 🙂
Thank you for the truth. The people didn’t want to hear the truth from Jesus because it’s hard to accept that we must change. God will never change, nor his words or commandments, for he is perfect. Man has changed the bible and we should find older versions prior to 1965 (Douay-Rheims) for a more accurate bible. Man’s error, not God’s, who will correct in his time. I tell myself when reading, it’s all or nothing. You either believe God’s word or you don’t, which is how false religions begin.
Thank you for the truth. The people didn’t want to hear the truth from Jesus because it’s hard to accept that we must change. God will never change, nor his words or commandments, for he is perfect. Man has changed the bible and we should find older versions prior to 1965 (Douay-Rheims) for a more accurate bible. Man’s error, not God’s, who will correct in his time. I tell myself when reading, it’s all or nothing. You either believe God’s word or you don’t, which is how false religions begin.
My loving Mother Mary when I walk in darkness hold my hand! When I hear things that are bad for me let me hear your voice! If ever I have doubt fill me with your love! help me good Mother to stand up for want is good and clean, help me mother to stand on the right hand of God! Oh my mother show me the way to salvation! Let me walk in the light of Belief!
You state your answer-facts so well and clear and help us who are alone in ” truths”…, God needs us to ” speak on His behalf” to save them from hell . Fact ! Seems to me ‘ the other side’ always has to get angry and persist in wrong-doing and I do not see ” the peace that surpasses all understanding ” in this..Amen ! Fact ! . JMJ+++ !
You state your answer-facts so well and clear and help us who are alone in ” truths”…, God needs us to ” speak on His behalf” to save them from hell . Fact ! Seems to me ‘ the other side’ always has to get angry and persist in wrong-doing and I do not see ” the peace that surpasses all understanding ” in this..Amen ! Fact ! . JMJ+++ !
Hi, I am ac catholic and was so pleased to see our Lady’s Feb. 2 message. Thankyou. I also was just enlightened by it and the comments following it from you. I am worried about the world and the way things are going. It seems the Antichrist is among us. I worry about my siblings who are not getting to mass and aware. I try to give them info and literature.I’m not accepted well. I’m wanting to spread the news from our lady to fellow workers but find myself afraid of rejection.I’ll try harder.
Hi, I am ac catholic and was so pleased to see our Lady’s Feb. 2 message. Thankyou. I also was just enlightened by it and the comments following it from you. I am worried about the world and the way things are going. It seems the Antichrist is among us. I worry about my siblings who are not getting to mass and aware. I try to give them info and literature.I’m not accepted well. I’m wanting to spread the news from our lady to fellow workers but find myself afraid of rejection.I’ll try harder.
I will pray for the poor soul who condemns what he doesn’t understand. Thank God (literally) that we have both the Bible and the Church to guide us through life. Without the Church’s authority we would truly be as adrift and in peril as the apostles when they crossed the sea of Gallilee without Jesus aboard.
I will pray for the poor soul who condemns what he doesn’t understand. Thank God (literally) that we have both the Bible and the Church to guide us through life. Without the Church’s authority we would truly be as adrift and in peril as the apostles when they crossed the sea of Gallilee without Jesus aboard.
I am grateful and continue to pray for you and the whole staff of caritas…just to let you know that my whole family back home have been spiritually helped, strengthened by the reflections coming from you which in my heart I feel is blessed and guided by Our Lady.. My nephews and nieces at home run away from persons whose lifestyles are abominable…it’s true we hate the sin but not the sinner…truths hurt but it is necessary so we can truly be free..
I am grateful and continue to pray for you and the whole staff of caritas…just to let you know that my whole family back home have been spiritually helped, strengthened by the reflections coming from you which in my heart I feel is blessed and guided by Our Lady.. My nephews and nieces at home run away from persons whose lifestyles are abominable…it’s true we hate the sin but not the sinner…truths hurt but it is necessary so we can truly be free..
