Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Mountain at 11:00 p.m. on June 25, 2010. Following the apparition, Ivan said:
Also tonight, as at every meeting together with Our Lady, I will describe tonight’s meeting to you – which was truly exceptional and so joyful. Truly, tonight, after these 29 years of the apparitions, Our Lady came so joyful and happy – more than ever. Our Lady came in a gold dress and at the beginning she greeted us all with great joy with the words: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” After that Our Lady said:
“Dear children, also today the Mother calls you with joy: Dear children, be my carriers, carriers of my messages. Spread my messages in this tired world. Dear children, I desire for you to be my sign, my living sign. Therefore also tonight, I call you to accept the message which I gave you today. Live it. Know, dear children that the Mother always prays with you and prays for you to Her Son. Thank you dear children that also today you have accepted my messages and for living my messages.”
Then Our Lady prayed for a longer time, with Her hands extended, over all of us here. She blessed all of us with Her Motherly blessing and blessed all that you brought for blessing. Afterwards, I recommended all of you especially, all your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, the sick. Our Lady continued to pray over all of us here. I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Her and Our Lady left in prayer. She left in joy, in an illuminated sing of the cross with a greeting: “Go in peace my dear children.”
For the second week in a row, Our Lady gave a beautiful, lengthy message on the mountain during Ivan’s prayer group. This is not completely unexpected for the anniversary, although there have been anniversaries in which She has appeared and given no special message during Ivan’s mountain apparitions, or She simply refers back to the message She gave to Marija as a call to live that particular message. A Friend of Medjugorje was speaking with visionary Marija early this morning and she asked him about Ivan’s message last night. He told her, as reported yesterday, that Ivan said that he has never seen Our Lady as joyful and happy as She appeared to him last night. Marija responded immediately back, “Also for me! Our Lady was joyful and happy than She ever was before.” He asked Marija why was Our Lady showing more joy and happiness than ever in 29 years? Marija responded by saying, “She is happy with us.” Corresponding to the testimony of these two visionaries of Our Lady’s unusual happiness are also the words She gave to both of them on the anniversary of Her apparitions yesterday in which She spoke of joy. After 29 years of apparitions, Our Lady is still able to surprise us, changing Her patterns which brings freshness and excitement as in the beginning days. A Friend of Medjugorje made a comment about what is behind Our Lady’s joy.
“The question must be asked, why is Our Lady so happy? Did something happen in Her plan, a new step, an advancement of Her battle line? There is purpose behind every action of Our Lady, along with Her words. Through Her joy She desires to communicate to us that something has happened that has caused Her this joy. I believe we will be seeing something in the near future that will reveal why Our Lady was filled with such great joy on Her anniversary yesterday. Or, maybe we will not know in this life, but for sure where there is an effect, that effect has a cause. Something caused the effect of joy in Our Lady more so than any of the other previous 29 years. This resulting joy, though it won’t be reported by any of the secular, or even the religious news sources of our day, is the major Headline news story of June 25, 2010: that Our Lady was happier and more joyful than at any other time the visionaries ever saw Her in 29 years of apparitions. This is an incredible statement and one we must pray to comprehend, and to watch for the “signs of the times” that might reveal the meaning behind Our Lady’s happiness. ”
In Ivan’s message, the literal translation of the Croatian word for “carriers” is “carry me.” So in the message when Our Lady said, “…Dear children, be my carriers, carriers of my messages…” in the Croatian She is literally saying, “carry Me, carry Me.” With the release of A Friend of Medjugorje’s new book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen there was great excitement among the Caritas Community in reading this message of Ivan’s, and in particular that Our Lady used the words “carry Me.” The book reveals many things, but in particular it speaks of spreading the message and a particular devotion that connects so strongly to Our Lady’s words above, “carry Me”. When you read the book, you’ll understand. It Ain’t Gonna Happen is available immediately by downloading it, and will be available in printed book form in a couple of weeks. Use Ivan’s message as a bookmark as you read the book, referring back to this message often, and you will understand more and more why it was a cause of joy for the community members who have been working non-stop with A Friend of Medjugorje on this book for the past four months to have it released by June 24th. Spread the book to friends, family and Medjugorje devotees.
Though it is difficult to see it from this distance, the whole center area where Our Lady appears on Apparition Mountain is completely filled with people waiting for Her coming the night of June 25, 2010. Twenty-nine years earlier, on this very day, six children ran up this mountain and came to stop before the most beautiful Creature they had ever beheld, a Woman whom they all have said grows more beautiful every single day they see Her. These are the six who forever sealed their fate as the visionaries of Medjugorje: Mirjana, Ivanka, Ivan, Vicka, Marija, and Jakov.
