Our Lady of Medjugorje’s September 25, 2024 Monthly Message for the World

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About today’s September 25, 2024, message: A Friend of Medjugorje revealed that there is a very dangerous thing taking place now, in which the messages are being “vetted” before release. This is very dangerous. A foot has been put in the door to eventually suppress the messages. He has written, that in the future, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will interfere with Our Lady’s messages, eventually to stop them little by little, in what he called “creeping gradualism.”


A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 2011:


“Our Lady’s messages reveal that we are in a crisis time of mounting error upon error. Today the Christian life has eroded to a level so dangerous that it threatens the world’s very existence. There is little obedience to the Commandments by God’s own people. The devil’s activities and actions taken to destroy God’s people are through small incremental steps, or ‘creeping gradualism’.” Thirty Years of Apparitions, by a Friend of Medjugorje


What has happened today is “creeping gradualism,” just as a Friend of Medjugorje has defined it. A Friend of Medjugorje made a statement today:


“We peasants in the pew do not need anyone to vet what they are calling “alleged” messages.”


September 25, 2024

“Dear children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

25. rujan 2024

„Draga djeco! Iz ljubavi prema vama Bog me posla među vas da vas ljubim i potičem na molitvu i obraćenje za mir u vama i u vašim obiteljima i u svijetu. Dječice, ne zaboravite da pravi mir dolazi samo preko molitve od Boga koji je vaš mir. Hvala vam što ste se odazvali mome pozivu.“

25. September 2024

„Liebe Kinder! Liebe Kinder! Aus Liebe zu euch hat Gott mich unter euch gesandt, um euch zu lieben und zum Gebet und zur Bekehrung für den Frieden in euch und in euren Familien und in der Welt zu ermutigen. Meine lieben Kinder, vergesst nicht, dass der wahre Frieden nur durch das Gebet kommt, von Gott der euer Friede ist. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid. Danke, dass ihr meinem Ruf gefolgt seid.“


25. settembre 2024

“Cari figli! Per amore verso di voi, Dio mi ha inviato in mezzo a voi per amarvi ed esortarvi alla preghiera ed alla conversione, per la pace in voi, nelle vostre famiglie e nel mondo. Figlioli, non dimenticate che la vera pace viene soltanto, attraverso la preghiera, da Dio che è la vostra pace. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”


25. września 2024

„Drogie dzieci! Z miłości do was Bóg mnie posłał do was, abym was kochała i zachęcała do modlitwy i nawrócenia [byście otrzymali] pokój w was i w waszych rodzinach i na świecie. Dziatki, nie zapominajcie, że prawdziwy pokój przychodzi tylko poprzez modlitwę od Boga, który jest waszym pokojem. Dziękuję wam, że odpowiedzieliście na moje wezwanie.”

25. septembre 2024

«Chers enfants, par amour pour vous, Dieu m’a envoyée parmi vous pour vous aimer, vous encourager à la prière et à la conversion à la paix, en vous, dans vos familles et dans le monde. Petits enfants, n’oubliez pas que la vraie paix ne vient qu’à travers la prière, elle vient de Dieu qui est votre paix. Merci d’avoir répondu à mon appel.»

25. septiembre 2024

“¡Queridos hijos! Por amor hacia ustedes, Dios me ha enviado en medio de ustedes para amarlos y animarlos a la oración y a la conversión, por la paz en ustedes, en sus familias y en el mundo. Hijitos, no olviden que la verdadera paz sólo viene a través de la oración, de Dios que es su paz. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado.”

12 thoughts on “Our Lady of Medjugorje’s September 25, 2024 Monthly Message for the World”

  1. State: Florida
    Country: United States of America
    As soon as this message was released and I read it (by logging on to mej.com) I noticed the familiarity of the words.. and it completely shocked me!
    It was released the same day that the fourth novena started (in preparation for the Five Days of Prayer in December) and it mirrors the details of it beautifully.

    Our Lady’s Words: (I) “encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you, and in your families, and in the world”.
    Novena and December 8-12th Words: In preparation for the Five Days of Prayer for The Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families, and Our Nation back to God

    This struck me as being confirmation that we are doing exactly what yields results to improve our current condition (for everyone and everything).
    Very encouraging!
    It shows how closely a Friend of Medjugorje’s advice and Our Lady’s instructions are… for the faithful throughout the world, and specifically here in the U.S.

