
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2015 Message, Given on the Day of Prayer for Nonbelievers

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2015 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


“Dear children, my dear apostles of love, my carriers of truth, again I am calling you and gathering you around me to help me, to help all of my children who thirst for love and truth – who thirst for my Son. I am a grace from the Heavenly Father, sent to help you to live the word of my Son. Love one another. I lived your earthly life. I know that it is not always easy, but if you will love each other, you will pray with the heart, you will reach spiritual heights and the way to Heaven will be opened for you. I, your mother, am waiting for you there because I am there. Be faithful to my Son and teach others faithfulness. I am with you. I will help you. I will teach you faith that you may know how to transmit it to others in the right way. I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern. I will teach you love that you may come to know what real love is. My children, my Son will make it possible for Him to speak through your words and your actions. Thank you.”


Be sure to be on the lookout for a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing on the September 2 message. It is a major writing that will be available soon. Be in prayer.


More Languages will become available later


Listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje, speaking on this September 2, 2015 message. To listen to the Sept. 2 show titled, Humility is Your Silver, visit here…



„Draga djeco, Dragi moji apostoli ljubavi, moji nositelji istine, opet vas pozivam i okupljam oko sebe da mi pomognete, da pomognete svoj mojoj djeci žednoj ljubavi i istine – žednoj moga Sina. Ja sam milost od Nebeskog Oca poslana da vam pomognem živjeti riječ moga Sina. Ljubite jedni druge. Živjela sam vaš zemaljski život. Znam da nije uvijek lako, ali ako budete ljubili jedni druge, molit ćete srcem, dosegnut ćete duhovne visine i otvorit će vam se put u raj. Tu vas čekam ja, vaša majka, jer ja jesam tu. Budite vjerni mome Sinu i učite druge vjernosti. S vama sam, pomoći ću vam. Učit ću vas vjeri da biste znali na pravi način prenijeti je drugima. Učit ću vas istini da biste znali razlikovati. Učit ću vas ljubavi da biste spoznali što je prava ljubav. Djeco moja, moj će Sin učiniti da govori preko vaših riječi i vaših djela. Hvala vam.”


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