52 thoughts on “June 25, 2010 Apparition to Ivan on Apparition Mountain at 11:00 P.M.”
Hello Caritas! I just listened to “Tie Yourself to the Mast.”The songs all made me cry,they are so BEAUTIFUL!Our Lady’s Oct 25 2017 message was of course amazing in itself! But I just have to mention how dear it is of God,how sweet it is of Our Lady,to use Our Lady’s children,(us!), in a monumental&intimate way,to incorporate Her messages through Caritas, through A Friend Of Medjugorjes teaching&examples,by flowing out to Our Lady’s other chosen& beloved children,to witness with our lives as well,to change the world!She didn’t have to use us.She could have chosen another way to get Her messages out , but She chose to INCLUDE us, so many of Her children, to be a part of Her plan(Gods plan) to save the world! Gods ways were clear to me from the start,that I couldnt change my life&do His Will trying to discern the messages myself. Its like our CatholicChurch..we need It to interpret scripture in the same way, we need Caritas to interpret Her messages.I will stand by that with my life!?
Hello Caritas! I just listened to “Tie Yourself to the Mast.”The songs all made me cry,they are so BEAUTIFUL!Our Lady’s Oct 25 2017 message was of course amazing in itself! But I just have to mention how dear it is of God,how sweet it is of Our Lady,to use Our Lady’s children,(us!), in a monumental&intimate way,to incorporate Her messages through Caritas, through A Friend Of Medjugorjes teaching&examples,by flowing out to Our Lady’s other chosen& beloved children,to witness with our lives as well,to change the world!She didn’t have to use us.She could have chosen another way to get Her messages out , but She chose to INCLUDE us, so many of Her children, to be a part of Her plan(Gods plan) to save the world! Gods ways were clear to me from the start,that I couldnt change my life&do His Will trying to discern the messages myself. Its like our CatholicChurch..we need It to interpret scripture in the same way, we need Caritas to interpret Her messages.I will stand by that with my life!?
Hello Caritas! I just listened to “Tie Yourself to the Mast.”The songs all made me cry,they are so BEAUTIFUL!Our Lady’s Oct 25 2017 message was of course amazing in itself! But I just have to mention how dear it is of God,how sweet it is of Our Lady,to use Our Lady’s children,(us!), in a monumental&intimate way,to incorporate Her messages through Caritas, through A Friend Of Medjugorjes teaching&examples,by flowing out to Our Lady’s other chosen& beloved children,to witness with our lives as well,to change the world!She didn’t have to use us.She could have chosen another way to get Her messages out , but She chose to INCLUDE us, so many of Her children, to be a part of Her plan(Gods plan) to save the world! Gods ways were clear to me from the start,that I couldnt change my life&do His Will trying to discern the messages myself. Its like our CatholicChurch..we need It to interpret scripture in the same way, we need Caritas to interpret Her messages.I will stand by that with my life!?
Magnificat Anima mea Dominum. Et sultavit spiritus meus..This song which Our Lady sang sayeth the whole story.She is the human link between Jesus & all the faithful. Her Most Divine Majesty urges us continuously to repent & surrender to the Master of the Universe. Why? she foresees the ultimate destruction of the human being yet to come. She is living among us but we who ignore her.Will any creature on this earth would forget his/her mother? I don’t think so. If anyone does such then it should be an animal. So without behaving like animals, we shall respond to her motherly call. Keep in mind that the Universal Church exists because of her intervention at Lepanto, the decisive battle which fought to prevent extinction of the church. H.H Pope John Paul II’s life was saved because she embraced him at the very moment the pistol shot was fired. She had been near him at that time. So recite the Holy Rosary daily so that she will be near you at the time of grief & despair, joy & happy.
Our Lady is leading us to her son through the faith of others. Look for the signs in your life and BELIEVE….
I feel so enlightened at this time to learn of our Lady ‘s appearance. I feel there are many signs throughout my life, especially now that tell me our Mary is with me to help me pray for my family and friends that need her help getting the prayers to her son. She is relaying the message Christ is with us. We need to ask for the Holy Spirit and will not be denied. God is always near.
I feel so enlightened at this time to learn of our Lady ‘s appearance. I feel there are many signs throughout my life, especially now that tell me our Mary is with me to help me pray for my family and friends that need her help getting the prayers to her son. She is relaying the message Christ is with us. We need to ask for the Holy Spirit and will not be denied. God is always near.
During a group prayer, I have contemplated on the Mystery of Announciation of Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ. And Now, our Blessed Mother Mary is personally “Announcing” and coming to us in her many appraritions: Fatima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, etc., to let everyone know that she loves us and she is bringing us closer to her son, Jesus Christ. Thanks Be To God!
