
From the Depths of Hopelessness to the Heights of Hope

From the Depths of Hopelessness to the Heights of Hope

September 11, 2012 A.D.

Mail Bins with They Fired the First Shot 2012

Here, several mail bins are filled with They Fired the First Shot 2012, which continues everyday to go out in great numbers all across the nation.

Today, September 11, a day we celebrate formally as Patriot Day in remembrance of 9/11, They Fired the First Shot 2012 is brought into even greater importance for our nation. Those who have read it already have told us that they are brought from the attitude of the normalization of what is happening in our nation, into the depths of hopelessness by seeing in full reality what is happening, and then to the soaring heights of hope for our nation’s future as a real solution is brought to light. And while most of what is written focuses particularly on the United States, the principles are that which can be applied to any nation in need of renewal. To order in bulk, call Caritas in the US at 206-672-2000, visit here to order online or click here to order in bulk.


*A special note, since the writing of They Fired the First Shot 2012, Caritas had a waiting list of requests for us to open up his schedule. These are presently being scheduled and we are beginning to accept invitations for him in different areas of our nation. Arrangements are being made to group several areas together. To sponsor A Friend of Medjugorje to speak to your Prayer Group, churches, or at your business, call Caritas in the US, 205-672-2000, and ask to speak with Joan. Or you can visit here and submit all your information online.


Caritas Community member Victoria watches the community fill orders

What kind of future do we want for our children? Little Victoria here, watches while the Caritas community adults pack orders for They Fired the First Shot 2012. They Fired the First Shot is a book of hope, and action. It is a call for all to become active in doing something concrete to save this nation. The Caritas Community children are growing up with a heritage of knowing that their founder and the Community were willing to rise early and work the long hours in order make known God’s plan to save this nation, their future, and the futures of millions across the country. Will your children, and children’s children be able to say the same of you? Get They Fired the First Shot in bulk and spread to everyone you know. Click to Order in bulk here

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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