
Our Lady of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2017 Message Given Through Mirjana


Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s December 2, 2017, Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers


Following is Our Lady’s message given through Mirjana:


“Dear children, I turn to you as your mother, the mother of the just, the mother of those who love and suffer, the mother of those who are holy. My children, you too can be holy – this depends on you. Those who are holy are those who immeasurably love the Heavenly Father, those who love Him above all. Therefore, my children, always strive to be better. If you strive to be good you can be holy even though you may not think so of yourselves. If you think that you are good, you are not humble, and arrogance distances you from holiness. In this peaceless world full of threats, your hands, apostles of my love, should be extended in prayer and mercy. And to me, my children, give the gift of the rosary, the roses which I love so much. My roses are your prayers pronounced with the heart and not only recited with the lips. My roses are your acts of prayer, faith and love. When my Son was little, he said to me that my children would be numerous and that they would bring me many roses. I did not comprehend Him. Now I know that you are those children who are bringing me roses when, above all, you love my Son, when you pray with the heart, when you help the poorest. Those are my roses. That is the faith which makes everything in life be done through love, not knowing arrogance, and always ready to forgive; never judging, always striving to understand one’s brother. Therefore, apostles of my love, pray for those who do not know how to love, for those who do not love you, for those who have done evil to you, for those who have not come to know the love of my Son. My children, I ask this of you because, remember, to pray means to love and to forgive. Thank you.”

The Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje will air on Monday, Dec. 4, 2017 at 7 PM Central Time USA. In the meantime, remember that you can listen around-the-clock to the best music of God, Family and Country. To listen live, 24-hours a day, around-the-clock, visit here…

More Languages Available Below, and More Will Become Available Later


The Field of Apparitions, December 1, 2017

The gate and path which leads to the Field of Apparitions, taken last night, December 1, 2017. The Tree can be seen at the end of the path. Over the years, millions of Rosaries have been prayed from this spot, where Our Lady appeared to Marija here for the first time on November 24, 1988. A Friend of Medjugorje felt a strong calling from Our Lady to establish the daily Rosary here, coinciding with the apparition time in Medjugorje. Every day, for over 30 years, the daily Rosary has been prayed in this Field, a cycle that has never been broken.


In a predominantly Protestant area, the ringing of the daily Rosary bells, seeing the Caritas Community walk to the Field, and kneeling near the Tree, the Statue and the Altar, have been a witness of the Rosary to many who do not believe, nor understand Our Lady’s role. Viewed in the past by some of the local people with skepticism, animosity, and even outright hatred, a Friend of Medjugorje has remained faithful to his call from Our Lady, that the Rosary is prayed here in the Field every day.


In more recent years, many of these local people who first viewed the Community of Caritas with skepticism, whom they referred to the Community as the “Mary People”, have come to love seeing the Community and the children walk to the Rosary every day, and kneeling by Our Lady’s statue. The path of love towards those who do not believe is not always a quick path, but it is a sure path. Make a spur of the moment decision and join the Caritas Community here December 8-12, for the Five Days of Prayer, for the Reconciling of Ourselves, Our Families and Nation Back to God, and begin a new path of love. For more information visit here…





„Draga djeco, obraćam vam se kao vaša majka, majka pravednika, majka onih koji ljube i trpe, majka svetih. Djeco moja, i vi možete biti sveti, to ovisi o vama. Sveti su oni koji neizmjerno ljube Nebeskog Oca, oni koji ga ljube iznad svega. Zato, djeco moja, nastojte uvijek biti bolji.  Ako nastojite biti dobri možete biti sveti a da i ne mislite tako o sebi. Ako mislite da ste dobri, niste ponizni i oholost vas udaljava od svetosti. U ovom nemirnom svijetu punom prijetnji vaše bi ruke, apostoli moje ljubavi, trebale biti ispružene u molitvi i milosrđu. A meni, djeco moja, poklanjajte ružarij, ruže koje toliko volim. Moje ruže su vaše molitve izrečene srcem a ne samo izrecitirane usnicama. Moje ruže su vaša djela molitve, vjere i ljubavi. Dok je bio mali moj Sin mi je govorio da će brojna biti moja djeca i da će mi mnogo ruža donositi. Nisam ga shvaćala. Sada znam da ste vi ta djeca koja mi donosite ruže kada iznad svega ljubite moga Sina, kada molite srcem, kada pomažete najsiromašnijima. To su moje ruže. To je vjera koja čini da se sve u životu čini po ljubavi, da se ne zna za oholost, da je se uvijek spremno oprostiti, nikada ne suditi, uvijek pokušati razumjeti svoga brata. Zato, apostoli moje ljubavi, molite za one koji ne znaju ljubiti, one koji ne ljube vas, one koji su vam učinili zlo, one koji nisu upoznali ljubav moga Sina. Djeco moja, to od vas tražim jer, zapamtite, moliti znači ljubiti i praštati. Hvala vam.”

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