Have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself?

Have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself?



sunrise in medjugorje

Our Lady regarding why She has come:

“…My children, have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself?…It is necessary to awaken the faith…”


Our Lady Queen of Peace, Medjugorje Spring, 1982

The view from Križevac or Cross Mountain as it is commonly called. Biblical, mystical, supernaturally spiritual—Medjugorje may need to be sold as an idea to get some to pilgrimage there, but no one, whose heart is open, has to sell anything about Medjugorje once you arrive. Medjugorje is self-proving. A Biblical, mystical, supernatural plan of active grace where angels come and go, dwelling on these Holy Grounds in helping Our Lady to subdue, arrest, and reverse the world’s direction from the abyss of which it would have died had She not appeared. In this, Our Lady’s last call, She said on May 2, 1982, “I have come to call the world to conversion for the last time. Afterwards I will not appear any more on this earth.” Many want to deny this message, even try to influence the visionaries not to speak about it or get them to qualify Our Lady’s statement, adding words such as “the last apparitions of these times.” However, it is irrefutable that Our Lady said clearly to the visionaries, “These are Her last apparitions on earth.” Fr. Tomislav Vlasic confirmed this message in a homily given on May 31, 1985, when he said, paraphrasing the message, “These are the last ones for mankind.” Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, also had said the same, repeatedly, in the first ten years of the apparitions. Though these are Our Lady’s last apparitions, the call is so powerful, so profound, its effects will save and stabilize the Church to the end of time, where the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Medjugorje; a place in the future where the next generations will ask, awed, “Were you one of the ones who went there while Our Lady was appearing?”

A Friend of Medjugorje

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3 thoughts on “Have you not observed that faith began to extinguish itself?”

  1. Gerard Loughran

    I really injoyed this I have spent about 30 years getting away from farming by putting all my efforts into a blacksmith business and these last 5 years trying to get back to growing my own vegetables I have a few hens for fresh eggs To nights broadcast remind me of growing up on a small farm with 12 milk cows a horse for working the land pigs and sheep and all the chores we had to do before school we had no electricity until 1968 so the cows were milked by hand twice a day and the milk sent to the creamery ,theses were happy days I we didn’t no it we thought the work was too hard but looking back it was much simpler and less stressful than now ,my Uncle always said you will awaken up some day and discover that the shop is shut how will you feed yourself? Where is the nearest field of potatoes ,there is very few small farmers left it’s been taking over by large farmers with hundreds of cows basically factory farms who have no feeling for their animals ,my dad could talk to his

  2. Gerard Loughran

    I really injoyed this I have spent about 30 years getting away from farming by putting all my efforts into a blacksmith business and these last 5 years trying to get back to growing my own vegetables I have a few hens for fresh eggs To nights broadcast remind me of growing up on a small farm with 12 milk cows a horse for working the land pigs and sheep and all the chores we had to do before school we had no electricity until 1968 so the cows were milked by hand twice a day and the milk sent to the creamery ,theses were happy days I we didn’t no it we thought the work was too hard but looking back it was much simpler and less stressful than now ,my Uncle always said you will awaken up some day and discover that the shop is shut how will you feed yourself? Where is the nearest field of potatoes ,there is very few small farmers left it’s been taking over by large farmers with hundreds of cows basically factory farms who have no feeling for their animals ,my dad could talk to his

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