I remember Pope Benidict VI just after he became Pope, that the church might have to become smaller to become pure. How true. It is so frustrating and a bit scary to speak the truth to friends and loved ones, but they can’t seem to “hear” what you are trying to say. I am so concerned for their souls, as if they were rushing towards a cliff and I’m trying to apply the emergency break while they drive on and say “what? there’s no problem…” So many left the church, I pray earnestly for them
I remember Pope Benidict VI just after he became Pope, that the church might have to become smaller to become pure. How true. It is so frustrating and a bit scary to speak the truth to friends and loved ones, but they can’t seem to “hear” what you are trying to say. I am so concerned for their souls, as if they were rushing towards a cliff and I’m trying to apply the emergency break while they drive on and say “what? there’s no problem…” So many left the church, I pray earnestly for them
Once again, here’s some lighthouse for you… Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group: http://all.org/article.php?id=12507 Look what happed while you were sleeping! Seriously folks, if we don’t root them out among our own we’ll have a church full of Nancy Pelosis.
Once again, here’s some lighthouse for you… Conference of Catholic Bishops Exec Chaired Pro-Abortion, LGBT Rights Group: http://all.org/article.php?id=12507 Look what happed while you were sleeping! Seriously folks, if we don’t root them out among our own we’ll have a church full of Nancy Pelosis.
You are a “beacon” yourself, in shining the light on God’s word as it is expressed through Mary in this time of Grace. Thank you for speaking the TRUTH even at the expense of incurring the wrath of others. My heart stops and prays for such a a misguided soul – and as St. Paul writes – we are called to judge our “brother” among us. Peace prevails in knowing and living the Truth. My prayers are with you and your ministry and your entire community. Love – Linda
You are a “beacon” yourself, in shining the light on God’s word as it is expressed through Mary in this time of Grace. Thank you for speaking the TRUTH even at the expense of incurring the wrath of others. My heart stops and prays for such a a misguided soul – and as St. Paul writes – we are called to judge our “brother” among us. Peace prevails in knowing and living the Truth. My prayers are with you and your ministry and your entire community. Love – Linda
i was brought up as a prodestant but ive always felt at ease with the catholic faith,ive been saying my prayers every day an its not a chore i look forward to saying them.as you know we have peace in n.ireland but its stil shakey,am going to start going to mass and i know i will get a hard time an may be by both sides ,so could you say a prayer for me an i will too,to give me strength.am hoping to go to me medjugorje this year am praying i get some work God willing.thanks a million
This is the truth. Just the other day, the Pope called upon the Bishops of England and Wales to stand firm against new legislation that will REQUIRE the church to accept abominable lifestyles of church employees. He stated, “…recognise dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate. It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church’s Magisterium that sets us free.” Are the Bishops listening?
This is the truth. Just the other day, the Pope called upon the Bishops of England and Wales to stand firm against new legislation that will REQUIRE the church to accept abominable lifestyles of church employees. He stated, “…recognise dissent for what it is, and not to mistake it for a mature contribution to a balanced and wide-ranging debate. It is the truth revealed through Scripture and Tradition and articulated by the Church’s Magisterium that sets us free.” Are the Bishops listening?
Thank you so much for all the illuminating and great writing. It is wonderful to read something about Our Blessed Mother Mary with so much thought and details. This article should open our eyes to understand Mary’s words and help us to stay in the narrow way to join Jesus at the end of our earthly life. Keep articles like this one coming, we need it. I look forward to read all of them. Thank you.
Thank you so much for all the illuminating and great writing. It is wonderful to read something about Our Blessed Mother Mary with so much thought and details. This article should open our eyes to understand Mary’s words and help us to stay in the narrow way to join Jesus at the end of our earthly life. Keep articles like this one coming, we need it. I look forward to read all of them. Thank you.
