March 9, 2017 A.D.
Following is Our Lady of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2017 message given through Mirjana on the day of prayer for non-believers:
“Dear children, with motherly love I am coming to help you to have more love and that means more faith. I am coming to help you to live with love the words of my Son, so that the world would be different. Therefore, apostles of my love, I am gathering you around myself. Look at me with the heart, speak to me as to a mother about your pains, sufferings and your joys. Ask me to pray to my Son for you. My Son is merciful and just. My motherly heart would desire for you also to be like that. My motherly heart would desire that you, apostles of my love, speak of my Son and of me to all those around you with your life; so that the world would be different; that simplicity and purity would return; that faith and hope would return. Therefore, my children, pray, pray, pray with the heart, pray with love, pray with good works. Pray that everyone would come to know my Son, so that the world would change, that the world would be saved. With love live the words of my Son. Do not judge, instead love one another so that my heart could triumph. Thank you.”
Following is a partial transcript of “It’s That Simple, Huh?,” the March 2, 2017, Radio WAVE broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. This transcript was clarified by a Friend of Medjugorje from the spoken text.
From Out of the Fog
by a Friend of Medjugorje
“…Speak of my Son and of me to all those around you with your life…”
A Friend of Medjugorje: My brother and I went, probably 30 years ago, up to Amish Country and we saw early in the morning from the road a field that was covered in fog. And we saw a man come out of the fog sitting on his plow with four horses. The Amish sit on a low seat near the soil. He was plowing through the fog. It was a beautiful, incredible scene. No noise and just peace. He went on down the row, parallel to the road, and then made the turn. We watched him turn away from us as he began another row in the field. But then we were surprised to see another image come out of the fog again. It was mystical. As it became clearer and clearer, we realized it was another four horses, another plow, with the man’s wife following him on the outer ring of what he had just plowed. Why would I remember that? Why would anybody remember such a scene? Except there is something to it, something beautiful — partner, life, marriage, family, soil, hope.
“…Speak of my Son and of me to all those around you with your life…”
I remember that she had a blue dress on, a white bonnet, that’s how much they impressed me “with their life…so that the world would be different.”
Why are you stuck in the mindset that the way the world is today, that it’s going to stay that way? If Our Lady triumphs, the world is not going to stay the same, and She plans to triumph. We are seeing the vestiges of it beginning at this moment.
“…The world will be different that simplicity and purity would return, that faith and hope would return. Therefore my children, pray, pray, pray with the heart, pray with love, pray with good works…”
I would say A+ for that Amish couple with their works. They preached to me. It was a sermon. Something beautiful, something I said I’d like to form my life on. No, as Catholics, we’re not going to be Amish. They’ve got their beliefs, we have ours. But we are learning from Our Lady what witness can do.
The main ingredient in Our Lady’s messages is first change yourself. If you don’t change yourself, you can’t change anybody else. The code of the messages is to always do as She said on February 25, “to profoundly live your faith.” You can’t do that without renunciation, without going through conversion, without repudiating everything in and of you that does not work in harmony with God’s plans and the messages. You have to realize that Our Lady has said She has plans for the whole world. But you can’t change the “whole world.” You can only change “your” world. That’s how it works. You can’t do anything beyond yourself. So, you have to go through conversion. You have to be purified and then what you become, people will want to be like that, they will be attracted to that. Our Lady said in Her February 25, 2017 message:
“…to profoundly live your faith and implore the Most High to strengthen it.” …through renunciation and the call to be people of clear and persevering faith and hope…”
