Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s July 2, 2015 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers
“Dear children, I am calling you to spread the faith in my Son – your faith. You, my children illuminated by the Holy Spirit, my apostles, transmit it to others – to those who do not believe, who do not know, who do not want to know – but for that you must pray a lot for the gift of love, because love is the mark of true faith – and you will be apostles of my love. Love always, anew, revives the pain and the joy of the Eucharist, it revives the pain of the Passion of my Son, by which He showed you what it means to love immeasurably; it revives the joy for having left you His body and blood to feed you with Himself – and in this way, to be one with you. Looking at you with tenderness, I feel immeasurable love which strengthens me in my desire to bring you to a firm faith. Firm faith will give you joy and happiness on earth and in the end the encounter with my Son. This is His desire. Therefore, live Him, live love, live the light that always illuminates you in the Eucharist. I implore you to pray a lot for your shepherds, to pray so as to have all the more love for them because my Son gave them to you to feed you with His body and to teach you love. Therefore, also you are to love them. But, my children, remember, love means to endure and to give, and never, ever to judge. Thank you.”
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Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with A Friend of Medjugorje regarding this July 2 message. To listen to the July 2, 2015 show titled, Keep Pushing…, visit here…
„Draga djeco, pozivam vas da širite vjeru u moga Sina – svoju vjeru. Vi, moja djeca, rasvijetljena Duhom Svetim, moji apostoli, prenosite je drugima – onima koji ne vjeruju, ne znaju, ne žele znati – ali zato vi morate mnogo moliti za dar ljubavi, jer ljubav je obilježje prave vjere, a vi ćete biti apostoli moje ljubavi. Ljubav uvijek iznova oživljava bol i radost Euharistije, oživljava bol muke moga Sina kojom vam je pokazao što znači neizmjerno ljubiti, oživljava radost što vam je ostavio svoje tijelo i svoju krv da bi vas sobom hranio i tako bio jedno s vama. Gledajući vas s nježnošću, osjećam neizmjernu ljubav koja me snaži u mojoj želji da vas dovedem k čvrstoj vjeri. Čvrsta vjera će vam dati radost i veselje na zemlji i u konačnici susret s mojim Sinom. To je njegova želja. Zato živite njega, živite ljubav, živite svjetlost koja vas uvijek rasvjetljava u Euharistiji. Molim vas da mnogo molite za svoje pastire, da molite kako biste imali što više ljubavi za njih, jer njih vam je moj Sin dao da vas hrane njegovim tijelom i uče ljubavi. Zato ljubite i vi njih. Ali, djeco moja, zapamtite, ljubav znači podnositi i davati, a nikada, nikada ne suditi. Hvala vam.”