What does it mean to have favor with God?
February 24, 2016 A.D.
When the angel Gabriel came to Mary, he said that She was, “full of grace,” and that She had “found favor with God.”
The angel that greets pilgrims as they approach the Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages at Caritas of Birmingham, reminding us that today, God is sending “His” angel, to announce to us the coming kingdom of God.
When Gabriel came to Mary’s humble home, the messenger of God told Her that She was, “full of grace,” and that She had “found favor with God.” What does it mean to be favored by God? It means that God listens to our prayers and answers them in our best interest, according to His law. However, today, many Christians are wringing their hands wondering why in the public square, in every nation, Christians are losing battle after battle. A Friend of Medjugorje writes:
“…Our Lady said October 25, 1993:
“…Dear children, I cannot help you if you do not live God’s Commandments…”
“It is false to believe one can remain a Christian and govern, pronouncing edicts through these positions that are contrary to Christian belief. The righteous have failed God. Therefore, in doing so, we have failed as a people. Nations of the earth are in serious crisis. The crisis is not because of economics, recessions, depressions, the taking over of our governments by corrupt people, etc. These are fruits of something else…
“…The nations of the world are all producing an abundance of bad fruit. Our Lady has come to show us we are at fault, not the wicked. They are prevailing because of us. Our Lady shows us how to conquer them. How? By our living true holiness based on all Ten Commandments.
“When was the last time you sat down and read the Ten Commandments—the cure, with prayer, for all the world’s problems? These ten laws of God vs. millions of laws of man…” 1
This Lent, make a return to God’s Commandments. Stop in your day, read His Commandments, compare your life to them, and make whatever adjustments need to be made. We will then find favor with God and Our Lady will be able to help us before His throne.
In the Love of Our Lady,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
For an in-depth look at how the failure to acknowledge our sins before God has resulted in the loss of liberty, be sure to join all those across the world who are reading Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping this Lent. It is available in a special Master Collection at 42% off, only until March 25. Visit here for information and so as to not miss out on such an opportunity.
1. Didn’t Anyone Ever Tell You, by a Friend of Medjugorje
2 thoughts on “Favor With God”
Ok… So if I don’t add this statement to this very paramount truth about the effectiveness of our Christian mission, “the stones will cry out!” We CANNOT claim to have devotion to Our Lady nor can She become the center of our being without The Ten Commandments. The two are inseparable! As we acknowledge that we are sinners, we are bringing to light the growth process of holiness in the face of the decalogue. We can’t claim to love someone (Our Lady) and defile them at the same time with an ultimate rejection of the very thing for which She stands! This is why She calls for monthly confessions, to allow us God’s mercy in our admission of where we have fallen short in light of The Ten Commandments, AND to discover also our STRENGTHS in the acceptance of that walk in the life of grace that She burns with love to give to us!
Ok… So if I don’t add this statement to this very paramount truth about the effectiveness of our Christian mission, “the stones will cry out!” We CANNOT claim to have devotion to Our Lady nor can She become the center of our being without The Ten Commandments. The two are inseparable! As we acknowledge that we are sinners, we are bringing to light the growth process of holiness in the face of the decalogue. We can’t claim to love someone (Our Lady) and defile them at the same time with an ultimate rejection of the very thing for which She stands! This is why She calls for monthly confessions, to allow us God’s mercy in our admission of where we have fallen short in light of The Ten Commandments, AND to discover also our STRENGTHS in the acceptance of that walk in the life of grace that She burns with love to give to us!