May 20, 2011 A.D.
Our Lady appeared to Ivan on top of Apparition Mountain tonight at around 10:00 p.m. Pilgrims began to climb the mountain at around 7:00 p.m., finding a quiet spot to sit and pray, preparing for the time that they will be before our Mother. It was a beautiful evening, as pilgrims gathered, admiring the beauty of God’s creation through the beautiful sunset this evening. Pilgrims continued to climb and find a vacant spot to sit or kneel, up to the moment of the apparition. After over a half an hour of singing, Ivan began the Rosary. We prayed one mystery of the Rosary and began a second one. At the end of the second decade, all grew silent, as Ivan knelt and prepared to receive Our Lady. Our Lady appeared to Ivan around 10:00 p.m., and the apparition lasted for several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition:
Today, as always, after every meeting with Our Lady, I desire to also describe to you what is the most important. Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, as always, She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.” Then Our Lady said:
“Dear children, today more than ever I desire to call you to prayer. Dear children, satan wants to destroy today’s families, therefore I desire to call you to a renewal of family prayer. Pray, dear children, in your families with your children, do not permit access to satan. Thank you, dear children, for also today responding to my call.”
Our Lady then for a while, with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. She prayed over the sick present and She blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing. She also blessed the religious articles brought for blessing. Then Our Lady prayed for a while especially for peace, for peace in the world. I recommended also all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
At sunset on top of Apparition Mountain, tonight, May 20, 2011. Oh how beautiful to return to Medjugorje, to her sunrises and sunsets, to her rock-strewn mountains and the dirt pathways that lead to them, to the sounds of singing and praying day in and day out, the birds chirping, the bells ringing…and to the deep silence of the apparitions of Our Lady when She appears, even when tens of thousands of people are gathered, all grow silent for Her coming. How beautiful, after 30 years of apparitions, She is still with us.
On top of Apparition Mountain at 7:00 p.m., May 20, 2011. This small gathering of pilgrims will continue to grow for the next three hours before Our Lady comes in Her apparition. It was a mild evening, pleasant to climb and sit in quiet meditation to prepare the heart for Our Lady’s benediction. Ivan has been in Medjugorje for a week. This is the first Mountain apparition of the season. It is always a great joy to be in the village and hear the call that Our Lady is returning to the mountain in the evening. It is also a great joy, if we can’t be in Medjugorje, to know that we can unite our prayers to those on the mountain, wherever we are, and be in the embrace of Our Lady during Her visitation.
Because the apparition and extraordinary message Our Lady gave tonight, A Friend of Medjugorje hosted a Special Radio WAVE broadcast Saturday evening 7:00 PM Central Time USA. (see below for your local time)
This special scheduled Radio WAVE broadcast is a result that Our Lady’s words today cannot pass by without serious consideration and profound reflection of what Our Lady addressed in Her apparition tonight.
Listen to this special broadcast that will help you enter deeper into this extraordinary May 20, 2011 A.D. message of Our Lady.
P.S. We’re urgently putting together a packet of things that will help the family. More details released in broadcast.
Get Saving The Family Kit from mejMart
Chart for your local time of Radio WAVE, May 21 – 07:00 p.m (Central time)
Your Time Zone | Apparition Time |
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Eastern Time | 8:00 PM |
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Central Time | 7:00 PM |
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Mountain Time | 6:00 PM |
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Pacific Time | 5:00 PM |
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Alaska Time | 04:00 PM |
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Hawaii Time | 03:00 PM |
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Brazil Time | 09:00 PM |
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Sydney, Australia | 10:00 AM – (May 22) |
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Seoul | 09:00 AM – (May 22) |
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Beijing, Singapore | 08:00 AM – (May 22) |
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Calcutta | 07:30 AM – (May 22) |
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Baghdad, Moscow | 04:00 AM – (May 22) |
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Jerusalem, Athens, Cairo | 03:00 AM – (May 22) |
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Warsaw, Paris, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Medjugorje | 02:00 PM – (May 22) |
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London, Dublin | 01:00 PM – (May 22) |
27 thoughts on “Ivan Now in Medjugorje – Apparition and Message of Our Lady”
As I was studying the monthly message for today August 25 2020, I realized how similar it was to The Nine-Day Novena which started today August 25- September 2 titled “ Individual Conversions ! Wow! That’s not a coincidence! Thank You Friend of Medjugorje for your enlightenment on the messages! Love from Canada, Our Lady Queen of Peace, pray for us!!
We pray to our Lady to hear our prayers to intervene in Malta’s delicate situation at the moment, where we are going to make a referendum next Saturday about Divorce in Malta. This is a very difficult time for the Maltese people and we pray to our Lady to send her Blessings on the people of Malta and Gozo.
Our Lady’s message is very appropriate for our situation in Malta… we are voting pro/against divorce next Saturday. We pray for special blessings on the Island at such a precarious moment.
I visited Mejugorjie in Aug/Sept 1990. It brings memories of the love of Our Blessed Mother and I longed to experience her like all of you in Mejugorjie especially in times of distress and loss. Someone, I feel myself being strain from her. Please intercede for us.
