Our Lady did not disappoint those who joined Her on top of Apparition Mountain at 10:00 this evening in Medjugorje, giving a very long and beautiful message, unusual for these prayer group apparitions. Though in the afternoon today, the skies became overcast, and raindrops began falling, the weather cleared by evening, and the night descended with a clear, starry sky, and comfortably cool temperatures that were refreshing after making the hot climb up the mountain.
With the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions still a week away, the crowds were not as thick as what is experienced on the second of the month apparitions, or the special feast days throughout the year, but there were still thousands who climbed the mountain tonight and the great multitudes will be arriving soon enough next week. Among the unfamiliar faces of the pilgrims, there were many familiar faces of those who either live in Medjugorje or who come frequently, having been attending Our Lady’s apparitions for years. Many of them are much older now, but they still make the rugged climb, as they wouldn’t think about missing an apparition. The first summer apparition on the mountain with Ivan’s prayer group is a great joy and is looked forward to with great anticipation. Though Our Lady appears to the other visionaries in different circumstances, there is something special about the mountain apparitions, perhaps only because it is on Apparition Mountain where it all started nearly 30 years ago, and the spirit of those beginning days is still very much felt when Our Lady appears. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition tonight.
June 18, 2010 Apparition to Ivan on Apparition Mountain at 10:00 P.M.
Tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy. As always, at every meeting, at the beginning She greeted all of us with her motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then Our Lady extended her hands over all of us and prayed for awhile. Then She blessed us all with her motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought to be blessed. Then She said:
“Dear children, also today I desire to call you, through this time of grace, pray. Renew my messages, dear children. Live my messages. Dear children, this time is a time of responsibility, live my messages responsibly. Dear children, I desire for you to do works, and not words. The Mother prays for you and intercedes before Her Son for all of you. Thank you, dear children, also today, for having accepted me and accepted my messages, and for living my messages.”
After that I recommended all of you, all of your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, all of those present who are sick. I prayed an Our Father and Glory Be with Our Lady and then Our Lady left in prayer in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, saying “Go in peace my dear children.”
St. James Church is seen from on top of Apparition Mountain tonight, June 18, 2010. Saint James Church is named for the Apostle St. James the Greater, also known as the brother to St. John. He became known as the patron saint for pilgrims. This has always been known as St. James parish—long before Our Lady began appearing in Medjugorje, long before the streams of pilgrims began flowing into this village. It is just one of many holy “coincidences” that brings intrigue and mystery to the events of Medjugorje.
The large crowds that gathered this June 18, 2010, can be seen around Our Lady’s statue which is the site where Our Lady appeared tonight to Ivan. The crowds of people sang and prayed together as they waited for the time of the apparition to draw near. Ivan’s prayer group began leading the crowd in the prayer of the Rosary at 9:30 p.m. which led up to the time of Our Lady’s apparition at 10:00 p.m. Our Lady appeared for approximately seven minutes.
A beautiful moment of prayer is captured right at the time of Our Lady’s apparition tonight on Apparition Mountain at 10:00 p.m. Intense prayer and longing can be seen on the faces of those who were gathered at the foot of Our Lady’s statue. Twenty-five years before this date, Our Lady gave the following message. It was given during the days of prayer leading up to Her anniversary. It expresses what these faces show.
June 20, 1985
“Dear children, for this Feast Day I wish to tell you to open your hearts to the Master of all hearts. Give me all your feelings and all your problems! I wish to comfort you in all your trials. I wish to fill you with peace, joy, and love of God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
What an incomprehensible grace to be able to live this message in the presence of Our Lady through Her apparitions in Medjugorje.
We wish to thank you for all your support.
