“It’s the last resort…”
- Message Posted
We’re in the middle of a situation, if there’s not an interception, we’re doomed. So, you hear people in the sports world say, “Oh, here’s a Hail Mary coming.” It’s the last resort. But Our Lady’s doing something different in Her Hail Mary play. She’s intercepting, because that’s what recourse means. She says, “my Immaculate Heart does not leave any of you in peacelessness if you have recourse to me.” Recourse means, “running back; a return.” That’s an interception. We’re not able to go back or fix this situation. There’s got to be a total Hail Mary interception in the other direction.
– Friend of Medjugorje
from Our Lady’s Minefield, February 25, 2021 A.D.
A Friend of Medjugorje is talking about everything. That means you, your family, the Nation, the world. Everything is being aligned for what a Friend of Medjugorje calls a, “Hail Mary.” He tells us that “something is brewing,” but you’ll have to listen to find out whether it is good or bad. Take 25 minutes of your time to listen to the February 25 broadcast, Our Lady’s Minefield. When you’re done listening, leave a comment and then spread it to all your family and friends. Listen or download here…
Caritas of Birmingham
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