Medjugorje Headline



September 19, 2024 A.D.

For Immediate Release


On the morning of September 19, 2024, a press conference was held at the Vatican. Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith announced the proclamation of a “Nihil Obstat” regarding the Medjugorje phenomenon.


This means that the “spiritual experience of Medjugorje” may be seen in a positive light, and the spreading of the devotion to Mary, Queen of Peace.


However, there were several matters of great alarm which Terry Colafrancesco, the Founder of Caritas, also known as “a Friend of Medjugorje,” spoke of in a public broadcast. Here are a few highlights with added notes:


  • The control and delay of the messages from the Virgin Mary. Since the messages have been approved as a whole, new messages may not be released immediately, but only after theological review. Terry says that this is a grave danger to the timely passing on of messages which may convey matters of importance in the present and immediate future.For example, at the start of the Ukraine war, Our Lady gave a message through Marija Pavlovic, the following day on February 25, 2022: “Help me with prayer, little children, that satan may not prevail. his power of death, hatred, and fear has visited the earth.”

On June 25, 2015, Terry Colafrancesco published an important work titled, Why Has God Not Wanted Church Approval of Medjugorje? Which sheds light on his understanding of what happened today.

Terry writes: “We tell you to date, it is God’s plan that Medjugorje not be approved. It had to remain open and free, untouched by those enemies against Medjugorje who, if it gained Church approval, would have been given avenues to navigate towards the apparitions to stifle, stymie, slow Our Lady down, even silence Her.”


  • Medjugorje would suffer. In the same writing of June 25, 2015, Terry writes further: “Medjugorje would suffer from the hands of those who would want to influence, define and conform it to the present Church, rather than allowing Medjugorje to reform and renew the Church.Our Lady is not remodeling the Church. She is rebuilding the Church from the outside, inward.”
  • Medjugorje is a place of conversion, not devotion. By recognizing only, the spiritual fruits and not the supernatural aspect of Medjugorje, there is great risk of damage to Medjugorje. Continuing with the writing of June 25, 2015,

    Terry writes: “Medjugorje draws people of all walks of life and leads them to conversion, repentance and reconciliation with God. As with Fatima, Lourdes and Guadalupe, Church approval would hasten Medjugorje into becoming a place of devotion, smothering the organic nature of what Our Lady came for and is doing. It would adversely affect the Holy Village and lead it in a different direction than which Our Lady is leading it. “Organic nature” means the purpose, from the very outset of the apparitions, of Our Lady’s coming—which was the conversion of the heart of all people; a spiritual transformative change of heart.”

  • Suppression of the Secrets. Most alarming from today’s announcement from the Vatican, is the suppression of the secrets. It was stated by Cardinal Fernandez that “future messages” given, “including the so-called secrets,” would have to first be reviewed by the Apostolic Visitor in Medjugorje before they could be published. In May of 2020, Terry wrote a warning to anyone who would try to stop the release of the secrets. He writes:“When the time comes for the release of the secrets, satan and all his minions in hell and on earth will attempt to delay the announcement of their release. Whether that delay is to the last moment before their release, or more so, until after the Secrets take place—the aim of the delay would be to steal the thunder of the secrets away from Our Lady by not allowing the secrets to be foretold.”


A broadcast has been released on, in which Terry gives behind-the-scenes details of the plans to stop the messages, which has never before been released. The broadcast is titled, “The Handcuffing of Medjugorje” and is available to listen on

Caritas of Birmingham

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.


  1. City: Crawley
    Country: England
    Our Lady has more faith in ordinary people’s intelligence and integrity than the Vatican, who are still trying to grapple with the idea of Synodality. And making sure that it’s kept in an acceptable form. Wrapped in liturgical vestments. What I, and my companions have experienced in that Holy Village, is the sanctification of the ordinary, the unassuming. That the visionaries are living ordinary lives, married, with families, and still affirming their experience, must be disconcerting . It is in the midst of ordinary life, in the nitty gritty which forms our life on earth, that God is most urgently felt. If we don’t meet Christ over our family dining table, we shall not find him in a. Church. And not truly live the Gospel in our world. Blessings and prayers for your work.

  2. Catherine J Buchta

    City: Garwood
    State: TX
    Country: USA
    Let Our Lady lead you! Don’t stress! She can bring good out of everything! Keep up the good work!

  3. “Brilliant” – How can we ever thank you enough to opening your heart so fully to Our Blessed Mother, Mary. We are of one accord with you – be assured of our prayers for you and the whole community. God bless you.

  4. City: Fareham
    State: Hampshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    As he stood on the scaffold waiting to be put to death at the order of Henry viii, Sir Thomas More is reported to have said, “Tell the king I die his good servant but God’s first.”

    In these new circumstances, obedience to God must come before obedience to man. Once Our Lady releases a secret it must be published, regardless of the Vatican’s statement – the Vatican has no rights over Our Lady. The third secret of Fatima was similarly suppressed and gravely damaged the Church.

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