Our Lady’s message below explains why we must raise the funds to bring Mej.com back online. Read the message with prayer and what follows:
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s July 2, 2017 Message
Given on the Day of Prayer for Nonbelievers
“Dear children, Thank you for continuing to respond to my invitations and for gathering here around me, your heavenly mother. I know that you are thinking of me with love and hope. I, too, feel love for all of you, just as my most beloved Son also feels it: He who, through his merciful love, is always sending me to you anew; He who was man; He who was and is God – one and triune; He who suffered in body and soul for your sake; He who made Himself bread to feed your souls and thus to save them. My children, I am teaching you how to be worthy of His love, to direct your thoughts to Him, to live my Son. Apostles of my love, I am covering you with my mantle, because as a mother I desire to protect you. I am imploring you to pray for the whole world. My heart is suffering. Sins are multiplying, they are too numerous. But with the help of those of you who are humble, modest, filled with love, hidden and holy, my heart will triumph. Love my Son above all and the whole world through Him. Never forget that each of your brothers, within himself, carries something precious – the soul. Therefore, my children, love all those who do not know my Son, so that through prayer and the love which comes through prayer, they may become better; that the goodness in them could win; that souls could be saved and have eternal life. My apostles, my children, my Son told you to love one another. May this be inscribed in your hearts and with prayer, try to live that love. Thank you.”
The message of Our Lady today, gives the reason why we are working so hard to bring Mej.com back online, with more capability to reach hearts and to support Our Lady’s apostles.
“…My heart is suffering. Sins are multiplying, they are too numerous…”
An intervention of God, which Our Lady foretold from the beginning is becoming more and more necessary because the world is not converting, but is sinking deeper into sin. Help us help Our Lady to be ready to feed the world. Help us help Our Lady to break through the walls of hearts. We know many are praying. Thank you. Please continue to pray with strength and conviction that more people will feel compelled to give and raise all the funds needed to bring Mej.com back online. Again, we thank all of you who have donated and to those who are continuing to pray everyday!
United with Love for Our Lady,