There were already several hundred pilgrims gathered at the Blue Cross 2-3 hours before Our Lady appeared to Ivan tonight. By the time the prayer group began at about 8:45 p.m., the crowd had grown into the thousands and they continued to come and squeeze into any available space they could find up to the last moment. It was a beautiful evening, and those who arrived early were able to witness a beautiful sunset. As the singing of the prayer group began, the evening slowly faded into night. By the time the Sorrowful Mysteries were begun by Ivan, the moon and the stars filled the night sky. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 p.m. tonight and the apparition lasted several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of Our Lady’s apparition tonight:
“Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Our Lady then extended her hands and prayed over all of us here for a longer while. She especially prayed over the priests present here for a longer time and over the sick present. She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed today especially for priests, bishops, the Holy Father and for vocations in the Church. Then Our Lady prayed a longer time here together with us. I recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Then a brief conversation followed between us. After that conversation, Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
“What I would especially like to emphasize tonight is that Our Lady especially prayed for a longer time for the intentions of the priests, bishops, the Holy Father and especially for vocations in the Church.”
A stone on the path leading to the Blue Cross gives directions to pilgrims who are unfamiliar with the holy sites of Medjugorje. A blue cross and an arrow are all that is necessary to direct people towards the location where Our Lady appears frequently to visionaries Ivan on some Friday evenings throughout the summer and Mirjana on the second of every month. The Blue Cross is one of the most beloved sites in the village, and also one of the most historic sites involving the apparitions of Our Lady, as the apparitions have consistently taken place here from the very beginning days in 1981 to this present day.
Medjugorje is a place of faith. It provides a home for the heart searching for answers, a place of hope in a hopeless world.
The pilgrims here have gathered at the Blue Cross hours before Our Lady’s apparition to Ivan, on this Friday night of June 8, 2011. Tonight, when Our Lady appeared, She raised Her arms in a blessing over all those gathered here. This blessing will be carried in their hearts all the rest of their lives. But like the parable of the seed that fell on rocky soil versus good soil, there will be those who allow Medjugorje to change their lives, and others who will return to their homes exactly as they came—unconverted, unbelieving. The blessings and graces are freely given by Our Lady, but each individual must decide what they will do with those graces. Each person must decide for conversion.
One hour before Our Lady’s apparition at the Blue Cross, tonight, July 8, 2011. The early arrivals must share their coveted spots with many others who now come to take up every available space as near to the Blue Cross as possible where Our Lady will appear. It is always amazing to watch the thousands of people that suddenly appear flooding onto the mountain in the fading evening light as apparition time draws near.
We come before Our Lady with what is nearest and dearest to our hearts.
33 thoughts on “Ivan’s July 8, 2011 Prayer Group Apparition at the Blue Cross”
Alain, the cattle man that a Friend of Medjugorje was talking about was Gearld Fry. He passed away in 2018.
What is the name of the calf condition reader in this broadcast?
I so believe this and so does some of my family. But some of my family do not believe. It ranges from laziness, to indifference, to total non belief. I keep praying and praying for the conversion of these family members, as well as the whole world. Dear lady, PLEASE beg for Jesus’ mercy on us, even though we don’t deserve it.
Exactly what I’ve always felt in my heart and am trying to build among our clan. It’s difficult when you have outsiders joining your clan who do not believe…
Wow, Sometimes I lessen my prayers to our Blessed Mother. Your article reminds me just how wonderful and precious she is to us all. Thank You Blessed Mother for bringing me to this article today. May Jesus Be Praised, and may Our Most Blessed Mother continue to carry our prayers to Jesus her son.
Thank you for all your articles on what’s happening in Medjugorje. Here in my town we don’t do any thing special in mass or our community, you can feel the evil. But hardly any one here wants to here about our Blessed Mother, not even our priests. So when I get on your web site and read about all the beautiful things that are going on, it helps my faith and my prayers so thanks again. Ps I live in Wyoming . Deb
Thank you Mama Mary for the apparitions in Medjugorje,to Mirjana,please pray for my fellow Filipino people who say negative thoughts in our catholic faith. MABUHAY ANG MEDJUGORJE!(LONG LIVE MEDJUGORJE!)
Reading Our Lady’s message to us brings serenity to my life!
I’m very glad to read the messages of our Lady Queen of Peace at Medjugorje. I renew my spirit experienced l felt when l was there some years ago. I would like to ask my mother Mary queen of Peace to bless me and bless my mission. The photos renew in me the places i visited when l was there at Medjugorje. Bless me mother Mary and bless the gift of my priesthood. WITH LOVE AND PRAYERS Fr. George
I am so pleased that so many children of God are still going to places to hear our Blessed Mother give her messages. I will never forget Medjugorjie. By obedience…please lets fast and pray for conversion of sinners on Wednesdays and Fridays. Ask for this Grace and it shall be given unto you. Love in Christ Ruth
Thank you for the messages I find them very handy to use during my Radio programme on Radio Maria Malta every thursday. Thanks for this help.
