
Our Lady’s February 2, 2017 Message Given through Mirjana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s February 2, 2017 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, you who are striving to offer every day of your life to my Son, you who are trying to live with Him, you who are praying and sacrificing – you are hope in this peaceless world. You are rays of the light of my Son, a living gospel, and you are my beloved apostles of love. My Son is with you. He is with those who think of Him – those who pray. But in the same way, He is patiently waiting for those who do not know Him. Therefore, you, apostles of my love, pray with the heart and with your works show the love of my Son. This is the only hope for you, and this is also the only way to eternal life. I, as a mother, I am here with you. Your prayers directed to me are the most beautiful roses of love for me. I cannot but be where I sense the scent of roses. There is hope. Thank you.”

Be on the lookout for the writing from a Friend of Medjugorje which will be released later. Be sure also to listen also to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje and he shares more of this message. To listen to the Feb. 2, 2017 broadcast titled, Out of Division Comes Unity, visit here.

More Languages will become available later


„Draga djeco, Vi koji nastojite svaki dan svoga života prikazati mom Sinu, vi koji pokušavate živjeti s njim, vi koji se molite i žrtvujete, vi ste nada u ovom nemirnom svijetu. Vi ste zrake svjetlosti moga Sina – živo evanđelje, a moji ste mili apostoli ljubavi. Moj Sin je s vama. On je s onima koji misle na njega, koji se mole. Ali isto tako, On strpljivo čeka one koji ga ne poznaju. Zato vi, apostoli moje ljubavi, srcem molite i djelima pokazujte ljubav moga Sina. To je jedina nada za vas, a to je i jedini put k vječnom životu. Ja kao majka, ja sam tu s vama. Vaše molitve upućene meni su najljepše ruže ljubavi za mene. Ne mogu ne biti ondje gdje osjetim miris ruža. Ima nade. Hvala vam.”

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