With all our love,
Caritas of Birmingham,
Operated by the Community of Caritas
91 thoughts on “June 18, 2010 Ivan’s Prayer Group Apparition”
I was in the bedroom of apparitions on this day. I wasn’t actually chosen, I asked to go in. I felt horrible. I thought it was only to view the room, I didn’t know it was for an actual apparition. I cried because I felt someone eles should have been there instead of me. The only thing is I do not hear good. I have had hearing problems since age 2. So I was surprised that I heard the field angel ask the person next to me. The next day me and my mom went to view the room…I couldn’t stop crying because I knew that it was ok for me to be in the room this time. During the apparition on the 3rd…I was in the field, my mom lost our belongings…we couldn’t find them before the rosary started. So I told my mom don’t worry, we will find everything after the rosary. ( the apparition was at 10:00pm pitch dark except for the awesome moon). I have so much to tell you from this weekend. I found our belongings after the rosary. I stood up and walked straight to them.
Once again our Lady blesses us in ways we probably cant even fully comprehend. It is with increadible fondness that i recall being in the very spot of this evening Apparition. The feelings of peace, joy, and living grace are still strong in my heart. This is an especially special story for me because it is the day of my wife, Carole, and my 27th wedding anniversary. Desipte being a cradle Catholic, Carole, through her strong faith and devotion to Mary, has brought me to our faith more fully.
Reading the article just choked me up and took my breath away. I’m currently getting over some major serious surgery that was so painful, I asked God to take me and it was unbarable. God decided what was good for me and I’m slowly on the mend. I believe it is God’s will that I remain here on earth to finish helping my all my brothers and sisters not only with words but deeds. I will continue to pray the Rosary to our Blessed Mother as much as I can. GOD BLESS THE WHOLE WORLD.
Reading the article just choked me up and took my breath away. I’m currently getting over some major serious surgery that was so painful, I asked God to take me and it was unbarable. God decided what was good for me and I’m slowly on the mend. I believe it is God’s will that I remain here on earth to finish helping my all my brothers and sisters not only with words but deeds. I will continue to pray the Rosary to our Blessed Mother as much as I can. GOD BLESS THE WHOLE WORLD.
Please continue sending Our Lady’s messages- and the pictures of this beautiful land and beautiful people. I was in Medjugorje in 2003. Medjugorje and Our Lady changed my life. Blessings.. And pl;ease pray for me, for my family, and for all in the United States of America. We so desperately need Our Lady.
Please continue sending Our Lady’s messages- and the pictures of this beautiful land and beautiful people. I was in Medjugorje in 2003. Medjugorje and Our Lady changed my life. Blessings.. And pl;ease pray for me, for my family, and for all in the United States of America. We so desperately need Our Lady.
Reminds of 2005 when I was there. Truly a foretaste of heaven, I love my mother Mary, and I love my church, nothing can and will ever change that! I commend my children, parents, brother and sisters to her.
i am touched, more than ever before, by our Lady’s message. Well done Caritas for the great work you are doing, getting us to know all these miraculous happenings. We continue to pray that by God’s Grace, we are able to live our Lady’s messages. Ophelia.
i am touched, more than ever before, by our Lady’s message. Well done Caritas for the great work you are doing, getting us to know all these miraculous happenings. We continue to pray that by God’s Grace, we are able to live our Lady’s messages. Ophelia.
Evertime I look at the pictures of Medjugorje my heart goes back there, Blessed Mother, take me back there one more time. Last time I was there in 2004. Trials and tribulations since then but Jesus and His mother carried me through. I love you. I came in 1999 with my son Kevin-he went to be with the Lord in 2005. Have been through so much pain and hurt from marriage. But.. I still presevere. Going back will bring healing and comfort. So beauitiful there, so much peace and joy.
