Our Lady tells us what She wants from us in Her words…
May 6, 2015 A.D.
Our Lady tells us what She wants from us in Her words. Her message is the map to go where we need to.
May 2, 2015 A.D. 9:14 a.m.
Fresh words proclaimed from Heaven, spoken by the Virgin Mary to be put into life in the midst of our time, in the midst of modern man, today.
Medjugorje visionary, Ivan said in an interview published in 2011:
“…They are the apostles of this message. Only those who live the message can be apostles. All of us, not only the young, are invited and sent by Gospa to become apostles…”
A Conversation with the Visionaries, Kresimir Sego, 2011
Fr. Rene Laurentin writes:
“At Medjugorje, Mary reveals fully to what extent She is in love with Her children…Yes, love is the creator of beauty – for the plans of nature, of the person, and of society. When mankind understands that, that will be the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Mary has come to educate us to this understanding. She shows us the way: “open your hearts to the Master of all hearts…” June 20, 1985
Messages and Teachings of Mary at Medjugorje by Rene Laurentin and Rene Lejune
Our Lady says today, May 2, 2015 A.D.,
“…open your hearts…I desire for you to know my Son…”
We know Our Lady’s Son when we live Her messages. A Friend of Medjugorje tells more of this in the Radio WAVE broadcast, What is the Fuel of Heaven? – during which he tells of the 4 requirements of being Her apostles. Listen here…
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
More for your spiritual nourishment:
What is the Fuel of Heaven? – May 2, 2015 Radio Wave show with a Friend of Medjugorje
Dear Apostles – Writing from a Friend of Medjugorje on Our Lady’s May 2, 2015 message
Road to Death – More insight for Our Lady’s May 2, 2015 message
Sign of the Cross – May 5, 2015