
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s November 2, 2017 Message Given through Mirjana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s November 2, 2017, Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


It was a very chilly morning today as pilgrims waited on this November 2nd to be in the presence of Our Lady in Medjugorje. With the pilgrimage season of 2017 nearly at an end, and with the temperatures dropping this past week, it was still possible to find a place to kneel and pray close to the inner circle of the Blue Cross up to right before the apparition—which is definitely not the case for most of Mirjana’s apparitions that can draw tens of thousands of pilgrims in the warmer months of the year. Mirjana’s husband, Marco, led a group of pilgrims up to the Blue Cross at around 8:15 a.m. Mirjana came behind them, walking slowly and stiffly with several escorts walking with her to assist her if there was a need.


When she arrived at the Blue Cross, she knelt and a Rosary began to be prayed aloud. Tears could be seen coursing down Mirjana’s cheeks as she waited and prayed for Our Lady. At 8:25 a.m., Our Lady appeared. A young girl who had been reciting a decade of the Rosary immediately stopped in the middle of the decade, which let everyone know that Our Lady had arrived. Silence covered the mountain instantaneously.


Having delivered Her message for this November 2, 2017 apparition on the day for nonbelievers, Our Lady left at around 8:30 a.m. Mirjana, who suffers from debilitating back pain, could not get up on her own. She was lifted up and then had to have help moving and bending her legs while being guided to take a seat on a cement bench in front of the Blue Cross where she then dictated Our Lady’s words. The message was then read aloud in Croatian, English and Italian.


Mirjana could choose not to come to the Blue Cross each month. It causes her great physical pain to do so, but she has said that she feels she cannot disappoint the pilgrims who travel from far away places just to be with Our Lady. Following is Our Lady’s message given through Mirjana:


“Dear children, as I am looking at you gathered around me, your mother, I see many pure souls, many of my children who are seeking love and consolation, but no one is offering it to them. I also see those who are doing evil, because they do not have good examples; they have not come to know my Son. The good which is silent and is spread through pure souls is the strength which sustains this world. There is much sin, but there is also love. My Son is sending me to you – the mother who is the same for everyone – that I may teach you to love, to comprehend that you are brothers. He desires to help you. Apostles of my love, a living desire of faith and love is sufficient, and my Son will accept it. But you must be worthy, you must have good will and open hearts. My Son enters into open hearts. I, as a mother, desire that you may all the better come to know my Son – God born of God – to come to know the greatness of His love which you need so much. He accepted your sins upon Himself and obtained redemption for you, and in return He asked that you love each other. My Son is love. He loves all people without difference, all people of all countries and of all nations. If you, my children, would live the love of my Son, His kingdom would already be on earth. Therefore, apostles of my love, pray, pray that my Son and His love may be all the closer to you; that you may be an example of love and may help all those who have not come to know my Son. Never forget that my Son, one and triune, loves you. Love your shepherds and pray for them. Thank you.”

There will be an epistle writing from a Friend of Medjugorje coming later. Be sure to listen to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje as he shares new insight about Our Lady’s message today, live from the village of Medjugorje. To listen to the broadcast titled, You’re More Powerful Than…, visit here.

More Languages Available Below, and More Will Become Available Later


Mirjana, November 2, 2017

Mirjana, on November 2, 2017 in Medjugorje. Some of the most beautiful images on Mej.com have been of Mirjana, during her second of the month apparitions of Our Lady. How can it not be the case? Mirjana is peering into Heaven and into the face of the most beautiful creature ever made by God. It is a Face that we all hope and pray, striving to live the messages, that we hope to be rewarded one day in seeing. A Friend of Medjugorje has said that every trial of life, every difficulty, every pain and sorrow will be wiped away, will all be nothing, once we behold Our Lady and Her beauty. There are souls upon the earth who do not know Our Lady. It is for us, Her children to give hope for those who do not have any hope for their life. May others see the beauty of Our Lady in us. Again, be sure to listen to a Friend of Medjugorje, as he shares more about living this new message of Our Lady. Listen online here.



„Draga djeco, gledajući vas okupljene oko mene, svoje majke, vidim mnogo čistih duša, mnogo moje djece koja traže ljubav i utjehu ali im je nitko ne pruža. Vidim i one koji čine zlo, jer nemaju dobrih primjera, koji nisu upoznali moga Sina. Ono dobro koje je šutljivo, a širi se preko čistih duša, je snaga koja održava ovaj svijet. Mnogo je grijeha, ali ima i ljubavi. Moj Sin vam šalje mene, majku, istu za sve, da vas naučim ljubiti da shvatite da ste braća. Želi vam pomoći. Apostoli moje ljubavi, dovoljna je živa želja vjere i ljubavi, i moj Sin će je prihvatiti. Ali morate biti dostojni, imati dobru volju i otvorena srca. Moj Sin ulazi u otvorena srca. Ja kao majka želim da što bolje upoznate moga Sina, Boga rođenog od Boga, da upoznate veličinu Njegove ljubavi koja vam je toliko potrebna. On je vaše grijehe na sebe prihvatio, postigao otkupljenje za vas, a zauzvrat tražio da ljubite jedni druge. Moj Sin je ljubav. On ljubi sve ljude bez razlike, sve ljude svih zemalja i svih naroda. Kada biste, djeco moja, živjeli ljubav moga Sina, Njegovo kraljevstvo bi bilo već na zemlji. Zato, apostoli moje ljubavi, molite, molite da bi vam moj Sin i Njegova ljubav bili što bliži, kako biste bili primjer ljubavi i pomogli svima onima koji nisu upoznali moga Sina. Nikada nemojte zaboraviti da vas moj Sin, jedan i trojstveni, ljubi. Volte i molite za svoje pastire. Hvala vam.”


“Cari figli, guardandovi qui riuniti intorno a me, vostra Madre, vedo molte anime pure. Vedo molti miei figli che cercano amore e consolazione ma nessuno glie la offre. Vedo anche coloro che fanno del male perché non hanno buoni esempi, non hanno conosciuto mio Figlio. Mio Figlio vi manda me, Madre, uguale per tutti, per insegnarvi ad amare, perché comprendiate che siete fratelli. Desidero aiutarvi. Apostoli del mio amore, a mio Figlio basta un desiderio vivo di fede e amore e lo accetterà, ma dovete essere degni, avere desiderio e cuori aperti, mio Figlio entra nei cuori aperti. Io come Madre desidero che conosciate mio Figlio nella verità: Dio nato da Dio, che conosciate la grandezza del suo Amore, di cui avete così bisogno. Lui ha preso su di sé i vostri peccati, ha ottenuto la Redenzione per voi, in cambio chiede che vi amiate gli uni gli altri. Mio Figlio è amore, Lui ama tutti gli uomini senza differenza, tutti gli uomini di tutti gli stati, di tutti i popoli.Se voi, figli miei, viveste l’amore di mio Figlio, il suo regno sarebbe già sulla terra. Perciò, Apostoli del mio amore, pregate, pregate perché mio Figlio e il suo amore siano in voi e voi possiate essere esempio di amore e aiutiate tutti coloro che non hanno conosciuto mio Figlio. Non dimenticatevi mai che mio Figlio, uno e trino, vi ama.Amate e pregate per i vostri pastori. Vi ringrazio.”

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