“I Implore You to Persevere as My Apostles…”

“I Implore You to Persevere as My Apostles…”


November 2, 2012 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s November 2, 2012
Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers

Wrapped in ponchos, hats and gloves, pilgrims braved the rain and cold to spend the night in prayer before Our Lady’s arrival at the Blue Cross. Rosaries and singing began as early as 6:30 P.M. November 1st, and continued throughout the night, as thousands gathered to greet Our Lady this morning. The joy throughout the crowd was visible as Mirjana arrived and knelt at the Blue Cross. Our Lady appeared around 8:39 A.M., coming in the middle of the Rosary. Our Lady stayed for 6 minutes.  Following is Our Lady’s message given today, November 2, 2012 on the day of prayer for nonbelievers:

“Dear children; As a mother I implore you to persevere as my apostles. I am praying to my Son to give you Divine wisdom and strength. I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God’s truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son. I am praying that you may witness the love of the Heavenly Father according to my Son. My children, great graces have been given to you to be witnesses of God’s love. Do not take the given responsibility lightly. Do not sadden my motherly heart. As a mother I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles. Through fasting and prayer you are opening the way for me to pray to my Son for Him to be beside you and for His name to be holy through you. Pray for the shepherds because none of this would be possible without them. Thank you.”

Mirjana said that Our Lady blessed all of us and all of our religious articles brought for blessing. Mirjana said that Our Lady was decisive.

“I Implore You to Persevere as My Apostles…”

A Friend of Medjugorje

To think we are asked and called to be an apostle as Jesus chose His 12 apostles is not understood in the magnitude, of not only Who asks, nor the realization of what this means. First, to be asked by the Holy Virgin Mary can only be comprehended in the context of what visionary Marija once said from the Bedroom of Apparitions when angels appeared with Our Lady. Marija said to be chosen for a task, in this case, to accompany Our Lady in an apparition, is one of the greatest moments in the state of being of an angel for all eternity! We, therefore, cannot comprehend the greatness of Our Lady’s call to be Her apostle. We can only pray to attempt feebly to comprehend this call that we will hold dearest for eternity, just as the chosen 12 who Christ picked in building the beginning Church. Our Lady has come to rebuild the church with new apostles for this time. St. Louis de Montfort spoke of this moment when he said, there would come a time when Our Lady would raise up apostles of the latter days and they would be purified as the children of Levi. Our Lady said:

April 2, 2008

“…Is your heart open for me? Do you permit me to purify and prepare it for my Son?…”

To be an apostle is to be purified, tried, formed and tested to be made worthy of a great commission, in which Our Lady’s plan is to change the direction of and save the whole world. These apostles of the latter days will need wisdom and strength that can only come from purification, sacrifice, suffering and persecution. This gives the apostle a clear vision of truth that so few, so very few who walk the earth have the ability to recognize. Without this clear vision, neither do people have the strength to willingly practice and build consistent prayer and fasting in their lives, in order to resist the wants of satan that are “proxied” into everything that has the power to distance them from God. The world, to survive this present moment, to survive the present evil that abounds within it, must experience, through the chosen apostles schooled by Our Lady, the witness by their apostolic lives of the love of the Heavenly Father.

In Our Lady’s Community of Caritas, there are some great apostles. These apostles are great because they witness the greatest love of the Heavenly Father. Who are they in the Community? The children, the little children. We see throughout the day the love of the Heavenly Father through them and feel the delight of God for them in the pureness and amusement they bring us. How? By following Our Lady’s words:

February 13, 1986

“…Turn off the television and renounce various things that are of no value…”

Our children are free not only from T.V. but from the many “various things” that want to distance them from God.

The glitter and sparkles that satan makes use of to distance you from God, is prevalent in societies worldwide. At a recent Farm Show, some of us in our community witnessed an Amish girl of 16 or 17 years old constantly looking at and toying with a cell phone. It was a sad sight to see. This young girl, not even watching the event before her of horse cutting cattle as she sat in the bleachers, or later when spotted walking around, seeing her mesmerized with this glittering device oblivious to her surroundings. These things, as with the television, are not part of Our Lady’s children’s lives, here at Caritas, nor our lives as adults. Therefore, we can discern more easily “God’s truth” and resist more strongly those things that distance us, as Our Lady said today, “from my Son.” This has given to us Divine Wisdom and strength to witness to countless souls across the world the love of the Heavenly Father. We were just told a story from one of our Caritas pilgrims who ran across a Croatian man at the airport on the way out of Medjugorje. The Caritas pilgrim was in conversation concerning the book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen, and what it reveals about silver, of which the Croatian man knew not of the book. The pilgrim was amazed at how much the Croatian man understood about silver and what was going on. She asked him how he was able to grasp so quickly the information that had taken her the book to understand. His answer was profound. He responded that he did not have television.  Society glitters, especially television, keep and distance you from wisdom. These are counted among the things that take away your strength and diminish your ability to be an apostle. God’s truth is clouded, even killed through television and various other things “of no value.” The book, I See Far, unequivocally proves this and many of the tens of thousands who read this book have renounced television, even formally destroying it in a Declaration of Independence to be free from television. It is how the Community of Caritas, began from its origin, a strengthened walk of living life while many only watch life through their T.V. screen. The television will allow you to let life pass you by, while without it, you will live and experience the reality of life and with that, the ability to discern everything around you that wants to distance you from God’s truth and His Son. Our Lady relies upon you in the fullness of a real apostle. Who is commissioned to build a new world, a kingdom of love? Our Lady says,