It was pleasure reading Ivan’s encounter with Mother Mary. Mother has given a profound insight into how important it is the family to be together, the concept of family is tremendously fading. Let’s take the oath today itself to along with Mother for the upliftment of family relation. Thanks for sending such powerful message. May God’s blessings be with each one.
Thank you, Mother, for this reminder…and for many blessings Amen
Thank you for relaying Our Blessed Mother’s apparition to Ivan on Apparition Hill. Please pray for Malta because this coming week-end the Maltese population are going to vote if they want divorce or not to be legalised in Malta.
Our Lady’s message is describing the pain in my own family. Never before has my family been through the extreme turmoil it sees currently. Please I ask for your prayers for healing in my family. God Bless you.
All thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, God our Father, the HOLY SPIRIT and Our Lady…but also, thanks to the hard working efforts of every person responsible for getting these messages and events out to every corner of the world…you are BLESSED, I’m sure!
I’d like to Thank Our Blessed Mother, for her continued blessings. Also, I thank all for sharing with all of us. Making it possible for us to hear of the great messages. May God & Our Blessed Mother Bless you all.
It is always great to hear from our Blessed Mother! I hope and pray to some day be able to go to Medjugorje. The family is the most important unit in our civilization. I’ll definitely be listening tonight at 7:00 PM for the packet of things and other great messages. God Bless all of you for bringing this information to me!
Please pray for Malta this week because in Malta we have to vote for divorce yes or no I don’t want a divorce.
I felt like I was there when Our Lady appeared. I prayed here at Eastern time. I went to Medjugorje in 1990. I will never forget it.Thank you for keeping us informed.
Thank you for your report it was nice to read especially being so far away. I look forward to hearing more about the family prayer packages you are putting together. Thank you to all of you for your dedication and love.
I am so thankful that our Blessed Mother still continues to help us and also thankful for people like Caritas to be so faithful to Our Lady and to us Her children looking after our need to convert. May God and his Mother bless this country in so much need of conversion and protection.
Thank you so much for passing this information on to me and so many other people. We are all one family God bless you all and the work that you are doing for Our Lady
Beautiful message, just confirms to continue praying with my family. During lent my husband and daughter prayer the Chaplet to the Heavenly Father, but stopped on Easter. I wish to continue forever…Thank you.
Thank you and God’s blessing to all. I need your support of prayer. Thank you.
Yes, I believe Mother Mary visited you and me in my home because I had the urge to join you in prayers at that time. Praise the Lord.. alleluia. Thanks for your good work and thank you Mother Mary for visiting your children. Kindly pray for me and my family.
thank you
Thank you so much for this information on Mary’s apparition and visit with Ivan this evening. I always like to hear that Our Mother sounds happy. I am so happy to pray in our family. This should be very strengthening and bonding in families that are having any kind of difficulties. Prayer brings us together in a very special, loving way, and If Our Lady says to pray together that is what we will do. Thank you for all that you do to keep us informed and to give us the hope and peace.
Dear Mother we are with you in fighting satan.
Thank you for sending the e-mail I sent it to all my friends to be praying at the time of apparition.
Members of Caritas, Thank you so much for keeping us up to date after Our Lady’s apparitions and immediately conveying Her messages. Your committment to Our Lady’s messages is a blessing for those who otherwise would not be informed and are not free to travel to Medjugorje. May God continue to Bless your mission!
I am thrilled that you sent me this message. We are in desperate need of Our Lady here in our country, especially here in New York State. Seeing the view from Apparition Hill brings back many wonderful memories. God bless you.
Friend of Medjugorje reminds me of times, watching raindrops, slowly move down a windshield, as it just starts to rain. As a raindrop slides down, it meets up with another drop and they together start to move faster, than they meet another and another, till they form a small course of water, with all the drops in unison following a singular path. It also reminds me of, The Butterfly Effect. That’s a theory, where a very small change in initial conditions can create a significantly different outcome. While the Spanish word for Butterfly is Mariposa, a direct translation actually means, “Mary Sits.” I like to think and pray in thankfulness to God, for allowing Our Lady to come here to Earth as the Reining, Sitting Queen, calling us before Her Son, takes His Rightful Throne. Each time Our Lady has shown Herself from Heaven, a Significantly Different Outcome, has happened for the World. We mustn’t forget, to recognize this, as an incredible outward display of the Great Love of ABBA.
Friend of Medjugorje reminds me of times, watching raindrops, slowly move down a windshield, as it just starts to rain. As a raindrop slides down, it meets up with another drop and they together start to move faster, than they meet another and another, till they form a small course of water, with all the drops in unison following a singular path. It also reminds me of, The Butterfly Effect. That’s a theory, where a very small change in initial conditions can create a significantly different outcome. While the Spanish word for Butterfly is Mariposa, a direct translation actually means, “Mary Sits.” I like to think and pray in thankfulness to God, for allowing Our Lady to come here to Earth as the Reining, Sitting Queen, calling us before Her Son, takes His Rightful Throne. Each time Our Lady has shown Herself from Heaven, a Significantly Different Outcome, has happened for the World. We mustn’t forget, to recognize this, as an incredible outward display of the Great Love of ABBA.