June 2, 2018 A.D.
Pilgrims began gathering at the Blue Cross by 6:00 p.m. on June 1, in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition to Mirjana on June 2. Most of these early arrivals were made up of about 40 pilgrims from the BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimage group. The evening was warm but became pleasantly cool as the sun set behind the mountains and the sky darkened into night. Pilgrims prayed throughout the night and into the morning. Mirjana arrived around 8:25 AM, and Our Lady appeared approximately 10 minutes later at around 8:35 AM. The apparition lasted for around four and a half minutes. Several demoniacs could be heard screaming throughout the of the apparition, subsiding shortly after Our Lady left.
Our Lady blessed all of us and all the religious articles brought for a blessing. Following is the June 2, 2018, message given by Our Lady through Medjugorje visionary Mirjana:
“Dear children, I am calling you to accept my words which I am speaking to you as a mother, with a simplicity of heart, so that you may set out on the way of complete light and purity, of the singular love of my Son, man and God. A joy—a light indescribable in human words—will penetrate your soul and the peace and love of my Son will take hold of you. I desire this for all of my children. Therefore, you, apostles of my love, you who know how to love and forgive, you who do not judge, you whom I encourage, you be an example to all those who are not going on the way of light and love or who have diverted from it. By your life show them the truth. Show them love because love overcomes all difficulties, and all of my children thirst for love. Your unity in love is a gift to my Son and me. But, my children, remember that to love also means to desire the good for your neighbor and to desire conversion of your neighbor’s soul. As I am looking at you gathered around me, my heart is sad, because I see so little brotherly love, merciful love. My children, the Eucharist—my Son alive among you—His words will help you comprehend, because His word is life, His word makes the soul breathe, His word brings about cognition of love. Dear children, anew, I am imploring you as a mother who desires the good for her children: love your shepherds, pray for them. Thank you.”
See below Our Lady’s message in other languages.
Be sure to be in prayer for Radio WAVE tonight at 8 PM Central Time USA, as a Friend of Medjugorje will be speaking to us from the village of Medjugorje. To listen live on Radio WAVE 24 Hours, visit here…
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
2 de junio de 2018
“Queridos hijos, os invito a que con simplicidad de corazón acojáis mis palabras, que yo como Madre os digo para poder encaminaros por el camino de la luz, por la vía de la pureza, por el amor único de mi Hijo, hombre y Dios. Una alegría, una luz indescriptible con las palabras humanas penetrará en vuestra alma y os envolverá con la paz y el amor de mi Hijo: eso deseo a todos mis hijos. Por eso vosotros, apóstoles de mi amor, vosotros que sabéis amar, vosotros que sabéis perdonar, vosotros que no juzgáis, vosotros a los que yo exhorto, sed ejemplo para todos aquellos que no se han encaminado por el camino de la luz y del amor y han tomado otros caminos. Con vuestra vida mostradles la verdad, mostradles el amor, porque el amor supera todas las dificultades, y todos mis hijos tienen sed de amor. Vuestra unión en el amor es el don a mi Hijo y a mí. Por eso, hijos míos, recordad: amar significa, a veces querer bien al prójimo, a veces desear la conversión del alma de vuestro prójimo. Mientras os miro reunidos en torno a mí, mi Corazón está triste, porque veo muy poco el amor fraterno, el amor misericordioso. Hijos míos, la Eucaristía, mi Hijo vivo en medio de vosotros, y sus palabras os ayudarán a comprender; porque su Palabra es la Vida, su Palabra hace que el alma respire, su Palabra hace comprender el amor. Hijos míos, nuevamente os invito como Madre que desea el bien de sus hijos: amad a vuestros pastores, orad por ellos. Os doy las gracias.”
2 Giugno 2018
“Cari figli, vi invito ad accogliere con semplicità di cuore le mie parole, che vi dico come Madre affinché vi incamminiate sulla via della luce piena, della purezza, dell’amore unico di mio Figlio, uomo e Dio. Una gioia, una luce indescrivibile con parole umane penetrerà nella vostra anima, e verrete afferrati dalla pace e dall’amore di mio Figlio. Desidero questo per tutti i miei figli. Perciò voi, apostoli del mio amore, voi che sapete amare e perdonare, voi che non giudicate, voi che io esorto, siate un esempio per tutti quelli che non percorrono la via della luce e dell’amore o che hanno deviato da essa. Con la vostra vita mostrate loro la verità, mostrate loro l’amore, poiché l’amore supera tutte le difficoltà, e tutti i miei figli sono assetati d’amore. La vostra comunione nell’amore è un dono per mio Figlio e per me. Ma, figli miei, ricordate che amare vuol dire sia voler bene al prossimo che desiderare la conversione della sua anima. Mentre vi guardo riuniti attorno a me, il mio Cuore è triste perché vedo così poco amore fraterno, amore misericordioso. Figli miei, l’Eucaristia, mio Figlio vivo in mezzo a voi, e le sue parole vi aiuteranno a comprendere. La sua Parola, infatti, è vita, la sua Parola fa sì che l’anima respiri, la sua Parola vi fa conoscere l’amore. Cari figli, vi prego nuovamente, come Madre che vuol bene ai suoi figli: amate i vostri pastori, pregate per loro. Vi ringrazio!”