What’s Further Down the Page
August 2, 2010 Message Forget what is personal… Pictures from ApparitionPrayer for Nonbelievers Send Your Feedback
Today, August 2, 2010, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana at the Blue Cross at the base of Podbrdo in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Hercegovina, around 8:45 a.m. At 2:30 a.m. there were already thousands of people awaiting Our Lady. A young woman from England told us she arrived at 10:00 p.m., August 1, at the Blue Cross and more people began arriving shortly thereafter into the night and early morning.
After many rosaries and songs sung between the decades, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana in the midst of prayers and song. Many people weren’t aware that Our Lady had come until there was a chorus of Shhhh’s. At the moment Our Lady appeared, 3-4 demoniacs began to scream and continued for the first half of the apparition. As the apparition began, Mirjana’s face emitted extreme happiness, then seriousness, then sadness; then going through mixed emotions. At one point Mirjana crossed her hands apart with her palms facing inward.
At times, Mirjana’s head moved up and down as if to say ‘yes’ while her eyes were fixed intensely on Our Lady. Mirjana looked happy while she seemed to agree with or comprehend what Our Lady was telling her. At times too, she nodded a ‘yes’ repeatedly, but with a very serious look on her face.
The apparition lasted around 5 minutes. A rough translation was given in English and Italian from the Croatian original as the crowds listened. Because the Youth Festival started August 1, such a large crowd was present that the people were lined up almost ¾ of the way to the statue of Our Lady that is placed near the top of Apparition Mountain.
There were so many pilgrims present that it took hours for some to get off the Mountain and that the streets at the base was jammed packed with people; even all the paths leading to the church were clogged with returning pilgrims, many praying the Rosary in thanksgiving for what they witnessed.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2010 Message
Given on the Day for Non-Believers
“Dear children! Today I call you, together with me, to begin to build the Kingdom of Heaven in your hearts; that you may forget that what is personal and – led by the example of my Son – think of what is of God. What does He desire of you? Do not permit satan to open the paths of earthly happiness, the paths without my Son. My children, they are false and last a short while. My Son exists. I offer you eternal happiness and peace and unity with my Son, with God; I offer you the Kingdom of God. Thank you.”
Our Lady blessed all those present, all the religious articles, and in a very special way, all priests.
Forget what is personal…think of what is of God
Our Lady wants us to participate with Her. Just as She said:
October 31, 1988
“…I need your collaboration…”
January 2, 1989
“…I want to collaborate with you…”
This collaboration is you with Our Lady and Our Lady with you. It is not one-sided. Our Lady comes to work with you. Our Lady then seeks this union between Her and you so that:
“…together with me, to begin to build the Kingdom of Heaven in your hearts…”
Our Lady once said:
September 25, 1997
“…your life will be more beautiful and without an interest…”
Today, Our Lady echoes this message for the world, but especially the youth. As Our Lady says: “…that you may forget that what is personal…” and instead, “…think of what is of God…” Our interest, what we would like to see happen, is not the guidance Our Lady seeks to give. Our Lady says:
September 25, 1991
“…pray for what God desires and not for what you desire…”
Your joy depends not on what is personal, but what is of God.
Mirjana has told us that Our Lady has never once put Herself first in any situation. Her example is the example of Her Son. Up to four demoniacs today screamed right before or at the moment Our Lady appeared. This is not uncommon, but has not happened in Mirjana’s apparition for awhile. The fact that youth were present from all over the world is a sign. Recently speaking to Marija, she mentioned the youth and how they dress. Marija also spoke of the importance of youth and the many who do not believe or are in question of hell’s existence. We know Marija has been shown Heaven, hell, and Purgatory. It is reality. Especially hell’s existence must be impressed upon the youth. Youth seek to be happy on earth. Our Lady seeks youth to be joyful on earth. Happiness and joyful can be two different things. Immodesty and being in fashion make the youth happy in an earthly way, but not joyful because the soul is not fed through things of this nature as they are clearly attached to satan’s designs of exposing the flesh. The visionaries have said these things repeatedly. A pilgrim came into our Mission House in Medjugorje who spotted a sign in Medjugorje for the youth festival that said, “Your clothes are a reflection of your soul.” In light of so much immodesty, even in the youth who are coming to Medjugorje, it is a profound statement about earthly happiness, but not of a joyful soul or heart. Our Lady said this past June 25 and July 25, 2010:
“…I call you all to live my messages with joy…” June 25, 2010
“…I call you to follow me with joy…without Him (Jesus) you do not have joy and peace, nor a future or eternal life…” July 25, 2010
It is Our Lady who exposes that satan actually wants to make you happy. Mirjana was offered this “path of earthly happiness” when satan appeared to her.
