
Find the Answer To Your Questions in Our Lady’s Messages – Visionary Ivanka

Find the Answer To Your Questions in Our Lady’s Messages – Visionary Ivanka

Visionary Ivanka speaks to pilgrims gathered from all over the world…


There are hundreds of buses bringing pilgrims from all over, Italy, Poland, The Czech Republic, as well as pilgrims driving from all parts of Croatia and the surrounding region, not to mention the numerous pilgrims from the United States, Mexico, and other nations. They are coming to be with Our Lady and many of them are here for their first pilgrimage. The visionaries are speaking to them on a regular basis, and a few days ago, the Medjugorje visionary, Ivanka spoke to thousands of pilgrims. She shared her remembrances of those first days when Our Lady began to appear to the six Medjugorje visionaries. You can read about some of those stories from the beginning days by clicking here. The following are some of the messages of Our Lady that Ivanka shared with the pilgrims:


Visionary Ivanka August 25, 2010

The Medjugorje visionary Ivanka speaks to pilgrims gathered. In her talk, Ivanka shared the witness of what Our Lady has taught her throughout these 29 years.

“I want to greet you by saying, ‘Praised be Jesus and Mary.’ Still, after 29 years, I ask God, ‘Why have you chosen me?’ God gave me a great gift, but at the same time, a great responsibility. I am a simple person, mortal like you. I accepted His gift, and I pray daily that He will strengthen me, so I can follow His Will.


“It is beautiful to be able to see Our Lady with our eyes, but, if we don’t know Her in our hearts, it is empty and meaningless. Our Lady invites us to open our hearts, to pray from our hearts, and then we will not be empty. With prayer, our lives will have new meaning.


“I am a living witness to the fact that God is among us and loves us. God is not far from us, we are the ones who have gone far away from Him. Our Lady shows us a way to stay close to God by praying all four Mysteries of the Rosary, and fasting on bread and water every Wednesday and Friday. Our Lady says, ‘With prayer and fasting, even wars can be stopped.’ Family prayer is especially important to Our Lady.


“Our Lady’s first message to us concerned peace. She invites us to prayer, conversion, and fasting. Today, these are still the main messages Our Lady is asking us to respond to. I believe that all those who live these messages will have answers to any and all their questions.

“Our Lady dictated Her biography to me. She showed me the future of the Church as well as the whole world. She had me write all of this down, and, She will tell me to whom and when to release this very important information.


“On May 7, 1985, Our Lady appeared to me for the last daily apparition I was to receive. It was the longest daily apparition I had experienced, and She revealed to me the Tenth Secret. I am standing here before you today as a living witness that life after death does exist. Have you ever wondered about life after death? God and Our Lady gave me a wonderful gift. Our Lady brought my mother with Her from Heaven. My mother hugged me and spoke to me. I saw her as I’m seeing you at this moment. Again, what a gift for me, but, I believe it was also a great gift for the world. Now I can speak with authority that eternal life is real!


“Our Lady invites us by saying, ‘Dear children, go on the way of conversion through prayer.’ We have the freedom to choose Our Lady’s Way or the way of the world. Our Lady has asked me to especially pray for families. Our Lady said, ‘satan is strong and desires to destroy the family.’ If families are broken, then the world is broken. Everything that is good comes from our families; good priests and religious, good doctors, and good marriages. Our Lady asks us to be respectful of the Sacrament of Marriage. We must renew family prayer and attend Mass together as a family. She invites us to monthly confession. The Holy Bible must be in the center of our families.


“I pray daily for all the families of the world. I am asking you to begin praying for your family. Thank you for coming today, I know you came not for me, but, to hear Our Lady’s message of love. God bless you.”


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See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

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9 thoughts on “Find the Answer To Your Questions in Our Lady’s Messages – Visionary Ivanka”

  1. maria luisa caetano

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, It was with great joy that I discovered this site. I thank you all and wish that you may keep on this holy mission. Our world needs help that only God’s Love can bring. I’m happy to have made my contribution to Caritas. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining my prayers and taking them to the sacred places from where the Queeen of Peace talks to us through those visionaries. God bless this six people and those who work and pray with them.

  2. What a wonderful read…renews our faith in her and our Lord Jesus Christ. I am going to begin fatsing from tomorrow onwards and I pray to our Lady to keep me strong and in her prayers. I wish I get to see Ivanka in person one day….in our Mother’s name, Amen.

  3. Evangeline Abaigar

    Dear Ivanka, Praise be Jesus & Mama Mary! I was born a Catholic but am living in Mama Mary’s message, through praying the rosary and fasting in just a few weeks ago, as my friend referred to me… I wont regret cos I feel so much Love in my heart, it grows deeper and deeper…… Ivanka your are so lucky, you are choosen by God. Next time you see Mama Mary please ask her to bring my grand mother to me. I want to hug her same you hugged your mother from heaven. I miss her so much…..

  4. When we are asked to fast ,how do you fast ? what to eat and drink ,and what hours of the day and what days. Please help me so i can learn to fast when I Pray. Love you Jesus and Mary with all my heart.David.

  5. Having recently lost my beloved mother I am again reassured that there is indeed life after death. I pray that i may trust in Jesus to continue to help me in my grief. thank you bea trice

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