
From the Desk-May 28, 2008

From the Desk-May 28, 2008

A Correction About the Last “From The Desk of A Friend of Medjugorje

The “From the Desk…”, written to you and sent last night about the 87-year-old man leading a crowd to Bourbon Street was not accurate. Normally we verify everything. However, the source who gave us the information has always been a reliable source, but this time they nor we verified it. The 87-year-old man was Billy Graham. He did speak in New Orleans. He did talk about the storms of life and did call for the spiritual revival of New Orleans. He did not march to Bourbon Street, as we wrote about.

However, the purpose of the story was to use it to teach a principle. That principle is true, a principle of which we Christians can, should be, and must be in the “work of an evangelist.” We know it is true because Our Lady has and continues to call all of you to be apostles. The apostles were evangelists. And so, by that call and principle, let the mistake and correction still serve as an impulse to become active and not sit on the sidelines, because we are being called to march on the Bourbon Streets of the world

In Correction and May You Respond to the Call,

Friend of Medjugojre

The P.S. from the last “From the Desk of A Friend of Medjugorje” is still valid and we again invite you to write to Caritas of Birmingham, 100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive, Sterrett, AL 35147 USA or call (205) 672-2000, ext. 383 for the “Serious Announcement” which will be sent free to help you take part in a march for the salvation of the whole world by participating in answering Our Lady’s call, especially of Her words this past Sunday, May 25, 2008, “…Work on the salvation of the world in a special way while I am still with you…” You can also click here to request the “Serious Announcement”. Thank you.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

13 thoughts on “From the Desk-May 28, 2008”

  1. Dear Friend of Medjugorje; I just listened to your radio wave presentation on Sandy Hook and I am so filled with joy unspeakable that you have hit the nail on the head, once again..YES. satan is the root cause of the evil behind Sandy Hook; 911 and other shootings; you gave excellent research ideas to mental health and behavioral researchers to study the correlation between anti-depressant use and suicides, mass killings and rampages. And yes Divorce destroys children! Thanks be to Jesus & Mary!

  2. In my heart of hearts, I see so much evil present in our society. I believe that those who are considered having a psychological disorder by today’s standards are possessed by evil as in the days of Christ. I agree that exorcists be aware of the paranormal happenstances of these occurrences. You are right, evil is infiltrating the world through mass means and I’ve thought that and see it in too many cases. May the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf hear. Have mercy on us, O Lord

  3. In my heart of hearts, I see so much evil present in our society. I believe that those who are considered having a psychological disorder by today’s standards are possessed by evil as in the days of Christ. I agree that exorcists be aware of the paranormal happenstances of these occurrences. You are right, evil is infiltrating the world through mass means and I’ve thought that and see it in too many cases. May the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf hear. Have mercy on us, O Lord

  4. Anthony Grabowski

    Dear Friend of Medjugorje, Thank you for this special. I want to offer you my condolences for the loss of your father. My dad passed away in early March of this year, he was the father of ten children. You sir, have been given heavenly graces. When I listen to you, I hear my dad, thank you! I live ten minutes from Sandy Hook. This is a devastating time for our Nation and for the families of these innocent victims. You are on the money with your analysis of this tragedy. But, to be honest, I really don’t think many Christians get what you are saying. I pray for graces, mercy and light for our troubled nation. Peace, Anthony

  5. Anthony Grabowski

    Dear Friend of Medjugorje, Thank you for this special. I want to offer you my condolences for the loss of your father. My dad passed away in early March of this year, he was the father of ten children. You sir, have been given heavenly graces. When I listen to you, I hear my dad, thank you! I live ten minutes from Sandy Hook. This is a devastating time for our Nation and for the families of these innocent victims. You are on the money with your analysis of this tragedy. But, to be honest, I really don’t think many Christians get what you are saying. I pray for graces, mercy and light for our troubled nation. Peace, Anthony

  6. Very beautiful program, with many important points made. As our country weeps for the 20 children lost last week, is anyone mourning the 54+ million that have been murdered at the hands of their own mothers since Roe v. Wade? America, we reap what we sow. Thank you for always ending the program with, “We wish you Our Lady – we love you.” That never fails to touch me, and I’ve heard you say it dozens of times. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

  7. Very beautiful program, with many important points made. As our country weeps for the 20 children lost last week, is anyone mourning the 54+ million that have been murdered at the hands of their own mothers since Roe v. Wade? America, we reap what we sow. Thank you for always ending the program with, “We wish you Our Lady – we love you.” That never fails to touch me, and I’ve heard you say it dozens of times. God bless you and Merry Christmas!

  8. Your Radio Wave on Dec. 19, 2012 was so very special.. Thank you for all you do for all who listen to your programs. My son, Joe makes sure that we all receive. I had to listen this a.m. because I couldn’t bring it in yesterday. However, I heard the whole hour this a.m. Being able to recapture a day later is very helpful. Again, thank you for everything. Your messages are so wonderful to all my family problems over the years. And—a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

  9. Your Radio Wave on Dec. 19, 2012 was so very special.. Thank you for all you do for all who listen to your programs. My son, Joe makes sure that we all receive. I had to listen this a.m. because I couldn’t bring it in yesterday. However, I heard the whole hour this a.m. Being able to recapture a day later is very helpful. Again, thank you for everything. Your messages are so wonderful to all my family problems over the years. And—a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

  10. Thanks! for the Radio wave on 19th. The Holy Bible says how Herod killed innocent infants. He wanted to kill infant Jesus. Yes every danger comes from the evil one. We have to pray for our children. We have to pray for the whole world. Without God’s mercy we cannot survive. This message is so important. Our Holy Mother said this in Her every message, to live Holy, to pray, to be close to Jesus. The time has come closer. We have to understand, and live according to God’s will, May God Bless You!

  11. Thanks! for the Radio wave on 19th. The Holy Bible says how Herod killed innocent infants. He wanted to kill infant Jesus. Yes every danger comes from the evil one. We have to pray for our children. We have to pray for the whole world. Without God’s mercy we cannot survive. This message is so important. Our Holy Mother said this in Her every message, to live Holy, to pray, to be close to Jesus. The time has come closer. We have to understand, and live according to God’s will, May God Bless You!

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