Mirjana spoke of an apparition in which satan appeared to her. satan asked Mirjana to renounce the Madonna and follow him. That way, Mirjana could be happy in love and in life. satan relayed that following the Virgin, on the contrary, would only lead to suffering. Mirjana felt her strength weakening in this temptation, but rejected satan and called out to Our Lady who then appeared to Mirjana (Click Here to Search the messages and type in December 26, 1982)
While the youth are being addressed especially in this letter, everyone who grows up passes through youth. Your youth, even if you are 40, 50, 60 years old or more, is a part of your very being. Many events in your youth affect who you are today. Your strength, your weakness, flaws and virtues are profoundly affected by your youth. There are always youth in transition to adulthood. However, what they attained in youth is contained and affects their soul. Changing from youth to adults does not change who you are. You may mature and, yes, Jesus can change you, but the scars and weaknesses remain. For example, if a youth develops a pattern of laziness, sleeps too much, he will have to fight this the rest of his life, even if he goes through conversion later in life. So, too, for any vices he develops in his years as youth. But, this also means that any virtue that develops in a youth – will be a support and strength all the days of his life. Marija said the all night adorations that she attended as a youth twenty years ago, has a direct affect on her today, at 45 years of age. So in speaking of youth, to address youth, one needs to impress upon them the values and virtues they need, to be joyful throughout life. They need advice, as in the example, “Earthly happiness is short and can easily lead to eternal unhappiness. True happiness will exist in a supreme way in Heaven.” Our Lady tells us:
“…I offer you eternal happiness…”
Jelena, the inner locutionist of Medjugorje, when first hearing the voice of Our Lady, felt such joy she said she wanted to just jump up and down. She was happy, not in an earthly way, but because she had a direct contact with Heaven. Her happiness was connected to the eternal. We will never be satisfied with earthly happiness, but we can be joyful no matter how many crosses we carry. It is Our Lady’s desire for you and that your decisions be for that, even in the midst of trials. You can help youth not to have unnecessary crosses throughout their life while they are formed in their youth. Our Lady said October 24, 1988:
“Dear children, your Mother wants to call you to pray for the young of the whole world, for the parents of the whole world so they know how to educate their children and how to lead them in life with good advice. Pray, dear children; the situation of the young is difficult. Help them! Help parents who don’t know, who give bad advice!”
Our Lady has told us that the youth are in a difficult situation. Many adults today are in difficult situations because of their youth and decisions made during their youth. We need “Mother.” We need Her advice. We need Her loving maternal care. Our Lady is waiting for you. All of you are Her little children. Even if you are 80 years old, you have just begun your state of being. You are in the youth of your existence, “little children,” who are heading for eternity. Where do you want to spend it? Our Lady gives you an offer. “I offer you the Kingdom of God.”
In Our Lady’s Love,
The hand of Our Lady of the statue Mirjana is facing, extends out towards Mirjana during her apparition today, August 2, 2010 in Medjugorje. Yet, Mirjana is seeing Our Lady “in the flesh,” so to speak, in a glorified body. Visionary Marija says that Our Lady extends Her hands over everyone present during the apparition, with her arms outstretched and her palms facing downward, as She prays over everyone. What is Our Lady’s prayer at this moment? What is it that She is praying for each individual? What affect does this blessing have in the lives of those gathered? During Our Lady’s first visit to Alabama in 1988-1989, with visionary Marija, Our Lady often said, “Pray for my intentions.” What a beautiful gift for pilgrims who have ever been in the presence of Our Lady in one of Her apparitions to be able to pray, “Mary, whatever your intentions for me were when you prayed over me in your apparition, I’m asking for the grace that those intentions will be fully realized in my life.”
Tremendous crowds gathered today, August 2, 2010, to be in Our Lady’s presence during these days of the Youth Festival. The road at the foot of Apparition Mountain swells to full capacity after the apparition. Out of this immense crowd, very few were in a position to see Mirjana’s face, or hear the words Our Lady spoke while on the mountain after the apparition ended. These tens of thousands came, prayed and left Apparition Mountain with just their faith. Without seeing, many of them firmly believe they received something of great worth. They did….and their faith will be rewarded.
A beautiful expression is captured on Mirjana’s face of love, joy and longing as She encountered Our Lady today, August 2, 2010. Contrasting her peace were the anguished cries of several demoniacs that were heard before and during the apparition. One began yelling and screaming going on and on for a long time just before Our Lady appeared. At the moment the apparition began, another person was heard shouting in Italian, carrying on for more than half of the apparition, disrupting the great silence that is always so impressive in such an immense crowd. Though most people seemed able to tune out the disturbance, this kind of manifestation of satan in Medjugorje is always very startling and even troubling to those who have never experienced the reality of satan in such a dramatic way. This may be the first time they have even pondered the possibility of satan’s existence.