Blessed are we for our Dearest Beautiful Mother. May each and everyone who believes in GOD’S Love be drawn to Our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart. May the unbelievers be drawn ever closer to Jesus’ Divine Mercy! ~*~ Keep up the great work .. so vital to a world looking for Truth! Be Love! Mare
Blessed are we for our Dearest Beautiful Mother. May each and everyone who believes in GOD’S Love be drawn to Our Holy Mother’s Immaculate Heart. May the unbelievers be drawn ever closer to Jesus’ Divine Mercy! ~*~ Keep up the great work .. so vital to a world looking for Truth! Be Love! Mare
I would love to go back tp Medjugorje one day. When I was there, it was like I was in a dream. It didn’t become a reality until I left and I realized how much of heaven was right here on earth. Miracles were happening all around me but it was too much to absorb at the time. Iremember being on the plane and saw clouds that were shapes like kings and people of royalty. I looked at them in awe but never tried to capture the moment. If I were to ever go back, I would cherish every second. Thank you
I would love to go back tp Medjugorje one day. When I was there, it was like I was in a dream. It didn’t become a reality until I left and I realized how much of heaven was right here on earth. Miracles were happening all around me but it was too much to absorb at the time. Iremember being on the plane and saw clouds that were shapes like kings and people of royalty. I looked at them in awe but never tried to capture the moment. If I were to ever go back, I would cherish every second. Thank you
Our Lady is my, and everyone’s heavenly mother. I love you so very much and I wish that You ask My Lord to take all our problems away. As you know My Lady, George and I are passing through very difficult trial, as you know. Hold our hands and help us pass through it with success. Bless us and pray for us my Mother. We thank you for everything. Your daughter and son, Lama & George
Our Lady is my, and everyone’s heavenly mother. I love you so very much and I wish that You ask My Lord to take all our problems away. As you know My Lady, George and I are passing through very difficult trial, as you know. Hold our hands and help us pass through it with success. Bless us and pray for us my Mother. We thank you for everything. Your daughter and son, Lama & George
Oh how I miss that piece of heaven on earth.Once I was there I never wanted to leave.Hopefully I will return someday soon.
How delighted and inspired I am to receive your messages my dearest Holy Mother.I was there last year on this day. But this year it was difficult to get visa as it is issued only in India for Sri Lankans. I am so ssd about it. However I convey all these messages to my friends in my Parish community. May God protect Medjugorije and all the visioneries I have been blessed to visit Medjugorije 23 times. Every time I waas there I truly felt Our Lady’s presence. She is truly appearing there.
How delighted and inspired I am to receive your messages my dearest Holy Mother.I was there last year on this day. But this year it was difficult to get visa as it is issued only in India for Sri Lankans. I am so ssd about it. However I convey all these messages to my friends in my Parish community. May God protect Medjugorije and all the visioneries I have been blessed to visit Medjugorije 23 times. Every time I waas there I truly felt Our Lady’s presence. She is truly appearing there.
Everytime I see pictures of Medjugorje and hear Our Lady’s words I get the chills remembering my own pilgrimage June 24, 1987 and a longing to go back envelopes me. How arrogant are we in the West who think we have so much when, as I reflect on the 20th Century, I realize how blessed these people are and how much greater the blessings they have.
Everytime I see pictures of Medjugorje and hear Our Lady’s words I get the chills remembering my own pilgrimage June 24, 1987 and a longing to go back envelopes me. How arrogant are we in the West who think we have so much when, as I reflect on the 20th Century, I realize how blessed these people are and how much greater the blessings they have.
when our Queen of peace mother of jesus said we are now living in time of grace all we have to do is look around us the world is not in good state let pray be our first an all should fall into place without pray we have nothing our lady message become clearer everyday let protect our family with pray and thank God for what we have and ask him to protect our youth may god bless us all thanks an praise the lord
These pictures bring a smile , this is where we all long to wake up each day , truly if there is a place which represents heaven on earth this is it ,
Although I have received late, may I thank to Our Mother for appearing to people. May God Bless All of Us, Amen.
The photo’s make me feel as though I am there on Apparition Mountain! Thank you!
The photo’s make me feel as though I am there on Apparition Mountain! Thank you!
Those of us in the Sacramento area of CA love Our Lady and continue to ask her to protect us and watch over us. We promise to be doers of the word not just hearers of the word and to be responsible for spreading devotion to the Queen of Peace. A group of us just returned from Medjugorje this week. Thank you, Gospa, for your love for all of us. Bless our country America, help us to be a godly people.
Beautiful, I love our Lady
Thank you Una for sharing this message to us in this time of great anxiety and confussion. Let us continue to pray to Our Lady and Mother and mother of Jesus who draws us to Him always.