When this Amish couple came out of the fog, it was with clarity that I saw them as a people who have a depth of faith and hope that I was attracted to. I was very impressed with that in my heart. Our Lady said, March 2, 2012, “pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you.” That was a Holy Spirit moment. I was stamped, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit because it wasn’t just the scene, it was something that God had staged for me, one of a thousand parts in the process of my conversion. But I was open to that. We went up there to see what they were doing, how they lived. We wanted to be open to what traits of God they lived that we should adopt. Our Lady told us today, “that simplicity and purity would return.” This is the natural effect of following God’s ways and His Commands. She also said, “speak of me,” but, like the Amish couple, we are to speak with our life. The Amish couple spoke to me, but I never heard a word from them. Yet, their witness led to words because we went on to talk to others in their Community; we wanted to know more about the life, we wanted to hear about it. But their witness, their silent witness drew us and inspired many more questions that we wanted to ask. This is what happened with the early Christians. It was by their witness and their way of life that they spread the faith in Jesus Christ. Our Lady gave a message on March 2, 2012. She said:
March 2, 2012
“…Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him…”
That is when She went on to say:
“…Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you…”
We are suppose to be that kind of life. We are the window of God that people don’t have. We must reflect on how we should deal with people, how can we bring people to Our Lady who have had broken dreams, who are beat down from the mess they’ve made in their lives. Our Lady is calling on us to be the door to God. You wonder, after going through conversion, why suddenly you have so many problems and difficulties. It is because the world has problems. If you can’t go through these real experiences and trials, how can you be apostles? How can you explain to another that is going through a similar trial after their conversion if you haven’t gone through it yourself first? I’ve got cognition to say everything I need to say to individuals. You have to have love in your heart. These people need to see light. We have in our Community a way we live by in that we don’t keep our blinds shut all the time. In neighborhoods all over our nation, all the blinds and shutters are shut now. We keep ours open because when we walk past each other’s homes, we want to see life. We may see our Community families eating supper or cooking in the kitchen or whatever. We want to see the family there.
Now, today, everybody lives in a cocoon, a dark place, there’s no light, there’s no fresh breeze coming in. Our Lady has come to change that. This is the plan of Our Lady. And while we believe everything will change physically, it will only happen after everything changes interiorly. Our Lady has come to call and then to change Her apostles first. And for those who want to change, but who have not yet heard Her call, She is here for them also. But She can’t reach them because they don’t know God’s love. They don’t know how to follow Him. They are handicapped because they never knew the love of the father in the home or the mother, or they were in a war zone, or have experienced so many other problems.
One girl, that one of our Community Members encountered several weeks ago, was in a bad, bad lifestyle and she broke down crying when she was confronted with the truth in love. But I tell this story because this girl said that, “God has never helped me, He’s never done anything for me.” So you see the difficult situation Our Lady has; She’s handcuffed. The only hands She has is ours because free will cannot be broken. So many people are broken to pieces because of the total destruction of their families; they don’t even know who they are. They don’t even know how they were born, and what they are. They are messed up. Yet, they do cry out to God, but with a wrong concept of who He is. They even try to bend the rules, to “unbreak” the law, because innately they want to live by the law themselves; but they want the laws to be good in their own way. They want the law to change, instead of changing themselves because they have never experienced the love of God. One of the keystone parts of Our Lady’s message is that they will come to know God’s love through you!
On December 2, 2007, Our Lady appeared very sad. Her eyes were filled with tears during the the whole apparition to Mirjana. Our Lady said that day:
“Dear children, today, while I’m looking at your hearts, my heart is filled with pain and shutter. My children, stop for a moment and look into your hearts…”
She’s not talking about the reprobates; it is us who are listening to Her, you and me that She is speaking. She goes on:
“…Is my Son, your God, truly in the first place, or is His Commandments truly the measure of your life? I am warning you again, without faith there is no God’s nearness, God’s word which is light of salvation and the light of common sense.”
Mirjana actually jumps into this message and says to Our Lady, “I asked Our Lady painfully, not to leave us and not to give up on us.” Amazing. And you know what happened? Our Lady painfully smiled at her request and left. Our Lady didn’t even finish the message. She never finished with the words of “thank you” to the message. Mirjana was distraught over this apparition. We were all caught off guard because it sounded like Our Lady was writing us off.
