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How Long Will You Keep Her Waiting?

How Long Will You Keep Her Waiting?

March 22, 2023 A.D.


This Saturday is March 25th, and Our Lady will be speaking words from Heaven in this upcoming Monthly Message. Be in prayer this week for Our Lady’s words and in gratitude for the Heavenly Father sending Her to us still. Our Lady said the more one prays for an intention, the greater the graces attached to it.


The Father has sent Our Lady to Medjugorje to help us. Our Lady is grateful and grants special graces to those who come to Medjugorje. She said on March 25, 1987, 36 years ago this month:


“Dear children, today I am grateful for your presence in this place, where I am giving you special graces…”


Our Lady knows by your responding to Her call to come to Medjugorje, you will gain strength to fulfill the will of God in your lives, which will help Her to achieve Her plans in the world today.

Friend of Medjugorje


Contact in the U.S.
(205) 672-2000
Extension 218 or 219
Or Visit Here to Request Information


Apparition Mountain, Medjugorje

Apparition Mountain is seen in the background over the vineyards. One can see the rocky path leading up the mountain. Over the course of 41 years of apparitions, Our Lady has appeared many places on this holy mountain.


“My spiritual journey truly was awakened by such an intimate pilgrimage.”

M.S. Pearland, TX


Contact in the U.S.
(205) 672-2000
Extension 218 or 219
Or Visit Here to Request Information


Dates Pricing Description
May 3-12 $2650.00
June 19-28 $2850.00 42nd Anniversary of Our Lady Queen of Peace Apparitions
July 31-August 9 $2850.00 Our Lady’s Birthday August 5th
September 20-29 $2475.00 Be present in the village for Our Lady’s monthly message to the world
October 18-27 $2475.00 Be present in the village for Our Lady’s monthly message to the world


Contact in the U.S.
(205) 672-2000
Extension 218 or 219
Or Visit Here to Request Information

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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