Thank you dear mother for appearing to people, have mercy on us
I am blessed in knowing that Our Mother Mary is with us even those who believe and don’t physically see Her. My parents showed my sisters and me how important God is to us. Some of us strayed but I returned to my faith and it has never been stronger. My Mother~ God bless my dad and mother on this father’s day and give them a big kiss and hug from all of us. I miss him so very much and still cry. He is with his family and God now. Blessings
I am blessed in knowing that Our Mother Mary is with us even those who believe and don’t physically see Her. My parents showed my sisters and me how important God is to us. Some of us strayed but I returned to my faith and it has never been stronger. My Mother~ God bless my dad and mother on this father’s day and give them a big kiss and hug from all of us. I miss him so very much and still cry. He is with his family and God now. Blessings
Thank you, this is beautiful
Thank You Blessed Mama for your wonderful enlightment and words of wisdom, for your visits to we your little children seeking your son, our Lord Jesus. Thank You Dearest Abba for allowing Blessed Mama, to continue to visit and guide us, for all the graces and gifts. Thank You Caritas Birmingham for your gift of sharing to those who can not be in Medjugorje with the other pilgrims. May God continue to bless your work in spreading the messages given to us by our Dear Heavenly Mama. Pax
Thank you my Mother for your words! thank you for drawing me back to God because I have forgotten about Him so many years, and you have shown me the way back to him! Help me mother for my conversion and my family’s, so we may all truly love our Creator and Father and live your messages everyday of our lives. I love you my dear Mama!
Thank you my Mother for your words! thank you for drawing me back to God because I have forgotten about Him so many years, and you have shown me the way back to him! Help me mother for my conversion and my family’s, so we may all truly love our Creator and Father and live your messages everyday of our lives. I love you my dear Mama!
Thank you for this website it means alot to me to be able to read what our Blessed Mother has to say to us,and to no she loves and cares for each and everyone of us . I love you Blessed Mother.
Thank you very much for sharing these apparitions. They keep us close to the heart of Jesus and increase the love for our lady. Mother we love you.
Thank you so very much for sharing Our Lady’s messages with us and for trying to do God’s will. When I am having a bad day I can refer back to the lastest message from Her. I pray for you & all of us every day. God Bless.
Thank you so very much for sharing Our Lady’s messages with us and for trying to do God’s will. When I am having a bad day I can refer back to the lastest message from Her. I pray for you & all of us every day. God Bless.
Thank You Heavenly Father for letting us spend some time with your Blessed Mother I know that this has given me a lot of peace in my life and thank you for your sacrafice that he gave for all of us.
Simply beautiful and real! We are so blessed to be part of this.Mother Mary ,we thank you for all your intercession.Pray to Jesus for us, especially for others who still deny the exisitence of Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Praise be to Jesus at all times! Thank you for spreading the messages from heaven.Blessed be God & all His angels and saints!!!
Thank you, for keeping us update on everything going on there. The message on June 18th show us her motherly encouragement, and all her love, to keep us grow more everyday. Dear mother please help me to pray everyday for the conversion of my family and the peace of my country…Colombia… I love You so much. Thank you Mother, and thanks to all of you at Med.com. God bless you all of you for the wonderful work.
Dear Lord, We thank you for the gift of loving mother to us who always interceeds for us. Mother, we love you, guide us, guard us and keep us extremely healthy. We wait to make a piligrimage to Medjugorje alongwith our family. I thank you for hearing our prayers and strengthening our faith by your apparations. May we get a chance to be at one of your apparations soon. With Love.
Just wonderful! there are no words to express the joy of the feeling everytime I read and see pictures you shared with us. Thanks for your continous great work. Our Mother’s blessings!!
Just wonderful! there are no words to express the joy of the feeling everytime I read and see pictures you shared with us. Thanks for your continous great work. Our Mother’s blessings!!
