July 29, 2024 A.D.
By a Friend of Medjugorje
March 30, 1981—President Ronald Reagan was shot with the bullet missing his heart by one-inch.
May 13, 1981—(six weeks later) Pope John Paul II was shot, with the bullet missing a main artery by a fraction of an inch.
July 13, 2024—President Trump was shot and had he not turned at the exact moment he did, the bullet would have entered his head, killing him. He escaped with only a graze of the bullet to his ear.
All three credit God for saving them. All three believe God did so for a divine purpose.
On May 13, 1982, one year after the assignation attempt on John Paul II’s life, Our Lady in Medjugorje said:
Concerning the assassination attempt on the life of John Paul II:
“His enemies have wanted to kill him, but I protected him.”
This message could refer not only to John Paul II, but also to Reagan and Trump.
Why were they saved?
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Medjugorje visionary, Marija, told me that Our Lady had revealed to the visionaries that it had been very difficult to get Pope John Paul II elected.
If you recall, after Pope Paul VI’s death, the next Pope, John Paul I, lived only 30 days which opened the door for a radically different kind of pope to be elected rather than going with the status quo.
Our Lady told the visionaries John Paul was “Her Pope,” meaning the Pope that would protect and defend Medjugorje and help it to propagate. John Paul believed Medjugorje was the answer to his prayers.
Both Reagan and Trump, being outsiders, also experienced resistance in being elected president in the U.S.
John Paul specifically gave Our Lady credit for saving his life, recognizing he was shot on the anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition of Fatima, May 13th. The bullet that almost took his life was placed in Our Lady’s crown at Fatima.
Ronald Reagan had a mysterious encounter with “a woman” who held his hand in the hospital while his life hung on a thread. He was greatly comforted by this touch and when he later asked what nurse had held his hand, there was no one who had been there. Reagan was introduced to Medjugorje, by a US Ambassador to Europe. He later enlisted Medjugorje visionary, Marija’s help to bring about a nuclear arms deal with Gorbechev. John Paul II the greatly confirmed in Reagan belief of Our Lady of Medjugorje.
Trump was shot on July 13th, also an anniversary of one of Our Lady of Fatima’s apparitions, specifically when Our Lady gave the three secrets to the visionaries. Trump took office in 2017, the 100th year anniversary of the Fatima apparitions, the 100th and last year of satan’s reign. Trump is married to a woman who grew up in Communist Yugoslavia, only five hours from Medjugorje.
During their wedding ceremony, Melania did not carry the traditional bouquet of flowers that a bride normally carries. Rather she held a set of special Rosary beads. Melania also shared in an interview with Slovenian Cardinal Franc Rodé, that she had been baptized in a small Slovenian village on June 14th, on the same date of her husband, Donald Trump’s birthday.
Lastly, on the day of his inauguration as President of the United States, Fr. Andre Mahana was invited to do an exorcism on the White House. Fr. Andre had brought a statue of Our Lady of Fatima with him for the occasion. President Trump asked Fr. Andre if he could keep the statue to have in the White House.
All three men had ties to Our Lady. All three narrowly escaped death.
Why were they saved?
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John Paul and Reagan were guided by Heaven for what they did.
John Paul and Reagan were outsiders, just like Trump.
John Paul was shot. Reagan was shot. Trump was shot. And all three of them have been saved because they have a role and a mandate from Heaven.
When you look at these things, you know God has put the clock for the earth for the Woman, Revelation 12.
There is no doubt who She is.
We’ve never seen the evil in the world as now, [it is] even worse than before the flood.
The diabolical things that are happening [today] weren’t [even] happening when God wiped clean the earth with water.
So Revelation 12, infallibly you can say, it is the Virgin Mary. She had the male Child and it says of the Child, He would rule over all the nations with an iron rod.
We are living now a biblical moment. Read your Bible. Read Revelation 12, every day, and you will see what is happening now is right there written in the Book.