Dear Friend of Mejurgorie. Once again you have been a light to guide those who want to be beacons of truth in the world. In the UK the Government undermines the family and Christian teachings more and more each day. Please continue to inspire us with your writings to stand up for the truth. God and Our Blessed Mother bless you and all at Caritas. Your Sister in Christ Maria
– Thank you for the 2nd of the Month Message. This person is trying to fight against something that they will never ever win – there is only one God whether they want to believe it or not-LT Col Ziegler should seriously read the book ‘Look what happened w
– Thank you for the 2nd of the Month Message. This person is trying to fight against something that they will never ever win – there is only one God whether they want to believe it or not-LT Col Ziegler should seriously read the book ‘Look what happened w
I appreciate receiving this newsletter.I agree with your comments..I do believe we are battling spiritual warfare- and you can pray for this gentleman for conversion. I do believe many are missing the point in life:faith: hope and love-the greatest being love which is lacking. I would recommend the book Praying the Rosary for Inner Healing. It is well worth looking at. Our Lady will guide you.
I agree with your article. In our Parish we have a Holy Hour. A verse in “A Meditation Before the Blessed Sacrament”, Jesus says “Are you resolved to aviod that occasion of sin—-to withdraw your friendship with that person who is irrelgious, and whose presences disturbs the peace of your soul?”. Similar to St Paul’s writings!! and our Lady’s messages. God bless you all
I agree with your article. In our Parish we have a Holy Hour. A verse in “A Meditation Before the Blessed Sacrament”, Jesus says “Are you resolved to aviod that occasion of sin—-to withdraw your friendship with that person who is irrelgious, and whose presences disturbs the peace of your soul?”. Similar to St Paul’s writings!! and our Lady’s messages. God bless you all
God Bless your community and Thank-you for all your hardwork to spread the message of Our Lady of Medjugorie! I live in NJ and wanted to let you know the billboards are beautiful!
Thank you for the 2nd of the Month Message. I so look forward to them & your introspection in the messages that I so often miss. I would love to sponsor a copy of your book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping & have it sent to LT Col Ziegler. Perhaps I can call & make that a possibility. There are so many lost souls but Our Lady can help this country. I was at Caritas July 1-5th 2008 & I am so grateful I could be a part of consecrating this nation to Our Lady & God. Blessings.
God Bless you for standing firm. I went to a retreat this weekend with Father Clement Machado. He would strongly agree with you. He explained that for a lot of people children are their idols, because we don’t want to do anything to hurt their feelings, so we don’t correct them as we should. If their feelings are hurt that is unfortunate, their souls are more important. This is what I got. I thought of you a lot while I was at this retreat, as I think you would have agreed with what him.
God Bless you for standing firm. I went to a retreat this weekend with Father Clement Machado. He would strongly agree with you. He explained that for a lot of people children are their idols, because we don’t want to do anything to hurt their feelings, so we don’t correct them as we should. If their feelings are hurt that is unfortunate, their souls are more important. This is what I got. I thought of you a lot while I was at this retreat, as I think you would have agreed with what him.
Your article was an awsome eye opener, I also believe the person who responded so unchristianlike responded so because they did not like hearing the truth and truly needs our prayers
As hard as it is to accept and to realize, the truth is that the church would be a much stronger, more effective one with true believers who are willing to “be perfect” in the Lord. When we are truly one in Jesus we will be the light for Him. We could bring about great conversions of heart and mind and spirit.
Thank you for another thought provoking article. This, like many other of your articles, take me back to my childhood when sermons (homilies) called sin a sin and did not sugar coat it. God Bless You!
You speak the truth. The Gentleman who wrote back to you was very unloving which is a trade mark of those who have fallen into evil ways. We must pray for his conversion, that God will open his eyes to the truth. God Bless
Dear Sir or Madame, I must say that everything you write touches me deeply. I was saddened at some of the responses you receive. Thank you for everything, and I look forward to reading the next thing you write. Many blessings and Our Lady’s peace be with you. Adi
Dear Sir or Madame, I must say that everything you write touches me deeply. I was saddened at some of the responses you receive. Thank you for everything, and I look forward to reading the next thing you write. Many blessings and Our Lady’s peace be with you. Adi
Dear sir/madam, whoever wrote this article . i want to thank you for being so strong and firm with this letter as it must make you fell a little deflated getting responses like that back to you , but let me say you are so much helping the no so educated lay person like myself who read this article and who wait in antisipation each month for the message from our lady .once again thank you so much for your good works. god bless you
It is impossible for the Church to remain on its feet if it doesn’t get down on its knees. The more the world is at its worst, the more we need the Church at its best.