I am greatful that our Lady was happy and joyful, it certainly puts a smile on my face because things around here are not very promising. I was hoping in my heart that she would be happy in this apparition of the 25th. I do not think about me or my family, but about the world, and I am blessing everyone, especially those that hurt me or work to do harm to me. I offer all for the salvation of souls. Even when times get rough I thank our Lord for all trials, and for strength. Thx God Bless.
My heart is content; no matter what happens to me, my son or my family. As the times worsen I know Our Lady asks that we be JOYFUL, and others then will ask WHY? I am so grateful that our mother has been teaching me to let go of jobs, home, things and even family over the years. It certainly has been painful, yet brings such inner peace and joy. Sad to not be at Caritas this summer. God Bless you all.
Praise the Lord! Thank you Medjugorge.com for bringing us Our Lady’s messages. Our Lady’s messages fill believers with hope and strength. I am so grateful to Our Lady. I love her so much! She is leading us all to her Son! Amen.
Praise the Lord! Thank you Medjugorge.com for bringing us Our Lady’s messages. Our Lady’s messages fill believers with hope and strength. I am so grateful to Our Lady. I love her so much! She is leading us all to her Son! Amen.
Thank you for this wonderful message of our Blessed mother to all the world. I think she is so happy because more people are praying the rosary and are getting closer to her son. Love and prayers
I think Gospa is happy because of the close end of the 100 years of Satan ‘s war..
I think Gospa is happy because of the close end of the 100 years of Satan ‘s war..
What makes our Lady happy is when all Her children turn towards Her son. This will alleviate some of the punishment due to us. This must be it. Sandy
I wish I can be there to see her but unfortunately fate does not permit so I would just think about her coming to the top of the mountain and be happy to see her. And ask her to pray for me and my son. and make the remainder of my days on earth safe place to live. for protection for my life and my son life and be able to toucherh and talk to
My heart is filled with so much of joy and contentment. To know and understand with faith that our most sweet mother is always praying and interceeding for us all God’s children. Praise God in love with her most sweet Son Jesus.
My heart is filled with so much of joy and contentment. To know and understand with faith that our most sweet mother is always praying and interceeding for us all God’s children. Praise God in love with her most sweet Son Jesus.
Beautiful!! I wonder if Mary was showing us the Joy in Heaven when one sinner is converted… “All of Heaven rejoices when one sinner returns” (not exact quote) Showing us how very important each one of us are to Her and to God Thank you for this beautiful site Lucy
I am so happy too. The dear Mother knows of what I am speaking. Thank you so much for the blessings. I have understood that it is a great blessing what we recieve here.
Thank you so much for this explanation of our Lady’s visit. Pray for me; a sinner and a traitor to my original baptism and faith. Pray for me.
Thank you so much for this explanation of our Lady’s visit. Pray for me; a sinner and a traitor to my original baptism and faith. Pray for me.
If Our Lady is happy, then I am happy. Let us rejoice that Our Mother is radiant with joy. Praise be to God!
I wonder if Our Lady was happy because it is almost time for her Son to come back to earth and she was excited about that…the Triumph!! I thank all for helping to spread her messages. Is not her favorite song the Battle Hymn??? “My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord…..” Praise God!!
Thanks for doing the beautiful work of making this known giving joy to the heart of your Mother. Here is a gift of love for all of you. The sun is an icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Sunrise is the consecration elevation. The after noon sun at three is the doxology. Sunrise is Holy Communion and night is his hidden remaining presence toward the rising sun.
I am filled with complete joy and love for our Lady and her message to carry her messages to others! She is our Mother and we will do the best to carry out her messages to all as she wishes. She is love and her love is infectious and we will with G od’s help carry out her plan as best as possible. May God bless you for all you do to save souls. Yours in Christ and Mary, Sandra
I am filled with complete joy and love for our Lady and her message to carry her messages to others! She is our Mother and we will do the best to carry out her messages to all as she wishes. She is love and her love is infectious and we will with G od’s help carry out her plan as best as possible. May God bless you for all you do to save souls. Yours in Christ and Mary, Sandra
I am so happy Our Blessed Mother is expressing happiness she hears our prayers and she is with us.Thank You for bringing us these messages.
This is the most exciting thing that has happened after all these years! Recently, Our Lady seemed somewhat sad and I was wondering why because I was sure that her message is being spread throughout the world. Now, I know that her message is going out to all and there must be some great results from all of our prayers! Praise be to Jesus Christ!!!! Donna
I can’t contain the joy in my heart of reading the messages from yesterdays meeting with Our Mother! Last year I was there, not too close but on the mountain…beaustiful; womderful experience being close to her! I pray one day m,y family can understand her meassages and my joy in following her!