The bullet that grazed him [Trump], was not by chance, but by Heaven.
He who is anointed is going to be saved even though he was injured.
The doctor said Trump was one-quarter of an inch from not being with us.
And I tell you, it was the Woman of Revelation, the Virgin Mary, who guided that bullet.
You may scoff. That’s not real.
John Paul, he said the Virgin Mary guided the bullet that would have killed him.
We are in times where Heaven and hell are in battle.
[END Transcript]
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A last insight: I was at the Vatican with my family with a priest who wanted to meet me because of my history with Medjugorje. This priest had been very close to Pope John Paul II, being one of his secretaries, and was in the room with John Paul when he died. He told me that John Paul II was completely in support of Medjugorje. This priest also told me that one day he walked into John Paul’s room and saw him in ecstasy. The priest backed out of the room. He believes that John Paul was seeing Our Lady.
All three men, John Paul, Reagan and Trump were changed by their near-death experience. A much deeper and profound commitment to fulfill the call of God upon their lives was the result of knowing they were saved by God.
On March 30, 1981, when Ronald Reagan’s life almost ended by an assassin’s bullet, God had spared him for the purpose of a divine mandate. Soon after, three encounters reaffirmed Reagan’s conviction.
Cardinal Cooke of New York, on Good Friday, April 17th, told Reagan, “The hand of God was upon you.” Reagan grew somber and replied, “I know. I have decided that whatever time I have left is for him.”
Mother Teresa in June 1981 (the same month Our Lady began appearing in Medjugorje) was providentially invited to a small dinner gathering with the Reagans. In meeting him, Mother Teresa said to Reagan,
“Mr. President Reagan, do you know that we (Mother Teresa and her Sisters of Charity) stayed up for two straight nights praying for you after you were shot? We prayed very hard for you to live.”
Then, during the meal, Mother Teresa addressed him with a determined purpose saying, “You have suffered the passion of the cross and have received grace. There is a purpose to this. This has happened to you at this time because your country and the world need you.”
In effect, Mother Teresa was saying to Reagan, it was his suffering that had prepared him for his calling to help save the world. Nancy began to cry while Reagan was moved beyond words.
A year later, in June 1982 (the first anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje), Reagan and John Paul finally met, alone, in a private conversation in the Vatican Library. The assassination attempts against them were central to their conversation. Reagan shared his thoughts of what he believed was behind the attacks with the Holy Father: “Look how the evil forces were put in our way and how Providence intervened.”
Long before this meeting, Reagan had seen satellite photos of John Paul II’s first visit to Poland, in 1979, after he became pope in 1978. Reagan was astounded at the size of the crowds and knew this huge public show of religious piety would be a grave concern for the Communist leadership. He sought to make John Paul an ally in his mission to bring down Communism. After the assassination attempts on their lives, John Paul came to share the same view. Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi, stated in their biography of the Pope: ‘For the Pope, Reagan had been … an instrument in the hands of God.’
I wrote Twenty Years of Apparitions in 2001, detailing the amazing and miraculous events that came through Our Lady’s intervention and how Heaven used Pope John Paul and Ronald Reagan to break the will of the Soviet Union that led to freedom returning to many countries who were living under cruel, oppressive, anti-god regimes.
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John Paul and Ronald Reagan came on the world stage in 1981 at the same time as Our Lady of Medjugorje. They were used to start a new trajectory for the world, creating a resistance in the hearts of people to fight against the anti-god agenda that was leading toward satan’s one world government and the rule of the antichrist.
Our Lady was sent by God to interrupt and then destroy this system.
Trump has been risen up by God to finish the job by doing as John Paul and Reagan did—ignite a resistance among the people to FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT [Trump’s words immediately after the attempt on his life] against those who work for darkness. His witness of strength, endurance, courage, faith and love for his country has ignited a whole movement of those who are following in his footsteps.
