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Launching Mej v4.0 – For the 40th Anniversary!

Launching Mej v4.0 – For the 40th Anniversary!

from a Friend of Medjugorje

Goal Updated July 19, 2021


Launching Mej v4.0!

This is the first of the eight major releases.


Where are with with raising our goal? See below here…


For over a year we have planned, worked and consulted with the best web people we could find.


Within Caritas’ mission we have experts. However, the magnitude of Medjugorje.com and its content is very close to the top ranking of the one billion websites in the world that are online. Medjugorje.com is by far the #1 Medjugorje website in the world. Now that we are here at the 40th anniversary, we release a new version.


Mej 4.0 is by far more extensive and simplified. It may take a little while for you to learn it, but if you navigate, you will see more content, that had been buried before, that you can find now more easily.


In order to make this transition as smooth as possible, we have had to double pay our hosting, radio station, and other services to build, while at the same time keeping the old site running. We will have to raise $75,000 for the partner company and all of the people who helped us achieve this. $75,000 may sound like a lot, but for the hundreds of man-hours, it is not. A partial list follows:


  1. Hosting
  2. Site Design
  3. Radio Wave
  4. Backup Servers
  5. Security


The fact that the timing of this new launch of Mej.com version 4.0 at the 40th anniversary is not by chance. Our main reason for this giant step is to be ready for the release of the Secrets. Including the site, we have seven more major releases for the 40th anniversary. All will affect the world and impact others you spread Medjugorje through.


We’ve had to black out Medjugorje.com three times before in order to raise the funds to meet the goal. We don’t want to do this at this time. So please donate generously and quickly so we can release all eight 40th anniversary tools for you to spread Medjugorje and Our Lady Queen of Peace to the world.


To raise the $75,000…


75 people giving $1,000 will quickly achieve full implementation

Or 150 people giving $500

Or 300 people giving $250

Or 600 people giving $125

Or 1200 people giving $63

Or 2400 people giving $32


Where are with with raising our goal? See below here…


Donate below. Thank you!

God bless,

Launching Mej v4.0 - For the 40th Anniversary!



Call in the U.S. 205-672-2000

When dialing from outside the United States dial, 001-205-672-2000



65 People Have Given a Total of…

15300 of 75000


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

6 thoughts on “Launching Mej v4.0 – For the 40th Anniversary!”

  1. Brigitte Hart

    Thank you for the beautiful video of the people gathered singing with the miracle of the sun. What a gift. God bless all that you do.

  2. I love Our Lady. I would be absolutely lost without Her. True I would have some sort of Christian faith but I would be in a right mess not helped by false christs and false prophets, pushed every which way like a reed in my own weakness, groups saying: “I am he, I am he, I am he…”

    I can tell you now, Our Lady is more than just Mystery, She is Miracle and may I die in Peace with Her through whom I access God.


  3. I am disabled on very low fixed income
    SO sorry I can’t afford to send money

    1. Julie, please contribute by praying that God would inspire those who have the means to give generously. When you get to see the other 7 releases that a Friend of Medjugorje has lined up, it’ll be well worth it. God bless!

  4. Patrick T Cassidy

    Brought back to our Church through Our Lady, Queen of Peace, I will do as muchas my limited resources permit me.
    Our Lady has obviously blessed your efforts.

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