From the Desk-September 24, 2008

From the Desk-September 24, 2008


In some Massachusetts school districts children are being taught five gender orientations they can become.


War is something we should avoid. However, to avoid war at all cost will lead to being oppressed, and tyranny to reign. The Church teaches that there are times to engage in war. There are different types of war. We have been assaulted for years by a cultural war affronted by an immoral leftism. The reactions in resisting the assaults have been too little and very late. The targets of these attacks are everything concerning God, a moral society, and Christians themselves. Who is to blame? Men are. Men have become too demasculinized to counter attack the evils of a culture, which has taken over, “de Goded” the culture and demasculinized men. Men who lived 75 years ago would not tolerate the above and would remedy things in the blink of an eye. Men have become too demasculinized to stand up, to take to the streets, or to sometimes be on the street even as one man and defend the honor of a woman or child. Where are the fathers who are making a run on the schools who are teaching kindergarten, first grade, second grade and up that it’s ok to be any of five genders you want to be? Man has become too feminized so that he no longer sees he’s being demasculinized into a ho-hum being who doesn’t even pause and reflect to have the thought, “To forget the Judges, the courts, that every father of a family where a school who teaches such a thing should march into the school and remove the teaching materials and cast out the teachers themselves who are indoctrinating these children with such perverse thoughts.” This would not be illegal in God’s eyes, but would be in the feminized man’s eyes. This is Evangelization of the Natural Law and every man has an obligation to propagate and protect Natural Law and a right to tear down unnatural Law…by what means are necessary to be rid the system promoting such vileness.


Saturday Sept. 20, 2008, Pope Benedict said:


“In a sacrilegious world, and in a time marked by a worrying culture of emptiness, you are called to announce the primacy of God without compromise and to propose new paths of Evangelization.”2


Jesus’ new path of His Evangelical message once included turning the tables over and running the people out of the Temple…physically with a whip… Jesus did not sin.


I see no reason why 50 or 100 fathers who are men should not be doing the same thing with the perversions of the little Temples of the Holy Spirit who as children are being exposed to a greater sacrilege than what Jesus erupted over in the Temple. When do men start turning some desks over and purifying the schools? It’s time to be men who will stand up to an evil culture for the primacy of God’s precept rather than man’s. It will bring peace. Our Lady said, August 15, 1988:


“…young people find themselves now in a very difficult situation.  Help each other.”


Man will not be in sin by becoming men again. Rise up O men and count yourselves not of women and children but of their protectors.

Friend of Medjugojre


1. Citizen Magazine
2. Vatican Information Service Holy See Press Office


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41 thoughts on “From the Desk-September 24, 2008”

  1. Michael John Hebert

    Not having a lot of money, I was still blessed with a visit to Medjugorje, where I met Caritas giving out message cards. I’ve always wanted to go back, but equally, I’ve always wanted to be able to send or bring someone else, who hadn’t had the chance to experience the blessing, I had. I wish there was a way to donate a few extra dollars to Caritas & for them to have a small raffle, to send “Those Whom Haven’t Gotten To Medjugorje Before”. It’s wonderful to hear how many times some people have gone there, but my heart would leap, hearing, others, instead, telling of the sacrifice they made, sending others there. What a Blessed Way To Spread The Messages……..God Bless

  2. I have been to Medugorje twice, and after reading so many articles and watching videos of Medugorje, I feel like going again. Thank you.


    As a earthly mother, I listened to my mother that if you give your children a foundation they will stray but they will come back to the Lord. Now I see them stray, but I believe they will come back because I know the heavenly MOTHER IS TRYING TO TEACH ME. How to recognize her love and lead me deeper into the Lords Love. It is so hard to watch your children stray but more so, that my husband is lost. Thank you Mary for your love and guidance.

  4. Chris Eastridge

    Excellent information and it should be an eye opener for many uninformed people. Enjoy listening to your program. Thank you and may the Lord continue guiding you

  5. Excellent information and it should be an eye opener for many uninformed people. Enjoy listening to your program. Thank you and may the Lord continue guiding you

  6. Que par Marie Fille Immaculée de Dieu Le Père+Mère de Dieu Le Fils Jésus-Christ Notre Sauveur et Rédempteur+Temple Très-Saint de Dieu Esprit-Saint “Notre Père par Marie”;au Saint Nom des 7 Effusions du Très-Précieux-Sang de Jésus-Messie,la Gloire de La Très-Sainte-Trinité éclate au Grand Jour,pour la Sauvegarde de multitudes d’âmes+++Fiat+Fiat+Fiat+Alléluia+++ Nous souvenant du Credo=Je crois en Dieu Le Père Tout-Puissant Créateur du ciel et de la terre;et en Jésus-Christ Notre Seigneur,qui fut Conçu du Saint-Esprit,est Né de la Vierge Marie,a souffert sous ponce Pilate,a été Crucifié est mort a été enseveli,est descendu aux Enfers,le troisième jour est Ressuscité des morts,est monté aux Cieux,est assis a la Droite de Dieu Le Père,d’ou Il viendra Juger les vivants et les morts+je crois en l’Esprit-Saint,en la Sainte Église Catholique,en la Communion des saints,en la Rémission des péchés,en la résurrection de la chair,et en la Vie Éternelle Amen+++

  7. All my life I felt protected by my guardian angel Also l new that the virgin Mary was leading me to do goodSometimes I did not listen I was arogent and A know it allShe never left me alone. I was at a divine mercy prayer Session when all of a sudden I kissed the picture of our Jesus and I felt a pricke like a thorn in my heart. I stated To cry and could not stop. I went to confession the next day And felt a deep peace.

  8. Jennifer Comiskey

    Thank you friend of Mary, friend of Medjugorie, for being so kind to our precious Most Holy Mother, thank you so much.

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