In a Special Way I Have Chosen this Parish

In a Special Way I Have Chosen this Parish




“…I love you and in a special way I have chosen this parish, one more dear to me than the others, in which I have gladly remained when the Almighty sent me…”

Our Lady Queen of Peace,
Medjugorje March 21, 1985

Steeples of St. James Church in Medjugorje. What should one think… Of a Church that was built well beyond the capacity needed?…Of a cement cross built atop a mountain in 1933?…Of a site on another mountain that Our Lady would appear on June 24, 1981?…A divine plan? The Church, Apparition Hill, Cross Mountain; three sites which form a triangle for the Trinity?…The three mysteries of the Rosary?…Our Lady always repeating “Pray, pray, pray?” Yes, clearly a divine plan encompassing the whole world, validated by the words of the Queen of Heaven, Herself, Who speaks of Medjugorje as Her favored place above all places upon the earth. No one merits to walk upon this Holy Ground. Those who have will never be the same. Medjugorje transforms and will transform all the earth.


A Friend of Medjugorje


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

12 thoughts on “In a Special Way I Have Chosen this Parish”

  1. Monica Troendle

    Wow! The consecrated cows came to great Our Lady and be in her presence. Would that our consecrated clergy and hierarchy greet Our Lady and recognize her presence. She told us she would give us signs in nature. Thank you for a lovely broadcast and sharing the importance of a Father’s blessing. Beautiful!

  2. Monica Troendle

    Wow! The consecrated cows came to great Our Lady and be in her presence. Would that our consecrated clergy and hierarchy greet Our Lady and recognize her presence. She told us she would give us signs in nature. Thank you for a lovely broadcast and sharing the importance of a Father’s blessing. Beautiful!

  3. Our 3 dogs come happy, tails wagging, to the cross when we pray. I have to admit, they annoy me, because they will be trampling over our prayer books when my eyes are closed. But, I know it’s my impatience that needs to be brought into check. Praying for complete surrender to God. Praying for God’s Will for all of us…holy families, all unbelievers, no matter how wicked they are. Praying and consecrating, binding my children, my husband, my mom, and all extended family to Our Lady with every rosary!

  4. When we need God, we experiences Him most of the time. Pray for all to receive the Holy messages as it is to prepare the world the way God want us.

  5. When we need God, we experiences Him most of the time. Pray for all to receive the Holy messages as it is to prepare the world the way God want us.

  6. Iam taking up the forthcoming novena fast, but unfortunately I cant get through your line to confirm my participation. Cant i confirm this on mail.Maxima Migisha

  7. Greetings in the names of Jesus and Mary. I am writing from Nigeria. Please, I will like to be guided more on how to fast on bread and water.Thank you and God bless.

  8. Fasting bring us closer to God… and to poor people who are suffering from hunger all over around the world.God hear people who fast.

  9. Dear Community, please tell me the timing of fasting ,whether from 9.15 to 5.00 or wt time to wt time n when to take the bread n water n how much RegardsAnitha Pais

  10. I am getting over leukemia and still cannot do things I would like to do. My red blood cell are not normal {very low}. Should I still try to fast.Peace, Love the Blessed MotherMartin

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