Thank you for the wonderful messages from Our Lady. I think they are very encouraging
Praise be Jesus Christ! I thank God for what you are doing for his Mother. This morning,at 9:00 am, I started my Divine Chaplet to join spiritually; as I do daily with the 3:00pm ( 6 hour difference in time) Medjugorje.Once I finished, I started to continue in prayer when I felt drawn to check my e-mail? Well,! There you were,Medjugorje.com with Mama’s message to me! To all her children! How I needed to read Her words. Thank You! God Bless + MIR
Praise be Jesus Christ! I thank God for what you are doing for his Mother. This morning,at 9:00 am, I started my Divine Chaplet to join spiritually; as I do daily with the 3:00pm ( 6 hour difference in time) Medjugorje.Once I finished, I started to continue in prayer when I felt drawn to check my e-mail? Well,! There you were,Medjugorje.com with Mama’s message to me! To all her children! How I needed to read Her words. Thank You! God Bless + MIR
Our Lady’s messages are always so timely. In Her message through Ivan she said, “I desire for you to do works, and not words.” We had strong feelings yesterday that we should add to our Core Group giving, and did, to help keep Our Lady’s messages going out to all the world. It is so very little in relation to all the spiritual benefits. We pray that mej.com will quickly receive what it needs to remain giving the messages of our loving Mother to all. May God continually bless all your “works”.
Thank you for bringing those moments to us, with description and photos we can feel for a second as we were there … being miles away its such a treasure …
Our Lady’s messages are always so timely. In Her message through Ivan she said, “I desire for you to do works, and not words.” We had strong feelings yesterday that we should add to our Core Group giving, and did, to help keep Our Lady’s messages going out to all the world. It is so very little in relation to all the spiritual benefits. We pray that mej.com will quickly receive what it needs to remain giving the messages of our loving Mother to all. May God continually bless all your “works”.
Such a wondrful message from Our most sweet mother. We are growing more in our strength in our faith with her son Jesus who is our master and a lover of all mankind. Allellua and Praise God for he is my rock my strenght and my hope.
Beautiful, just beautiful!!
Kindly ask Mama Mary … Please pray for my country .. Thailand … thanks you
thank you for sharing this message to me. becuase whilst reading and meditating on it, it helped me grow within me and left great spirtuality in me Ivan
What a loving Mother. She is always with us. May we all be more responsible. Let us ask for God’s mercy, forgiveness by his Son, our Savior of the world, and thanksgiving for the messages from the Mother of God. Thank you Mother for these messages. May you ask God to bless our family and keep us all safe. I love you.
What a loving Mother. She is always with us. May we all be more responsible. Let us ask for God’s mercy, forgiveness by his Son, our Savior of the world, and thanksgiving for the messages from the Mother of God. Thank you Mother for these messages. May you ask God to bless our family and keep us all safe. I love you.
Thank you for this beautiful message and surrounding descriptions of the day, people, the weather etc. It makes me feel like I am there again and in spirit I am with you. It occurred to me that as we approach the 29th anniversary we are truly here to bring the seeds of Our Mother’s love into the world, to be Her peace, Her love, Her hands. Much is occurring in my life as a direct unfolding of the spirit and it is a joy to watch it manifest. I am grateful beyond words. Thank you all.
Thank you for this beautiful message and surrounding descriptions of the day, people, the weather etc. It makes me feel like I am there again and in spirit I am with you. It occurred to me that as we approach the 29th anniversary we are truly here to bring the seeds of Our Mother’s love into the world, to be Her peace, Her love, Her hands. Much is occurring in my life as a direct unfolding of the spirit and it is a joy to watch it manifest. I am grateful beyond words. Thank you all.
Thank you so much for having tonight’s message available so quickly. I was in Medjugorje in 1987 and still remember feeling so sad to leave that wonderful place. I have not had the opportunity to return there again and am so grateful to have this website and the live Apparition Hill website to “bring” me there anytime I want to be there.
Thank you so much for having tonight’s message available so quickly. I was in Medjugorje in 1987 and still remember feeling so sad to leave that wonderful place. I have not had the opportunity to return there again and am so grateful to have this website and the live Apparition Hill website to “bring” me there anytime I want to be there.
What would we do without Medjugorje.com?? It keeps us informed and connected with the great events occurring so far away in Mary’s village. I am reading, “I See Far” and it is having an impact. One that I needed and now She speak of responsibility. Living responsibly her messages and she has said, “avoid television” and tonight a reminder and confirmation of what I am feeling. What incredible blessings are coming to us! Thank you, my Mother!
