What is more important in the world? What news is greater? A Heavenly visitor is appearing upon the earth each day – Heaven’s greatest “Creature” before whom all the angels bow.
What is more important in the world? What news is greater? A Heavenly visitor is appearing upon the earth each day – Heaven’s greatest “Creature” before whom all the angels bow. But satan ties man up through “the world” to keep him away from Her presence, keeping him so entangled that he doesn’t even understand that his soul is the first priority and he feeds it so little compared to what satan feeds him of the world. With man so glutted, he cannot even hear Our Lady’s words, much less understand what She Herself is saying; that Her apparitions in Medjugorje are a great grace.
July 25, 1992
“…Thank God for the gift of my being with you, because I am telling you: this is a great grace…”
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s presence is a gift of which many neglect because the world has enslaved their lives with schedules, sports, entertainment, jobs, school activities and on and on, while the great gift from God goes unnoticed by the masses!
October 25, 1995
“…I am also with you as a gift…”
Let all know of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s apparitions and evangelize Her apparitions. Allow no quietism to enter what has been gifted to you. Our Lady’s apparitions bring about conversion, even to those who are far away from God. It is your Christian duty to bring them to Her.
In the Love of Our Lady,
20 thoughts on “The Great Gift of God Unnoticed by the World”
I know Our Blessed Mother is watching over Jelena and the baby in her womb and the members of her family. God Bless them all.
I could not help but reflect (Revelations) on John’s admonition to the seven churches in Asia not to comfortably settle into Roman ways. I found out about Medjugorje by accident while I was in a book store a scan two years ago. Are we in the predicament we are in because we did not follow John’s advice in our own time?
I could not help but reflect (Revelations) on John’s admonition to the seven churches in Asia not to comfortably settle into Roman ways. I found out about Medjugorje by accident while I was in a book store a scan two years ago. Are we in the predicament we are in because we did not follow John’s advice in our own time?
I could not help but reflect (Revelations) on John’s admonition to the seven churches in Asia not to comfortably settle into Roman ways. I found out about Medjugorje by accident while I was in a book store a scan two years ago. Are we in the predicament we are in because we did not follow John’s advice in our own time?
I am truly amazed by the variety of the “homilies” given about Our Lady’s Messages! I run home after work each day to devour the great common sense that is offered on this. Continue to help us to understand this great gift God has sent to us through Our Lady and through the others that are placed in our path. Thank you very much.
I am truly amazed by the variety of the “homilies” given about Our Lady’s Messages! I run home after work each day to devour the great common sense that is offered on this. Continue to help us to understand this great gift God has sent to us through Our Lady and through the others that are placed in our path. Thank you very much.
Thank you for your prayers and reminders not to loose sight of what is most important. your writings are our daily spiritual vitamins to our prayer life, giving us hope and the right directions. The cross is getting heavier but we have peace and joy knowing you are praying for us, as we climb our Golgotha and that Our Lady is with us as She was with Jesus. We always pray for the community’s well being. God love you all.
Thank you for your prayers and reminders not to loose sight of what is most important. your writings are our daily spiritual vitamins to our prayer life, giving us hope and the right directions. The cross is getting heavier but we have peace and joy knowing you are praying for us, as we climb our Golgotha and that Our Lady is with us as She was with Jesus. We always pray for the community’s well being. God love you all.
Amen!! Thank you once again for a timely article. We bought the “lies” and gave up our power & freedom as illustrated in the Mejanomics talks. That gave way to the erosion of all kinds of lost freedom. “Quietism” is a MUST read for all of us serious about becoming Apostles for Our Lady. We must speak when the Holy Spirit prompts ~ our lives must speak the Messages. Blessings ~ Linda