Well then Our Lady came back 30 days later, on January 2, 2008. Remember, Mirjana had said, “please don’t give up on us.” And as if picking up where She left off from the message in December, Our Lady adds these words to the message:
January 2, 2009
“…With all the strength of my heart I love you and give myself to you as a mother fights for Her children, I pray for you and I fight for you…”
That’s what Mirjana said the month before, “Don’t give up on us. Please fight for us.” Then She says:
“…I ask you not to be afraid to open yourselves so as to be able to love with the heart and give yourself to others…”
That’s the first thing you are supposed to be doing through your day. Clean everything inside you so everything outside changes and people will want to be like you, they will want to be around you. People want to gather round the Virgin Mary for who She is. Do you know there are many nonbelievers out there, people who have never known the love of God, they want some kind of relationship with God, but they are not able to connect with Him. When you train a horse, you want to get his attention. Once he connects to you, you can teach him. Our Lady wants to connect with these people, but we are the hands to do that, we are the instruments to do it. It’s through us that happens. If you’re not attractive in what you do in your way of life, who wants to talk to you? Who will even hear of you? If you speak of Her and you’re a fanatic the way you do it, but you don’t live it, you do nothing. You’ve got to do it with your life. You have to be an impressive witness like the Amish couple I saw, a witness that makes an impact of sincerity, purity, faith and hope and then people will have many questions for you. You can then move them towards connecting with Our Lady and Her Son.
Our Lady says, “speak to me, ask me, look at me,” but there are so many people who, like the girl our Community Member confronted, say “God has never done anything for me.” They don’t know how to recognize God. They don’t know how to open up to Him. Many of them are asking God to say something. Many of them have said, “I’m giving up on You God,” and then have fallen into a more degraded life. We intercepted this girl who was on this path and she left with hope, gave a big hug and said “thank you.” She told us that she had come that day looking for something. They are all looking for God. They are telling God “say something or I’m going to give up,” just like Mirjana said to Our Lady, “Don’t give up on us. You can’t give up on those people.” Our Lady is depending on you to be the answer that God wants to give them. That comes through us. That is why we are being trained to be apostles. They want God on their terms, because they don’t know how to do it. They are crippled; but these hearts can be uncrippled and unbroken through our witness. So many people are going to perdition. So many souls who could say, “I would have followed you God if You would have just said something to me. I wanted to love You but I never met You. I wanted to learn love but no one showed me. I tried to swallow my pride, but Your children’s witness stopped me. God I never met You, I’m giving up on You.” So many souls are enveloped in deep fog, yearning for someone to lead them out into the daylight. Can you stop people from going to hell by the witness of your life? You may be the only Bible someone may read. It can only happen through you.
“…Pray that everyone will come to know My Son so that the world will change and that the world would be saved. With love live the words of My Son. Do not judge instead love one another so that my heart could triumph…”
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?
Be sure to listen to the full March 2, 2017, Radio WAVE broadcast, with a Friend of Medjugorje titled, “It’s That Simple, Huh?”. It is a powerful reminder of the responsibility that Our Lady’s apostles carry. You can listen or download free here…
Remember also to continue to keep our mission in your daily prayers and support. We are continuing to move quickly into new phases for Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land. Your continued support is greatly needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you and God Bless. You can make a tax-deductible donation by visiting here…
2 thoughts on “From Out of the Fog”
Dear Caritas, This writing really is a summary of all you have taught us since we met in 1998, traveled with you to Medjugorje, visited you in AL. I am going to print it and place it in my daily prayer book so I can read parts of it each day to remind myself to be the person Our Lady is calling us to be and which you so eloquently describe. Lots of hugs from snowy WI. And, thank you.
This is a excellent writing. I always appreciated and was very fond of the way the Amish people live when I experience Caritas in Sterrett Alabama, Queen of Peace Drive. I thought to myself, this is Catholics living an Amish lifestyle and now this is the way Our Lady’s calling us to live, I hope to see it in my own family, I hope to be a witness for Our Lady and The Lord Jesus, with God all things are possible, to God be the Glory! Thank you!