What would we do without Medjugorje.com?? It keeps us informed and connected with the great events occurring so far away in Mary’s village. I am reading, “I See Far” and it is having an impact. One that I needed and now She speak of responsibility. Living responsibly her messages and she has said, “avoid television” and tonight a reminder and confirmation of what I am feeling. What incredible blessings are coming to us! Thank you, my Mother!
Dear Family, On a day like today we realize how important it is to keep Medjugorje.com running. I felt this was a very sweet motherly encouragement to put into practice all that she has been teaching us. Mary we thank you for accepting us as your children, and please continue to help us with the graces we need to live all you’ve been teaching us. Thank you Caritas, for bringing Medjugorje into our homes.
Dear Family, On a day like today we realize how important it is to keep Medjugorje.com running. I felt this was a very sweet motherly encouragement to put into practice all that she has been teaching us. Mary we thank you for accepting us as your children, and please continue to help us with the graces we need to live all you’ve been teaching us. Thank you Caritas, for bringing Medjugorje into our homes.
thank you for mej.com. I count on this website to receive Our Lady’s messages. Thank you for bringing the world these beautiful messages.
thank you for mej.com. I count on this website to receive Our Lady’s messages. Thank you for bringing the world these beautiful messages.
Oh what a beautiful message. We must truly try to comprehend that we do have a responsibility in our day to day living. I was encouraged to read that Our Lady desires works and not words. For the last month or so I have become more quiet, listening more attentively and and striving to do more corporal works of mercy. To hear these words today from Our Lady makes me feel as though I am following her closely. Thank you Caritas. God Bless you all!
I went to medjugorje in l984 and the feeling of wonderful peace was something I have never felt before. I enjoy reading the messages from Our Lady and only wish I could experience that peace in my heart and mind again. God Bless you for this wonderful site – I enjoy reading it always. I pray to Our Lady everyday and I know she will answer my prayers in her time. God Bless You!
My sister Chrissy Adams first introduced our family to Medjegorje in Nov_2001 right after 9-11 attack USA. She had a reoccurance of her Breast Cancer and against all advise went by herself. She later shared climbing this very Apparition Mountain and the awe of reaching the summit. She lived in great Faith of Our Lady’s Message and her life was a living example….she died 3-11-08 in Peace at 3:11pm in Room 3-11. She asked for 2-items her last day a Rosary and Scapular from her Birth Mother.
My sister Chrissy Adams first introduced our family to Medjegorje in Nov_2001 right after 9-11 attack USA. She had a reoccurance of her Breast Cancer and against all advise went by herself. She later shared climbing this very Apparition Mountain and the awe of reaching the summit. She lived in great Faith of Our Lady’s Message and her life was a living example….she died 3-11-08 in Peace at 3:11pm in Room 3-11. She asked for 2-items her last day a Rosary and Scapular from her Birth Mother.
The article is absolutely beautiul and moving! Thank you for the time and effort that you put forth to support the Blessed Mothers Messages!
I Love You Our Lady, I am 89 years old and gave birth to 12 sons and daughters who today are distant and wish to put them at your feet tonight after reading your message to us. I know you will be keeping them safe in your loving hands. Please never leave us. I ask for special prayers for my husband Joe, who turned 90 on Sunday and is ill and i am concerned for him.
thank you it is wonderful to be able to be a part of medugorje from here in ireland God bless all of you for bringing joy to this home i felt i was back again in medugorje with our lady
i having trying to find my faith again. i seem to have lost all believe in God and by reading the messages from our Lady, i really want to believe that everything will turn out fine. please pray for me so that i can find my way back to God and His Mother. i really want things to change for me and my whole family. Please present my request to our Lady for my faith to return.
Thanks for all you do and I try to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Charlotte
thank you very much for the message. how that i from here in lira can read this wonderful message of hope, as if i am there and my mother speaking to me. surely heaven has Visited us with direct message. the message refreshes me and gives much hope.i know the message is special to me and my family as well. I love my mother Mary and want to honor her all the days of my life. blessed be God and may he continue to do so in the Most Glorious NAME of JESUS CHRIST. Amen