
Our Lady’s December 2, 2016 Message Given through Mirjana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2016 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, my motherly heart is crying as I am looking at what my children are doing. Sins are multiplying, the purity of soul is all the less important; my Son is being forgotten – honored all the less; and my children are being persecuted. That is why, you my children, apostles of my love, with soul and heart invoke the name of my Son. He will have the words of light for you. He manifests Himself to you, He breaks the bread with you and gives you the words of love so that you may transform them into merciful acts and, thus, be witnesses of truth. That is why, my children, do not be afraid. Permit my Son to be in you. He will make use of you to care for the wounded and to convert lost souls. Therefore, my children, return to the prayer of the Rosary. Pray it with feelings of goodness, sacrifice and mercy. Pray, not only with words, but with merciful acts. Pray with love for all people. My Son, by His sacrifice, exalted love. Therefore, live with Him so that you may have strength and hope; that you may have the love which is life and which leads to eternal life. Through God’s love, I am also with you, and will lead you with motherly love. Thank you.”


Mirjana said that Our Lady was very sad.

“The next month should be spent in daily prayer to penetrate this message. There are things which will immediately speak to your heart, and there are other things which will take a deep prayer, fasting and an openness to understand Her words. One has to get outside themselves, get outside their own perceptions and religious devotions to clearly see what Our Lady is really telling us through this message. Pray, be open and enter into this message. Do not let this month go by without opening your heart to seeing this message fulfilled.” A Friend of Medjugorje


Our Lady’s message today is filled with very deep meaning. Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE as a Friend of Medjugorje opens up new meaning to this message, giving a big dose of truth along the way. To listen to the Dec. 2, 2016 broadcast titled, Are You Gonna Break Down?, visit here.

More Languages will become available later


„Draga djeco, moje majčinsko srce plače dok gledam što moja djeca čine. Grijesi se množe, čistoća je duše sve manje važna, moga se Sina zaboravlja, sve manje čašti, a moju djecu progone. Zato vi, djeco moja, apostoli moje ljubavi, dušom i srcem zazivajte ime moga Sina. On će za vas imati riječi svjetla. On se vama očituje, s vama lomi kruh i daje vam riječi ljubavi da ih pretvarate u milosrdna djela i tako budete svjedoci istine. Zato, djeco moja, ne bojte se. Dopustite momu Sinu da bude u vama. On će se vama poslužiti da njeguje ranjene i obraća izgubljene duše. Zato, djeco moja, vratite se molitvi krunice. Molite je osjećajima dobrote, žrtve i milosrđa. Molite, ne samo riječima već milosrdnim djelima.Molite s ljubavlju prema svim ljudima. Moj Sin je žrtvom uzvisio ljubav. Zato, živite s Njim da biste imali snagu i nadu, da biste imali ljubav koja je život i koja vodi u vječni život. Po Božjoj ljubavi i ja sam s vama, i majčinskom ljubavlju ću vas voditi. Hvala vam.”

Gospa je bila jako tužna.

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