The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s October 2, 2018, message given on the day of prayer for nonbelievers through Mirjana:
October 2, 2018
“Dear children, I am calling you to be courageous and to not grow weary, because even the smallest good—the smallest sign of love—conquers evil which is all the more visible. My children, listen to me so that good may overcome, so that you may come to know the love of my Son. This is the greatest happiness—the hands of my Son that embrace, of Him who loves the soul, of Him who has given Himself for you and is always giving Himself anew in the Eucharist, of Him who has the words of eternal life. To come to know His love, to follow in His footsteps, means to have a wealth of spirituality. This is the wealth which gives good feelings and sees love and goodness everywhere. Apostles of my love, my children, be like the rays of the sun which with the warmth of my Son’s love warm everyone around them. My children, the world needs apostles of love; the world needs much prayer, but prayer spoken with the heart and the soul and not only pronounced with the lips. My children, long for holiness but in humility, in the humility which permits my Son to do that which He desires through you. My children, your prayers, your words, thoughts and actions—all of this either opens or closes the doors to the Kingdom of Heaven for you. My Son showed you the way and gave you hope, and I am consoling and encouraging you because, my children, I had come to know pain, but I had faith and hope. Now I have the reward of life in the Kingdom of my Son. Therefore, listen to me, have courage and do not grow weary. Thank you.”
More messages in other languages follow below.
Medjugorje visionary Mirjana, this morning, October 2, 2018, in Medjugorje. Our Lady spoke today in Her message about holiness, but in humility. We are reminded of Our Lady’s first words to a Friend of Medjugorje through Marija, on October 6, 1986:
“Pray and by your life witness. Not with words but rather through prayer will you attain what your desire is. Therefore, pray more and live in humility.”
Caritas of Birmingham, the largest Medjugorje center in the world was birthed through that “humility” and “desire” for conversions. It was not a Friend of Medjugorje’s desire to be the largest Medjugorje center in the world. The miraculous growth of Caritas was an action of grace, resulting from the committment of his heart to God. As Our Lady said today:
“…the world needs apostles of love…”
A Friend of Medjugorje’s desire to be an apostle resulted in Our Lady coming to his home, giving many messages here, and giving him the experience of much suffering, “pain” as Our Lady said today, which made of him a witness. As we live in the days of the grace of today’s message, commit your heart to Our Lady, seeking holiness in humility. What God grows from that is up to Him. It is for us to trust and to be apostles. Be sure to tune in to Radio WAVE at 8:00 PM Central Time, tonight as we hear from a Friend of Medjugorje, speaking to us from the village of Medjugorje. Listen here on Radio WAVE 24 Hours…
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
2. listopada 2018