In the coming days, months and years we will see Our Lady’s fingerprints manifest in the life of President Trump. Like Pope John Paul II and Ronald Reagan, he too will come to recognize and honor the Woman who saved him.
In the Love of Our Lady and of this Nation,
9 thoughts on “John Paul II, Reagan and Trump “I protected him… them.””
City: Lometa
State: Texas
Country: USA
I am a strong believer in Medjugorje. I have been there and it is the most peaceful place in the world in spite of being in the mist of many people who hate Christians! I give each month and I am a Field Angel with Caritas in Alabama. I feel very strong in the movement! Our Lady has saved me many times. Trust her and she will guide you to do what is right! Amen! L.klose
Thank you and of course our prayers saved Trump!
City: Nashville
State: TN
Country: USA
As GTC above stated, I also had the thought that the Trumps need be know about Medjugorje. Melania is a Catholic and she perhaps already knows of it, but I would love to send information to them, I’m just not sure how (?). Or perhaps to send them to this website (to read this recent article above), via Trump’s Truth Social network, which I am not on at the moment. (I have sworn off all social media). If anyone is on Truth Social perhaps a link could be posted there? At any rate, I am praying for Trump, for this country and for the world. Thank you FOM – wonderful information and background into these 3 important leaders and how they were/ are helping to fulfill Our Lady’s plans.
City: NeptuneCity
State: NJ
Country: USA
After watching the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life the first thing I thought of was the novena that our Lady called for at 11:30 PM. I thought wow! This is what we were praying this for!! It being on July 13th only made it more clear her hand was in this.
I saw an interesting video from Rabbi Jonathan Cahn entitled “ the mystery behind the attempted assassination of Donald Trump”. It showed the extraordinary similarities between the blood on Trump’s ear, thumb and foot and his wave compared with the order of the ancient consecration of the priests in Leviticus.
I hope that when he becomes our president again that he as the Head of our country will consecrate our country back to God. And I hope he has that Priest back to give the White House another exorcism!
Thank you Friend of Medjugorje for this writing. God Bless.
Thank you for this writing. It is very revealing.
I have no doubt the novena has changed the course of history and prevented Trump from being assassinated. God has a role for him to fulfill, and what is written here fits.
Someone needs to connect him with Medjugorje. He needs to see this to help him better understand what his role is.
City: Beaumont
State: TX
Country: USA
Thank you so much FOM for sharing your insight. I discern this message and I have a renewed excitement! Praise be to Jesus and our Blessed Mother! I do ask you pray for me. I am planning to start wearing t-shirts to church that have scriptures that define the RIGHT and LEFT particularly Matthew:25. And my shirt will say VOTE RIGHT =PRO-LIFE=REPUBLICAN. I will keep yall posted!! GOD bless you all.
City: NeptuneCity
State: NJ
Country: USA
That’s great!!
City: Hessmer
State: Louisiana
I totally agree with all that is written. There are no coincidences in regarding these men and their near death shootings. I saw when President Trump went down and the near miss of his death. Our Lady has her intercession all over this event. We are constantly praying for Trump and our country. If Trump loses I can’t imagine what evil is coming next. God Bless you all for all your hard work.
With love and prayers
Trump is here to lead the United States during the tribulation or at least delay the anti christ from coming on the scene. Im hoping many people that vote in 2024 vote Trump. If you have never voted before googke in your state how to register to vote and find out where your voting precint is and even check into early voting for your state. In 2020 Biden got 52 percent of Catholic Vote and Trump 47 percent. Its time to get your head out of the sand and sto voting for abortion and know the Department of Justice, Bidens DOJ puts Catholics on terrorist lists. Just terrible. Now is the time to fight for Jesus, as in Revelations, Jesus states if you are lukewarm for him, he will vomit you out of hos mouth. Like Trump said, after being shot fight, fight fight and remember Jesus said they hated him first and they will hate you also. Stand up be proud and say Jesus name out loud.