March 25, 1986

“…pray, so that in the whole world may come the Kingdom of Love…”

The apostles of Our Lady are to build this kingdom. Through fasting from television and from various other things of no value, along with fasting on bread and water, we open the door for Jesus and Our Lady to literally be beside us and for us to be holy. Can you have Jesus next to you on the couch when you watch T.V. or use various other things of no value, things that do not allow holiness to dwell in and through you? Being an apostle does not negate the importance of the Shepherds, for they provide the structure God wants to better form by your prayer, so that you have the means and freedom to be the apostle you are called to be.

With Love,
A Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

Radio Wave November 2, 2012

I See Far, by A Friend of Medjugorje

Download free!!!

The book you must read that will allow you to live today’s message! After reading this book, you will see and discern a medium that has swayed and enslaved a whole world away from God. To order the book, visit the mej-mart here.

What Do Kids Do When They Don’t Have T.V.?

Caritas Community kid, Lucy holding a chicken

A picture fresh from Our Lady’s Field, taken on Thursday, November 1, 2012.  As proud as a…peacock? One-year-old Lucy delights in running after our “born with one-eye” chicken at Rosary time in the Field every day. There is no bigger satisfaction for her then when she finally catches it. Her older sister, Victoria, with the red bow in her hair, and friend, Rebekah, are also impressed with her catch.

Caritas Community Kids racing with stickhorses

At the Farm Show, the Caritas Kids find a different use altogether for the yardsticks given to them by one of the vendors. Horse race time is all the time.

Caritas Community Kids

Chicken Rodeo: The object of the game is to chase after the chicken and see who can be the first one to grab the red bandana. Caritas kids learn to have grit, perseverance, and a never-give-up attitude in play as well as work. Learning to lose with grace, and to win with grace is also one of life’s lessons that is impressed upon our children in their everyday lives.

Caritas Community kids chasing rooster

Next race: Jesse and Martha. They both won. Martha got the bandana. Jesse got the chicken.

Caritas Community kid Bridget

All our kids, from very young ages, learn to use the equipment in the carpentry shop. With the skills they learn, their imagination can come up with endless possibilities of things to make. They have all become amazing craftsmen in both beauty and functionality of their creations.

Caritas Community kid Andrew

Baby Andrew in the garden–those aren’t Oreo cookie crumbs. We aren’t worried about our kids getting into a little dirt. It’s much better to be dirty on the outside, as you can easily wash face and hands, rather than dirty on the inside from what is seen on television that stays in the memory for a lifetime.

Pictures from the November 2, 2012 Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana

Pilgrims Novemberr 2, 2012

A mother and son are among the many thousands gathered at the Blue Cross this morning, November 2, 2012, to be in the presence of Our Lady when She appeared to visionary, Mirjana.

To be a true follower of the Virgin Mary takes more than placing ourselves in Her presence in the apparitions, although great graces are obtained when we are given the opportunity to do this. The reality is that Our Lady has come to make us aware of the unprecedented attack upon our world by satan. She has come to show us how we can overcome his advances. Therefore, we must apply Her words to our lives and live them. Medjugorje visionary, Ivanka, said:

“The Blessed Mother wants us to pray much more, because satan wants to take over our lives. He is doing everything he can and is using every advantage to do this, especially in our material lives. The Blessed Mother wants us to continue to pray and fast. She is interceding to her Son for us…We should fast for the sake of greater freedom. Fasting will free us from things.”

Pilgrims November 2, 2012

The second of every month was declared the day to pray for nonbelievers by the Virgin Mary, defined as those who have not yet experienced the love of God. But Mirjana has said that all of us are nonbelievers at least one time during every day—when we lack faith in God, when we have nonbelief in us that He will help us overcome our difficulties. Our Lady constantly reassures us that God’s love for us extends much farther than the greatest love anyone on earth can show their own children. How are we to pray for nonbelievers, which includes ourselves? Mirjana answers this question:

“The Gospa does not only ask us to pray, She wants us to lead exemplary lives. When She asks us to pray for those, who have not yet experienced God’s love, She asks of us to do things Her way – to feel love for the non-believers, to love them as if they were our brothers, who were not as lucky as we were to have the opportunity to experience His love. Only when one feels this can one pray for these people; however, we must never criticize or judge them. They need to be loved, we need to pray for them and we need to be examples to them – the way our Mother does, with love and prayer.”