„Draga djeco, Pozivam vas da budete hrabri, da ne posustajete, jer i najmanje dobro, i najmanji znak ljubavi pobjeđuju sve vidljivije zlo. Djeco moja, poslušajte me da bi dobro nadvladalo, da biste upoznali ljubav moga Sina. To je najveća sreća – ruke moga Sina koje grle, njega koji ljubi dušu, njega koji se dao za vas i uvijek se iznova u Euharistiji daje, njega koji ima riječi života vječnoga. Upoznati njegovu ljubav i slijediti njegove stope znači imati bogatstvo duhovnosti. To je bogatstvo koje daje dobre osjećaje i vidi ljubav i dobrotu posvuda. Apostoli moje ljubavi, djeco moja, vi budite kao zrake sunca koje toplinom ljubavi moga Sina griju sviju oko sebe. Djeco moja, svijetu su potrebni apostoli ljubavi, svijetu je potrebno mnogo molitve ali molitve rečene srcem i dušom, a ne samo izgovorene usnama. Djeco moja, težite k svetosti ali u poniznosti, u poniznosti koja dopušta mome Sinu da preko vas čini ono što On želi. Djeco moja, vaše molitve, vaše riječi, misli i djela, sve vam to otvara ili zatvara vrata u Kraljevstvo nebesko. Moj Sin vam je pokazao put i dao vam nadu, a ja vas tješim i hrabrim. Jer, djeco moja, ja sam bila upoznala bol ali sam imala vjeru i nadu. Sada imam nagradu života u Kraljevstvu moga Sina. Zato, poslušajte me, imajte hrabrosti i ne posustajte. Hvala vam.“
2 ottobre 2018
“Cari figli, vi invito ad essere coraggiosi e a non desistere, perché anche il più piccolo bene, il più piccolo segno d’amore vince il male sempre più visibile. Figli miei, ascoltatemi affinché il bene prenda il sopravvento, affinché possiate conoscere l’amore di mio Figlio. Quella è la felicità più grande: le braccia di mio Figlio che abbracciano. Lui che ama l’anima, lui che si è dato per voi e sempre di nuovo si dà nell’Eucaristia, lui che ha parole di vita eterna. Conoscere il suo amore, seguire le sue orme significa avere la ricchezza della spiritualità. Quella è una ricchezza che dà buoni sentimenti e vede amore e bontà ovunque. Apostoli del mio amore, figli miei, voi siate come raggi di sole che, col calore dell’amore di mio Figlio, riscaldano tutti attorno a loro. Figli miei, al mondo servono apostoli d’amore, al mondo servono molte preghiere: ma preghiere dette col cuore e con l’anima, e non solo pronunciate con le labbra. Figli miei, tendete alla santità, ma nell’umiltà. Nell’umiltà che permette a mio Figlio di fare attraverso di voi ciò che lui desidera. Figli miei, le vostre preghiere, le vostre parole, pensieri ed opere, tutto questo vi apre o vi chiude le porte del Regno dei Cieli. Mio Figlio vi ha mostrato la via e vi ha dato la speranza, ed io vi consolo e vi incoraggio. Perché, figli miei, io ho conosciuto il dolore, ma ho avuto fede e speranza. Ora ho il premio della vita nel Regno di mio Figlio. Perciò ascoltatemi, abbiate coraggio, non desistete! Vi ringrazio!”
2 października 2018
,,Drogie dzieci, wzywam was, abyście byli odważni, abyście nie ustawali , gdyż nawet najmniejsze dobro, najmniejszy znak miłości zwycięża coraz bardziej widoczne zło. Moje dzieci, posłuchajcie mnie, by zwyciężyło dobro, byście poznali miłość mojego Syna. To jest największe szczęście – ramiona mojego Syna, które tulą, Tego, który miłuje duszę, Tego, który oddał się za was i zawsze i wciąż odnowa oddaje się wam w Eucharystii. Tego, który ma słowa życia wiecznego. Poznanie Jego miłości i chodzenie za Nim Jego śladami, oznacza posiadania bogactwa duchowego. To jest bogactwo, które daje dobre samopoczucia, wszędzie dostrzega miłość i dobro. Apostołowie mojej miłości, moje dzieci, wy bądźcie jako te promienie słońca, które ciepłem miłości mojego Syna ogrzewają wszystkich wokół siebie. Moje dzieci, światu są potrzebni apostołowie miłości, świat potrzebuje wiele modlitwy, ale modlitwy wypowiadanej z serca i duszy, a nie tylko ustami. Moje dzieci, dążcie do świętości lecz z pokorą. Z pokorą, która pozwala mojemu Synowi, aby poprzez was czynił to, czego On pragnie. Moje dzieci, wasze modlitwy, wasze słowa, myśli i czyny, to wszystko wam otwiera lub zamyka wrota do Królestwa Niebieskiego. Mój Syn wskazał wam drogę i dał nadzieję, a ja was pocieszam i dodaję odwagi. Gdyż, dzieci moja, ja poznałam czym jest ból, ale miałam wiarę i nadzieję a, teraz mam nagrodę żyjąc w Królestwie mojego Syna. Dlatego więc, posłuchajcie mnie, nie ustawajcie. Dziękuję wam.”