June 26, 2020 A.D.
Yesterday, marked the 10 year anniversary of the release of the book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen: A Return to Truth, by a Friend of Medjugorje, which helped set in motion, the beginning of a new life for many. It began a walk for thousands of people to sanctify their monetary wealth. Our Lady said through Marija yesterday:
June 25, 2020
“Your life is passing and, without God, does not have meaning…”
Amidst the celebrations of the 39th anniversary of the Medjugorje apparitions, we did not want to miss the importance of Our Lady’s words given yesterday, on this 10 year anniversary on the release of this book, and how yesterday’s message, speaks right to it.
We know that our life is passing, especially the physical life we are living now. But, what can one do about it? Ten years ago, a Friend of Medjugorje explained just what to do, using his understanding of Our Lady’s messages. Keep in mind, this was ten years before Our Lady gave the message yesterday. This is what a Friend of Medjugorje writes in It Ain’t Gonna Happen:
Do not think you cannot change things. We know many, many people who are following Our Lady, many who clearly understand that the present way of living is passing quickly away, and yet they still take no steps to change their way of living to be in accord with the fast approaching new time. So many let themselves become overwhelmed thinking there is too much that must be done or that it is too late, and this leads to a dangerous paralysis and resigned continuation of the same way of life. No! Don’t be overwhelmed and slip into paralysis. Our Lady so often says, “Dear children, today!” She wants us to start now, even if we feel far behind. Take the first baby step, and then follow with more little steps. Just as with a little child, each baby step builds strength and confidence to take larger, more advanced steps. Begin with serious prayer. Start today! Begin praying eight mysteries of the Rosary each day. What? Yes, eight, to give your heart clarity to give you the way out when there is no way out. Prayer can get you out of the most impossible situations.
We learned that things can be changed. People began to pray. Then the small things in life took on a new meaning. In this case, it was money. How? A Friend of Medjugorje writes more:
By putting the messages [of Our Lady] as a template over the crisis, topic, etc., to discern the spiritual decision or directive that should be walked, it purifies man’s heart in the use of ‘these things’ and the events that led to a negative consequence. And so the thing or crisis that was used by satan to hurt someone’s spiritual life becomes sanctified and instead cures one’s spiritual life, leading to conversion and salvation for the soul.
What a Friend of Medjugorje shares above, is a concept that no one in the Medjugorje world ever dreamed of. While Our Lady continues to be confined to the jail of only religious concepts, a Friend of Medjugorje freed Our Lady, to address every sector of the world, and in doing so, allowed the messages to change every area of life.
Money is often used in a negative way. Wealth creation sometimes becomes an object, instead of a means to an end. And in the end, hurts our spiritual life. But, in the book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen, a Friend of Medjugorje revealed a way, through the messages of Our Lady, that something so secular, so worldy can be sanctified and used to help spread Our Lady and conversion. Through the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round, we can live what Our Lady said yesterday through Marija. Our Lady said yesterday, that without God, life does not have meaning. That means that with God, life has meaning, as well as anything else we sanctify by giving it over to God’s proper order. When It Ain’t Gonna Happen was published, the book was responsible for moving over 2% of the entire world’s coinage supply of silver! That’s changing the world. For more information about the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round, visit here.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
More For Your Spiritual Nourishment…
It Ain’t Gonna Happen: A Return to Truth – The book by a Friend of Medjugorje is available as a FREE download…
It Ain’t Gonna Happen: A Return to Truth – Softcover edition – For those who want a printed book, it is available in our online store…