I can’t contain the joy in my heart of reading the messages from yesterdays meeting with Our Mother! Last year I was there, not too close but on the mountain…beaustiful; womderful experience being close to her! I pray one day m,y family can understand her meassages and my joy in following her!
It is truly amazing that Our Lady would appear so happy considering the state of the world today.
It is so wonderful to be able to log on and see Apparition Hill , to hear and feel the message given and feel we are there with you. We can take it to our hearts and do what Our Blessed Mother asks of us without delay . We can look at the screen and climb the mountain saying the Rosary even as we work, where we have been placed by Our lady.We must embrace the space we are in ,accepting at all times.
I am waiting with anticipation your new book…especially after the message on the 25th… Yesterday, we celebrated the anniversary at Lourdes Catholic Church in Kendall,Miami,Fl…it was a joyous evening,,the Mass lasted almost three hours and the priest was a real Marian Priest…Tears came down at the homily…the love he got for his Mother and our Mother…the Holy Ghost was there…She must be happy like at the mountain in Medjugorje…The chapel was packed…What a night! What a blessing!
it is a beautiful mesage our lady sent to us all.we should try harder to pray more and trust our lady to look after us.she is our blessed mother.
God love you! I brought brown scapulars and Miraculous Medals on July1-5, 2009 apparitions in Caritas, for Our Lady’s blessing. I pray that I will use this special grace to bring more souls to God. Two weeks ago, a lady friend mentioned casually that her dad was asking for brown scapulars w/ Sacred Heart for the retreat he’s conducting for 50 men. I sent 50 medals along w/ 50 scapulars and told her that these were blessed by Our Lady of Medjugorje, in Caritas, and by the newly ordained deacon
God love you! I brought brown scapulars and Miraculous Medals on July1-5, 2009 apparitions in Caritas, for Our Lady’s blessing. I pray that I will use this special grace to bring more souls to God. Two weeks ago, a lady friend mentioned casually that her dad was asking for brown scapulars w/ Sacred Heart for the retreat he’s conducting for 50 men. I sent 50 medals along w/ 50 scapulars and told her that these were blessed by Our Lady of Medjugorje, in Caritas, and by the newly ordained deacon
My heart is filled with Joy at this from afar. Our Lady’s Presence has filled the Whole World with Joy that is felt. The anticipation of the 25th Message and events were undefinable. Waiting for her Message on Apparition Mountain last night and reading the Message this Morning was sublime. St. Hedwig Parish in Wilminton will Honor our Lady Sunday 29th at 3:00pm and the gratitude will be Thanksgiving for these Great Gifts. 6months ago Christmas Day 2009 she wore Gold dress and again June25th.
My heart is filled with Joy at this from afar. Our Lady’s Presence has filled the Whole World with Joy that is felt. The anticipation of the 25th Message and events were undefinable. Waiting for her Message on Apparition Mountain last night and reading the Message this Morning was sublime. St. Hedwig Parish in Wilminton will Honor our Lady Sunday 29th at 3:00pm and the gratitude will be Thanksgiving for these Great Gifts. 6months ago Christmas Day 2009 she wore Gold dress and again June25th.
It was only random that I chose to read the message of Our Lady on June 25, 2010. Thank you for the info about the new book IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN, and how we can order it. Thank you so much!
While listening to the 2 hour broadcast last night, my heart was so heavy for my children who are turning their backs on our Faith and missing this special time. Upon reading Our Lady’s Message, I realized I was not trusting her to answer prayer for their conversion. Our Lady sees all that’s going on in our world, and still calls us to be joyful carriers of her messages. So too my heart can trust and rejoice The heaviness was lifted and I made new recommitment to live out her messages in Joy
While listening to the 2 hour broadcast last night, my heart was so heavy for my children who are turning their backs on our Faith and missing this special time. Upon reading Our Lady’s Message, I realized I was not trusting her to answer prayer for their conversion. Our Lady sees all that’s going on in our world, and still calls us to be joyful carriers of her messages. So too my heart can trust and rejoice The heaviness was lifted and I made new recommitment to live out her messages in Joy
It is with great joy to read that Our Lady came with such happiness.We can’t wait to get the book version of It Ain’t Gonna Happen. May Our Lady be with all of us every day to bring us closer to Her Son, Our Lord. Will see you soon in July.
It is with great joy to read that Our Lady came with such happiness.We can’t wait to get the book version of It Ain’t Gonna Happen. May Our Lady be with all of us every day to bring us closer to Her Son, Our Lord. Will see you soon in July.