It is impossible for the Church to remain on its feet if it doesn’t get down on its knees. The more the world is at its worst, the more we need the Church at its best.
Thank you for this letter; there’s much wisdom here. I have one question: did you read the transcript of Pope Benedict’s Jan1st “World Peace Day” address? Or, go to USCCB website; the Pope & Bishops continue the Global Warming Propaganda, which is being PROVEN wrong. Our Church has been deeply infiltrated by secular humanism; and even by Marxists. They lead our people astray with wrong-headed “Social Justice” campaigns. I have done a lot of research on this. It is a travesty.
Thank you for this letter; there’s much wisdom here. I have one question: did you read the transcript of Pope Benedict’s Jan1st “World Peace Day” address? Or, go to USCCB website; the Pope & Bishops continue the Global Warming Propaganda, which is being PROVEN wrong. Our Church has been deeply infiltrated by secular humanism; and even by Marxists. They lead our people astray with wrong-headed “Social Justice” campaigns. I have done a lot of research on this. It is a travesty.
Thank you Caritas for this wonderful writing. Anyone who has ears ought to hear and anyone who has eyes ought to see the turth in Mary’s messages and in your writings. How can the author of that letter be Catholic let alone Christian? May God have pity on his soul for he is VERY far from God and is walking on a path towards the evil one. May you continue to have the strength to fight for Truth.
Thank you Caritas for this wonderful writing. Anyone who has ears ought to hear and anyone who has eyes ought to see the turth in Mary’s messages and in your writings. How can the author of that letter be Catholic let alone Christian? May God have pity on his soul for he is VERY far from God and is walking on a path towards the evil one. May you continue to have the strength to fight for Truth.
I had to laugh at the “scolding” you received about not signing your writings. The individual just doesn’t get it!! This is one of your best writings ever. Wish I could always remember to behave exactly as it says we should, however, I know I fall short so often. Thank you for always being there.
I had to laugh at the “scolding” you received about not signing your writings. The individual just doesn’t get it!! This is one of your best writings ever. Wish I could always remember to behave exactly as it says we should, however, I know I fall short so often. Thank you for always being there.
Thank you for speaking out. The truth is the truth and all the relativism in the world will not change that. May God Bless you ( all in Caritas and in Medjugorje) and keep you strong. May Our Blessed Mother keep you protected by Her Mantle and Her love. Your strength gives me strength to stand up and speak out. You truly have become our lighthouse. In the Love of the Two Hearts, Marlene
Thank you for your articles, I truly enjoy them and put everything into perspective. The person who wrote in sounds as if he is Satan speaking. Keep up the good work and continue to fight against all his evil attacks. God Bless you and Caritas !!! The Blessed Mother is watching over you and protecting you.
You have the courage to speak the truth no matter what. The examples you write on Mej.com and speak about on Radio W-Ave, give me the foundation to build my own courage upon. When I feel this correctly in my heart, then I am defending God and His Word, not my ego or pride. Please give us more examples of what you say, do and write so I can start to %u2018see’ and %u2018hear’ what is right and wrong once again and stand up taller.
You have the courage to speak the truth no matter what. The examples you write on Mej.com and speak about on Radio W-Ave, give me the foundation to build my own courage upon. When I feel this correctly in my heart, then I am defending God and His Word, not my ego or pride. Please give us more examples of what you say, do and write so I can start to %u2018see’ and %u2018hear’ what is right and wrong once again and stand up taller.