Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2019 Message Given through Mirjana


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December 2, 2019

“Dear children. As I am looking at you who love my Son, my heart is being filled with tenderness. I am blessing you with a motherly blessing. With a motherly blessing, I am also blessing your shepherds – you who speak the words of my Son, who bless with His hands and who love Him so much that you are ready to make every sacrifice for Him with joy. You are following Him, who was the first shepherd, the first missionary. My children, apostles of my love, to live and work for others, for all those whom you love through my Son, is the joy and comfort of earthly life. If through prayer, love and sacrifice the Kingdom of God is in your hearts, then your life is joyful and bright. Among those who love my Son and who love each other through Him, words are not necessary. A gaze is sufficient for the unspoken words and unexpressed feelings to be heard. There where love reigns, time no longer counts. We are with you. My Son knows you and loves you. Love is that which brings you to me and through that love I will come to you and speak to you of the works of salvation. I desire for all of my children to have faith and to feel my motherly love which leads them to Jesus. Therefore, you, my children, wherever you go, illuminate with love and faith as apostles of love. Thank you.”



2. prosinca 2019

„Draga djeco. Dok gledam vas koji ljubite moga Sina, moje srce ispunja milina. Blagoslivljam vas majčinskim blagoslovom. Majčinskim blagoslovom blagoslivljam i vaše pastire – vas koji govorite riječi moga Sina, blagoslivljate Njegovim rukama i ljubite ga toliko da ste spremni s radošću učiniti svaku žrtvu za njega. Vi slijedite njega, koji je bio prvi pastir, prvi misionar. Djeco moja, apostoli moje ljubavi, živjeti i raditi za druge, za sve one koje kroz moga Sina ljubite radost je i utjeha zemaljskoga života. Ako je kroz molitvu, ljubav i žrtvu Kraljevstvo Božje u vašim srcima, onda vam je život radostan i vedar. Među onima koji ljube moga Sina i koji se međusobno po njemu ljube riječi nisu potrebne. Dovoljan je pogled da se čuju neizgovorene riječi i neizrečeni osjećaji. Ondje gdje ljubav vlada vrijeme se više ne računa. Mi smo s vama. Moj Sin vas poznaje i ljubi. Ljubav je ta koja vas k meni dovodi i po toj ljubavi ja ću vam dolaziti i govoriti o djelima spasenja. Želim da sva moja djeca imaju vjeru i osjete moju majčinsku ljubav, koja ih vodi k Isusu. Zato vi, djeco moja, kamo god idete rasvjetljujte ljubavlju i vjerom kao apostoli ljubavi. Hvala vam.“

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