To have a spot so close to the Blue Cross where the apparition would take place can only happen if you are willing to spend the night to beat the crowds. Caritas community members said people were sprawled out on blankets, trying to sleep on the rock-hewn mountain, but as more and more people arrived, they often were stepped upon and had lights flashed in their faces. It is the price that is paid to get a spot close enough to see Mirjana’s face during ecstasy. Surprisingly, it was not so much the youth that were the ones who slept on the mountain, but most were adult, even those in their 50’s and 60’s, who came to claim the best seats. The Italians were by far the largest language group present in the village. They continue to come each month in greater and greater numbers.
35 thoughts on “Forget what is personal think of what is of God”
Truly inspirational! God bless!
Thank you Mother Mary, you know everything, I just want to be a better daughter to you just like you have been the best mother to me. Your love for us is beyond understanding. Show us how to love those around us. Where would I have been without this website? May God bless you all for making messages from heaven available to us who are thousands of miles away. May we pray for one another. One day I know I will make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.
Thank you for bringing Medjugorie to us in such a special way. I always feel that I am there when I read your articles. I feel the presence of the Blessed Mother everytime I look at your site. May Our Holy Mother continue to bless your community and indeed all who ask for her help. God Bless you always. And keep using the wonderful grace Out Lady has given to you all. Thank you and Thank you Blessed Mother xxxx
The message our lady gave on the second just went into my heart. I keep rememberin her words over and over. I’ve had a hard time at my parish because people find corrections offensive because they are ministers of the eucharist and coordinators. They’ve murmured, gossiped and lied about me but had never come to talk to me personally. I was taking all personal, and losing focus on our Lord, now I offer all to him for our own sake, and salvation. I believe our Lord is coming soon.Pray 4 me.God Blz
The message our lady gave on the second just went into my heart. I keep rememberin her words over and over. I’ve had a hard time at my parish because people find corrections offensive because they are ministers of the eucharist and coordinators. They’ve murmured, gossiped and lied about me but had never come to talk to me personally. I was taking all personal, and losing focus on our Lord, now I offer all to him for our own sake, and salvation. I believe our Lord is coming soon.Pray 4 me.God Blz
Oh what a wonderful mother in heaven we have. i adore her and her son jesus. my faith is as deep as the world’s oceans and just as vast. glory be to the father son and holy spirit.
Oh what a wonderful mother in heaven we have. i adore her and her son jesus. my faith is as deep as the world’s oceans and just as vast. glory be to the father son and holy spirit.
Dear Mother thank you for confirming the desires in my heart for my children and the youth. Our children have drifted apart from Jesus, do not believe in anything because they think there is nothing to believe in. They think that the leaders in the church are fakes and liers. Your messages are of great encouragement to continue to pray for their return to your son. Your love for us is unending and true, I love you Mother
Thank you for transmitting Our Lady’s messages. I look forward to all the messages that Our Lady gives the visionaries of Medjugorje. I hope someday that I will be able to travel there to experience Our Lady’s presence. Reading these messages “wakes me up” to what I need to do to become more holy. I try to follow what our Lady says. I feel closer to God than when I was younger. Again, thank you. You are doing a great service to all people.
Thankyou for your Sacrifice. Offering and Time that you put in so that we too are able to experience this great Love. May God bless your Familes and the entire community. Message has touched me, the temptation to take broad way has been strong but Mothers Love has been stronger, drawing me back to walk with Christ.
Thank you, dear Mother Mary-You bring us love and messages, and grace from your Son. Thank you for not giving up on us all. Thank you for trying to get us all even closer to Jesus. Please, help us know and do God’s will. Please get us all more graces to follow you better, each and every day. Thank you,Mother, for your “school of love”. May we all, please, be carried in your Immaculate Heart to Jesus! Help us all, to bring more souls along with us…all for the greater honor and glory of God!
Thank you, dear Mother Mary-You bring us love and messages, and grace from your Son. Thank you for not giving up on us all. Thank you for trying to get us all even closer to Jesus. Please, help us know and do God’s will. Please get us all more graces to follow you better, each and every day. Thank you,Mother, for your “school of love”. May we all, please, be carried in your Immaculate Heart to Jesus! Help us all, to bring more souls along with us…all for the greater honor and glory of God!
Every time i get a chance to visit an internet cafe,its a must to visit your website, and i must admit that am a thousand indebted to you for ministering to us.Our ever Virgin mother’s message always leaves me with a need to work even more on my faith nad my that of my family.I pray for a miracle journey,one day to Medjugorje.God bless you.