Mirjana in ecstasy November 2, 2012

The long awaited moment comes once again to Medjugorje visionary, Mirjana, when Our Lady appeared to her this morning, November 2, 2012, at the Blue Cross at the bottom of Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje.

Mirjana in ecstasy November 2, 2012

After the initial joyful greeting of Mirjana at Our Lady’s arrival, she becomes serious in her concentration of hearing and taking in Our Lady words in this month’s message given to her to spread to Our Lady’s children around the world. How is it possible to live Our Lady’s words—to be Her apostles, to witness God’s love in today’s darkness? It takes discipline in consistently living out the basic requests of Our Lady, the foundation of which is prayer and fasting. A Friend of Medjugorje’s powerful writing on fasting, entitled simply “Fasting,” describes why fasting has to be a part of our spiritual lives:

“Fasting is the cause of so much good, that as Christians, not to use it would be like having weapons without ammunition. Prayer is the cannon; fasting is the cannon ball; love is the powder, once fired, which sends it. It may seem odd or hard to accept speaking of prayer, fasting, and love in this way, but all of the following are the exact terminology Our Lady has used in Her messages, especially in regard to satan:

“conquer, protect, defend, advance, retreat, attack, guard, armor, battle, defeat, struggle, surrender, drive off, time of battle with satan.”

Mirjana November 2, 2012

Mirjana, in the last moments of her apparition today, November 2, 2012. At every appearance of Our Lady, Her words, Her very presence, continually points out to us two paths: the one towards Light, the one towards darkness. The one that will lead to Her Son, the one that will lead to satan. One we will find the fullness of truth, the other the fullness of deception. What will guarantee us that we will always stay on the right path? A Friend of Medjugorje in his writing, “Readying for the Storm” points the way:

“God’s Will is the only thing that is important. It is His wish that must prevail over man’s will. Man in his free will can contradict God’s will. His Will is His hope and wish for us, but we have freedom from Him to go against it. But how sad will be the day when the time of grace, the time of Our Lady being with us daily, will no longer be. Pray! Get on your knees and pray! Do not cease to pray! The only thing that is important today is to pray and do God’s Will. When we do God’s Will, it is the best for our own being that can be done. We may think what we do is best, but unless we really seek and strive to know God’s Will in every part of our lives, we will never have the best situation for ourselves. This is security. He is ‘Father,’ the best of what we could even imagine a Father to be. His Will, even in the smallest action will bring about perfection in one’s life.”

Mirjana November 2, 2012

Mirjana tilts her head far back as she watches the ascent of Our Lady as She returns to Heaven at the end of today’s apparition.

Pilgrims leaving the appariton November 2, 2012

As always, the crowds are so packed together as pilgrims leave the mountain that movement is only possible one inch at a time. The large crowds that continuously pour into Medjugorje, even after 31 years of apparitions, are Our Lady’s hope for the world. As Our Lady said today, November 2, 2012, “…As a mother I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles…persevere as my apostles…”

Prayer for Nonbelievers

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

5 thoughts on ““I Implore You to Persevere as My Apostles…””

  1. What an amazing site!!!!!! Indeed am so grateful for this site especially the CARITAS COMMUNITY that has enlightened and enabled me to know and experience the love of God. Much thanks to you all team members and i pray that one day i get an opportunity to travel upto Medjugorje to see the holy place. I have learnt alot especially with TV and will stop that immediately in order to be able to pray. May the Almighty God, Mother Mary and Son Jesus Christ bless your works and enable me to understand and fulfill them as per her desires. Magdalene

  2. catherine ambrosino yadevia

    I found this day’s message from Our Lady, Mother Mary to be most compelling. The additional information, all of it together: from striving to be Her Apostles, to fasting & the distancing & protection from satan, the insight from our Friend of Medjugorje was very helpful & made for better understanding for me personally. Thank you ever so much. God Bless All

  3. About 18 months ago while on my 6th pregnancy, I thought that I would be unable to fast on bread and water, so I decided to give up tv on week days. This was difficult; I was addicted to tv. After I started my fast from tv, grace came from Heaven and not only was I able to fast during the week, but something happened that I no longer desire to watch tv, I read instead.

  4. Thanks and praise be to Lord for giving our Mother with your messages! Thanks Mother! for your great love for us. Thanks and May God Bless You All! I felt so happy, our Mother said that we are Apostles. Yes Mother we were trying hard to fulfill your expectations. Have mercy and pray for the world and pray for us!

  5. The Message itself is very rich in all its entirety. I do feel very happy, humbled that the Mother of God should ask us to be Her apostles. I am sure that with Our Blessed Mother showing The Way, we can! A beautiful yet decisive call from Our Mother. I LOVE IT !

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