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June 24, 2024: A Friend of Medjugorje Says, “There Will Be a Result”

June 24, 2024: A Friend of Medjugorje Says, “There Will Be a Result”

Monday June 24, 2024 A.D.


Marija and Ivan, 1988 - The Lasting Sign

Medjugorje Marija and Ivan during the filming of The Lasting Sign, 1988. In the beginning days, 1981, the apparitions were taking place on Apparition Mountain, Podbrdo. Marija, in 2010, described what took place in those early days, in particular June 24, 1981, and in Marija’s words, Our Lady Wants a Revolution. Read all about it here.

Tonight, June 24, 2024, there were several thousands of people up on the mountain.  Both Marija and Ivan led the pilgrims in the prayer of the Rosary.


Our Lady immediately appeared during the prayer of the first Our Father of the 7-7-7 prayers.  Our Lady came at 11:35 p.m. and the apparition lasted around 6 minutes.  The speaker system went out about 20 minutes before the apparition, so most people were unable to hear any of the description of what happened.  The following is a rough translation of Marija’s description of the apparition.


“At the time of the apparition when Our Lady came, Ivan and I offered up this novena. Our Lady smiled and She was very joyful, and She thanked us for our prayers and sacrifices and She said:




“Our Lady came dressed in a golden dress, standing on a cloud with a crown of stars on Her head, and we recommended to Our Lady all of us, all our intentions, and everything we have in our hearts. Also, today Our Lady prayed in Her motherly language Aramaic. She prayed for a longer time and blessed us all.”


Our Lady was joyful on the 9th day of the Novena.  The impact from this novena, there will be a result.  It is not going to be like turning on a light switch, but everything is lining up for who Our Lady is, The Queen of Peace!  In 1994, during the war here in Bosnia and Croatia, Our Lady gave the message that said, “…You all have helped me so that this war may finish as soon as possible…”  Below is what I wrote right after this message was given.

Friend of Medjugorje


February 25, 1994 Message and Postcard by a Friend of Medjugorje


*The phone extensions above are over 20 years old and no longer in use. For pilgrimages, dial 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Monday – Friday, you can also call direct to BVM Pilgrimages at 205-672-3030. For ordering materials, you can dial 205-672-2000, extension 315.



Tomorrow’s apparition for the 25th message will be at the normal time, 6:40 PM Medjugorje time, which is 11:40 AM Central Time USA.


Continue spreading everywhere Our Lady’s call to the world. Be sure to send to your national and local news outlets, radio talk shows, press, etc. You can e-mail, saying where you are from – your states, counties, cities and villages. Doing this will show the media this is an across-the-world event. You can simply write, “For the past days, the Virgin Mary is having apparitions to visionary Marija and calling people in an extraordinary way to pray to bring peace. Thousands of people in Medjugorje on the mountain, joined by millions of people across the world, are listening to Marija from the Virgin Mary’s call for peace.” Use your own words to the media. You want to keep your message brief. Every one of you can make a showing for all countries. If each one of you writes emails and makes phone calls, this will influence millions more people to be praying. Everyone also call and email all bishops and priests and inform them that prayer is what Our Lady wants to bring peace to the world and healing to the world. To all the contacts you make by phone and email, give them the most critical information the media can quickly get. They will be a one stop place for everything they will need for their report. Tell them to go to the largest Medjugorje center in the world – Medjugorje.com. It is the #1 website. Also, media people can be contacted at Caritas in Alabama at 205-672-2000, as well as contacts who are living in the village of Medjugorje.

Glenn Beck: https://www.glennbeck.com/st/contact

Michael Berry: https://michaelberryshow.com/pages/send-an-email-to-michael

Sean Hannity: https://hannity.com/contact-us/

Bill O’Reilly: https://www.billoreilly.com/pg/jsp/help/contactbill.jsp

Tucker Carlson: Email [email protected]

Jesse Kelly: Email [email protected]

Fox News Submit a Tip: https://help.foxnews.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000485774

CNN News: [email protected]

ABC News: [email protected] or call: (212) 456-2828

USA Today: https://newstips.usatoday.com/

Associated Press: https://www.ap.org/contact-us/news-tips/

NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/tips/

One America News Network: https://www.oann.com/contact-us

BBC: [email protected]

Al Jazeera: https://network.aljazeera.net/en/contact

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

9 thoughts on “June 24, 2024: A Friend of Medjugorje Says, “There Will Be a Result””

  1. Does anyone now think Our Lady asked us to pray this special novena to save President Trumps life? We have consecrated our nation to Her and is She protecting one of Her apostles? Not just any apostle but someone strong enough to help Her save the world? I’m certainly looking at him with greater hope. Today the first day of the RNC was led and finished with prayer. God bless America and President Trump 🙏🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏

      1. And God bless our FOM for his role in keeping us close to Our Lady, forsaking everything he holds dear, in order that we continue to receive the Blessed Words from Heaven. He needs our help now, Our Lady needs our help now. In light of the events this past weekend, we need Her more than ever. Please help keep this blessed site going. It helped save my soul. Let’s help save others. God bless you all🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸🙏

  2. Michael Hebert

    City: FULTON
    State: New York
    Country: United States
    Hello, Christian Brothers and Sisters,
    Just a quick request. In this writing there’s a copy of one of those blue cards you mail out each month with Our Lady’s Message on it and a quick quote from FOM. That card has the title, “Rejoice, Rejoice, Our Lady Will End The War ASAP!” On this same card FOM mentions he wrote an explanation for why Our Lady tells us, “Pray, Pray, Pray.” When mentioning this on the card, he tells us we should reread the pamphlet that gives us the answer. The pamphlet he mentioned, is called:
    “Twelve Years of Medjugorje” I’ve searched all over the Mej.com website, without being Blessed with finding it.
    Could you please direct me to where I would be able to read it, or send a copy to my email address. I’m very interested in finding out what FOM said about Our Lady saying….”Pray, Pray, Pray.”
    God Bless and Thank You in Advance for helping me in this regard.
    Love, Michael J. Hebert

  3. City: Stonington
    State: CT
    Country: United States
    Please donate as soon as you can! Action is needed. Caritas has been working on this for many years. Getting information out to the people as soon as they can.
    Love, Prayers, and Peace

  4. City: Fountain Valley
    State: Ca
    Country: United States
    I love you mama Medugorje!
    Please bless ours families and pray for us now and at the hours of our Death. Amen 🙏🥰🌹😇

  5. City: Baldwin
    State: La. 70514
    Country: USA
    Please Mother continue to here our prayers. Thank you so much for sharing with me.

    1. City: Lenexa
      State: KS
      Country: USA
      Thank you, Blessed Mother, for forming Mary’s Flame of Love prayer group 35 years ago. Help us to remain faithful. We pray for peace, in our hearts, homes, families, nation and in the world.

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