Every time i get a chance to visit an internet cafe,its a must to visit your website, and i must admit that am a thousand indebted to you for ministering to us.Our ever Virgin mother’s message always leaves me with a need to work even more on my faith nad my that of my family.I pray for a miracle journey,one day to Medjugorje.God bless you.
I really love this Article. I am impressed by the photographs and I always imagine myself present at the Apparition Site. I long to be there and be privileged and blessed.
Thanks for the message from our Blessed Mother. You send it promptly. We who are far feel like we are there with you.May our Mother continue to intercede for us in our needs .THANKS
I love mother Mary.Just seeing the picture of Marjana during appariation, I felf inspired and touched.Ho Mother give me the grace to think of what is of God and forget what is personal.
Thank you for keeping us updated on the messages and apparitions. They are comforting! For those of us who cannot go we are able to share the experiences through these articles and photographs. Keep them coming. God Bless you and protect you! May our blessed mother continue to come and visit us and help us all convert.
I can tell you as a single parent how difficult it is to protect our youth.We should pray for them as well as ourselves . Children need an example from their parents. We need our Lady’s help to accomplish This.
I can tell you as a single parent how difficult it is to protect our youth.We should pray for them as well as ourselves . Children need an example from their parents. We need our Lady’s help to accomplish This.
Oh how I wish I were there now even thought I have been there three times already.You are in heaven on earth the whole time you are there, such happiness.MB thank you so much for all of your books about our Lady.Your books help me so much spirtually.Thank you Mother for sending us a friend of Medjugorje.
What a beautiful message! Thanks to all responsible for sharing the messages of Our Lady! Thanks for the very helpful analysis of the message and the wonderful photos. God Bless you all at Caritas!
This message was so personal for me. It seemed to reach into my very soul. Thanks for the commentary that helped me to see Our Lady’s words even more clearly. I am forever grateful to Our Most Blessed Mother, for being my merciful, loving and teaching mother. Thanks to Caritas for bringing me her words.
This message was so personal for me. It seemed to reach into my very soul. Thanks for the commentary that helped me to see Our Lady’s words even more clearly. I am forever grateful to Our Most Blessed Mother, for being my merciful, loving and teaching mother. Thanks to Caritas for bringing me her words.
Please Our Lady inspire our Hearts, KATHY, MANDY and myself SILMY to receive the HEALING of FAITH and return to PRAYER, and grant us the grace to visit you in MEDJUGORGE soon. Please HEAL our relationships and even FINANCES to share in our family, and with others in need. THANK YOU, LOVINGLY SILMY MARIA
Mary my Mother thank you for your revelation to all of us. We thank you for this website through which we, so many could enjoy your vision and message. I promise you mother with your help, I will build Kingdom of Heaven in my heart; and it may flow out to the world. I pray you Mother to help me that I may be a living witness, and that I may one day enjoy your presence for ever in Heaven with your beloved Son Jesus my Lord and Savior. Mary my Mother I love you.
i love our Blessed MOther and her message to is so good because all of whats happening in our world today is showed that satan is working on our youth and making non belivers out of them.which is very scary. i always will pray for non believers and our youth because anything goes with the young they dont see anything they dont get serious makes me cry and pray. also i pray with all my heart for the pour soul in purgatory who have no to pray for them. with all my love and prayer a friend of mary
Thank you Caritas for relaying the message and the surroundings so well, I can visualise and almost feel as if I were there again…..at home in Medjugorje with our dear Mother
Our Blessed Mother has been my guide and mentor all of my life. I now give myself to her as her slave as well as Our Lord’s using the devotion of St. Louis de Montfort. I very much appreciate your bringing Our Dear Mother’s words to us in this time. We so need her guidance and her love. I will be praying for all of you engaged in bringing her messages to us.
Our Blessed Mother has been my guide and mentor all of my life. I now give myself to her as her slave as well as Our Lord’s using the devotion of St. Louis de Montfort. I very much appreciate your bringing Our Dear Mother’s words to us in this time. We so need her guidance and her love. I will be praying for all of you engaged in bringing her messages to us.
Sometimes its very hard to stay on task to keep what our lady tells as to do! Mother knows we live in the world and how the world and keep us from our lord from prayer, it can be hard to keep our eyes on God. This world in all its things can turn us from God we must always pray to our Lady for strength! we must pray for one another too! if we are to do this! think on how we are fulling our Mothers Mary wish and that is to turn to her turn to God and Pray pray pray!!!!!
“Blessed are the eyes which see what you see.” (Luke 10:23)
Thank you for writing these articles, for being so much a part of the experience, and transmitting it to us. Thank you also for the interpretation, and relating it to past messages. This is my favorite site on the internet.