I am thankful and really happy to hear that so many attended in June. I hope to come as soon as I can. I just had my second child in June and waiting till she is a bit bigger till I go. I have two children and baptizing my daughter this year. I have my brown scapulars for both my children and consecrating my family to the the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus. I have confirmed in the church since April 2004 and glad that Mary & Jesus is always answering my prayers.
I am so thankful for messages Our Blessed Mother brings. They inspire me to be a better person. I have made changes in my own life by living the messages. I pray the rosary daily, pray more throughout the day,go to confession and go to Mass more than just on Sundays. I try to get my children to pray more and pray for those who hurt me. I have received healing and I feel true conversion.
every night i read Medjogorje to inspire and strengthen me take care of my sick spouse and sick son…Our Lady of Medjogorje provides me enough faith to go on and teaches me constantly that Jesus is always there with me until the Finish Line to claim my prize…Medjogorje is the spring that provides the living water to sustain the strength and faith i need to go on, thank God such a spring exists on earth, I praise God for Medjogorje forever
I am new to this site, but my mother was a devout follower of Mary and seeing these pictures and hearing of her vision I only wish I too could go and sit at the cross. My mother did and she came back with her eyes wide opened to Mary and the Sacret Heart. Blessed are those that believe, I do…….thank you for your messages!
Everytime I read about one of Our Lady’s visits it strengthens my faith and hope. Our world may be in a lot of hurt, but if we just learn to put our trust in Our Mother’s Son, Jesus, we will get through whatever the future has in store for our world. It’s really quite simple – Let Go – Let God. Our Lady will help us.
I’ve been reading of Our Mothers messages to the visionaries for almost 8 years now and I am always renewed in Faith and Hope. I have seen Our Mother personally and she spoke to me in my heart and soul and it was the most beautiful and softest voice I have ever felt. I believe she did this as SHE knows I will never come to Medjugore. May God Bles you all through Our Blessed and most Sacred Mother of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Words of faith shared, of graces received, of personal struggles, of a hunger of the soul that is quenched and stirred, this is what I see as possible by the love of Our Blessed Mother Mary. This I seek and pray one day to experience first hand.
Please dear Lady, pray for me to be able to join pilgrimage to Medjugorje before I get 60 years old. Please pray for me, my whole family, all my loved ones and my country, the Philippines. Mama Mary, I know you love us and all the Filipino Catholics love you.
Thank you so much for sharing Our Ladys Apparations with us. My daughter and I had the privilege of attending Ivans apparation at the Blue Cross in May. It was and such a beautiful experience. Such peace and joy in the Heart, you can truly feel Our Ladys’ presence. Thank you Mother Mary and thank you Caritas, God Bless you all
Thank you very much
thank you for pictures and message i would love to be able to go to apparition site on the internet when Ivan is seeing Our Lady but am finding it very hard to do that God bless peace and joy to all of you.
We continue to live the messages of Medjugorie, by way of Caritas, by fasting on Wednesday and Friday each week, attending daily mass and praying rosaries each day. We are growing our own food and are living the agrarian life on our 1/2 acre in town even with a front yard garden with corn, beans and cucumbers and several other beds with herbs, broccoli and so much more! We work hard with this all week, then, Sunday we celebrate Mass & is a complete day of rest, no shopping or anything.
Thank you so much for sharing Our Lady’s messages with us. Having been to Medjugorje twice, it’s like having a note from family back home.
I am delighted that The Blessed Mother appears as you say she does, but sometimes I find it hard to believe. I love Our Lord very much and I know that he adores his Mother and wants us to believe and pray for her intercession. I hope that She brings healing and blessings from Our Lord to all those who suffer.
Thank you so much for sharing, it means alot to me. I pray I can come in person someday.
Thanks and praise the Lord for giving us sinners this oppotunity. I am grateful of this web site. As we were in a far away country. it is a great gift from God. Dear friends. through Mother Mary, pray for our country and for us. Longing to come one day to Medjugorje and see your faces and the sacred site. May God Bless you all!
I was able to read the advisory of the apparition early enough and with grace I was able to say the rosary during that same time and I am here far away in the Philippines. I truly appreciate this site as it gives me unity in prayer with the other pilgrims worldwide. Thank you. God Bless!
Though I did not have chance to go there to Medogorie, I am always inspired and encouraged by the messages I read on your website. I am gratefulful of this site. I pray that one day through the prayers of our Dear Mother I will visit Medugorie and pray with you all in person. God’s Blessing to you all. Paul Akorou Zuvani
Our Lady’s message, even though brief, is so precious in our seemingly helpless world! We thank God for you, who make it your life’s work to pass them on, through Mary, Our Mother.
Thank so much. Robert Faricy SJ
Really love reading all the words the Blessed Mother tells our visionaries. I was there back in May 1989 and have never forgotten the wonderful things I experienced. Wish I could afford to go back there, but with health and financial issues, just can’t do it. There was no Blue Cross on Apparition Hill as I knew it back then. I walked up that mountain top for a 10 am witnessing too; also climbed the large moutain where the big white cross is located. Have many photos too. Thanks again