  2. State: Tx
    I believe they can vett all they want, but I believe the messages will be known to us, in their true form. Prayer is our weapon. We flick will be strong and defend Mary’s messages. We need to truly believe from the depths of heart that God is in control.
    Thank you for being a light to her children.

  3. City: PasoRobles
    State: CA
    Country: USA
    I think that the message today of prayer and peace is so significant. No prayer, no peace in our hearts without conversation and relationship with our God! It is the basis for family relationships and prayer in the family itself. A building of the domestic church the basic building block of society. And no coincidence that most of us who come to this site have begun the 4th novena in preparation for December 8-12th! Prayers and messages centered on the family. The first message for today says to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our families! Let’s include our church which is our family that Faith , Hope and Love are increased in this time of trial but also in this particular time of Grace!! Let’s not disappoint our Heavenly Mother❤️‍🔥

  4. City: Washington
    State: DC
    Country: USA
    I wonder if Fernandez and his people have been to Medjugorje…does not sound like they have.
    This almost reminds me of Fatima, when the authorities tried to make the 3 children recant.
    I do not think the “6 Seers of Medjugorje” will be bullied into changing what Our Lady tells them and they will never divulge the “secrets” until She tells them to do so.
    Not to worry…just heed what Padre Pio advises, “Pray, hope and don`1 worry”.
    We have to offer more prayers for the Fernandez group, before they really upset Our Lady and she tells her son about it, who may already be just about on His Last Nerve!

  5. City: New Deal
    State: TX
    Country: United States
    For over 40 years, the Vatican has practically shown no interest in the messages from the six Medjugorje visionaries. I have contacted our bishop twice by mail with not much of a reply. My guess is that our Catholic church does not want to acknowledge that the messages from our Heavenly Mother are real and authentic. Now, after 40 years, all of a sudden they care! Now, after 40 years, they want to proofread the messages before they are released to the world, especially to the Friend of Medjugorje. The church should be grateful for the millions of conversions back to God and especially, back to the Catholic church. As for my wife and I, we will be Catholics till we die. But we will always believe in our hearts that Our Heavenly Mother has been coming to earth all these years to keep it from destroying itself. We will always believe that The Madonna is here to save and protect America, the greatest country on this planet. God bless America!

  6. As mad as I am.. We need to offer up are anger and Pray and fast that the Varican and Bishop Fernandez will change their hearts and attitude about vetting the messages and secrets and let them continue as usual without interference. Amen

  7. City: Coopersburg
    State: PA
    Country: United States
    Thank you! So, is this message you’ve printed here authentic or was it vetted and altered?

  8. Paul Jean Delande

    City: Lake Charles 70607
    State: LA
    Country: United States
    the franciscans should know and respect…. “Luke 9:50….if there not against us……

  9. City: Fareham
    State: Hampshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    “…God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion…”

    That being the case, the Vatican has no right to suppress or vet what our Holy Mother says – she acts on God’s authority – and therefore the messages must be released without reference to the Vatican. I pray Marija will refuse to comply.

  10. City: Miami
    State: Fl
    Country: Usa
    I think must of us
    know what is going on
    “They” do not believe and they us
    Not to believe either…
    This is “ apostasy”.,.

  11. City: scottsdale
    State: AZ
    Country: United States
    I do not understand this. How is it being done? Weren’t the messages filtered through the Franciscan parish anyhow…… The seers are faithful Croatian catholics and I doubt they would contradict the church. My concern is about the release of the secrets. Mirjana’s instructions are clear and a priest is part of the process. Very disturbing since the process has been functioning very well without Vatican interference.

    1. City: Fresno
      State: CA
      Country: United States
      I agree with you in your concern. Those in power seem determined to strictly control what we see and hear in all aspects of life, wether that be politics, entertainment, any news, and especially spiritual. With Covid, they closed the churches, but kept the bars open. Its kind of an example of what they want. Obedient, drugged, and with very limited insight. May God have mercy in this time of fading faith. God bless us all.

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