Our Lady’s March 2, 2017 Message Given through Mirjana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2017 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, with motherly love I am coming to help you to have more love and that means more faith. I am coming to help you to live with love the words of my Son, so that the world would be different. Therefore, apostles of my love, I am gathering you around myself. Look at me with the heart, speak to me as to a mother about your pains, sufferings and your joys. Ask me to pray to my Son for you. My Son is merciful and just. My motherly heart would desire for you also to be like that. My motherly heart would desire that you, apostles of my love, speak of my Son and of me to all those around you with your life; so that the world would be different; that simplicity and purity would return; that faith and hope would return. Therefore, my children, pray, pray, pray with the heart, pray with love, pray with good works. Pray that everyone would come to know my Son, so that the world would change, that the world would be saved. With love live the words of my Son. Do not judge, instead love one another so that my heart could triumph. Thank you.”

Be sure to listen also to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje as he shares more powerful insight to this message. To listen to the March 2, 2017, Radio WAVE broadcast titled, It’s That Simple, Huh?, visit here.

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„Draga djeco, majčinskom ljubavlju dolazim vam pomoći da imate više ljubavi, a to znači više vjere. Dolazim vam pomoći živjeti s ljubavlju riječi moga Sina kako bi svijet bio drukčiji. Zato vas, apostoli moje ljubavi, okupljam oko sebe. Gledajte me srcem, govorite mi kao majci o svojim bolima, patnjama, o svojim radostima. Tražite da molim svoga Sina za vas. Moj Sin je milostiv i pravedan. Moje majčinsko srce bi željelo da i vi budete takvi. Moje majčinsko srce bi željelo da vi, apostoli moje ljubavi, svima oko sebe svojim životom govorite o mome Sinu i meni, kako bi svijet bio drukčiji, da bi se vratila jednostavnost i čistoća, da bi se vratila vjera i nada. Zato, djeco moja, molite, molite, molite srcem, molite s ljubavlju, molite dobrim djelima. Molite kako bi svi upoznali moga Sina, kako bi se svijet promijenio, da bi se svijet spasio. Ljubavlju živite riječi moga Sina. Ne sudite, već ljubite jedni druge kako bi moje srce moglo pobijediti.Hvala vam.”



„Liebe Kinder! Mit mütterlicher Liebe komme ich, um euch zu helfen, mehr Liebe zu haben, und das bedeutet mehr Glauben. Ich komme, um euch zu helfen, die Worte meines Sohnes mit Liebe zu leben, damit die Welt anders sein werde. Daher, Apostel meiner Liebe, versammele ich euch um mich herum. Schaut mich mit dem Herzen an, sprecht zu mir wie zu eurer Mutter von euren Schmerzen, Leiden, über eure Freuden. Ersucht mich, dass ich meinen Sohn für euch bitte. Mein Sohn ist barmherzig und gerecht. Mein mütterliches Herz wünscht sich, dass auch ihr so werdet. Mein mütterliches Herz wünscht sich, dass ihr, Apostel meiner Liebe, allen um euch mit eurem Leben von meinem Sohn und mir erzählt, so dass die Welt anders werde, so dass Einfachheit und Reinheit zurückkehren, so dass der Glaube und die Hoffnung zurückzukehren. Deshalb, meine Kinder, betet, betet, betet mit dem Herzen, betet mit Liebe, betet mit guten Werken. Betet, dass alle meinen Sohn kennenlernen, so dass sich die Welt verändert, so dass die Welt gerettet wird. Lebt mit Liebe die Worte meines Sohnes. Richtet nicht, sondern liebt einander, so dass mein Herz siegen kann. Ich danke euch.”

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