September 13, 2018 A.D.
“These Demons can only be Expelled by Fasting and Prayer.”
We Fasted for 18 Years for the End of the Reign of satan
Now we must Fast for the Beginning of the Reign of Our Lady
Caritas’ Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast
Wednesday, October 10 – Thursday, October 18, 2018 A.D.
We are in a dangerous time. Not so much because of the scandals breaking and the confusion and disunity that satan is sowing. The scandals coming to light are leading to the purification the Church needs and have come about through the prayers and sacrifices of many of the faithful for decades. The danger that we, who follow Our Lady, are in is that many have grown tired and weary of Our Lady’s call to prayer and fasting. We must shake ourselves and not only ponder the events taking place both in the Catholic and the secular worlds, but recognize the “signs of the time” in the “timing” of these events as they are transpiring.
Consider that the recent scandals are taking place just after the end of satan’s 100 year reign that began with Our Lady of Fatima’s apparitions in 1917—and ended last year in 2017. What follows satan’s reign? The reign of Our Lady. The year 2018 marks the first year of Our Lady’s century. And Her first action is to bring to light what has been hidden in darkness. Does that mean that we can all now sit back and relax. No! Our Lady needs our prayers and fasting like never before because though She is assured victory over satan, there are still many souls that can be lost in this time. She needs our prayers and fasting to bring a fast and resolute victory. The longer it takes to win the battle, the harder it will be to fight the battle fatigue that many true believers are already suffering from. Our Lady said:
October 25, 2006
“…I, little children, am not tired, although I see that your hearts are heavy and tired for everything that is a grace and a gift…”
Maria Valtorta, an Italian mystic who saw visions of Jesus’ life on earth, in her writings known as The Poem of the Man-God, relays a moment in which Peter was experiencing a moment in which his calling was becoming harder than what he could bear, especially as he pondered the future. Jesus, in an effort to prepare his apostles for the time of His martyrdom, was revealing to them more and more what He would have to suffer. Peter became almost despondent as he considered what they all would have to suffer in the future. Jesus found Peter in such a state on one occasion and after Peter confessed his fears, Jesus responded to him:
“…Jesus sits on the bundle of sticks beside Peter and lays an arm on his shoulders speaking to him: « You were looking at the horizon… and sadness dimmed it. The present, like a whirl, raised frightening clouds and concealed the serene memory full of promises and hope from you, and it frightened you. Simon, you are subjected to one of those hours of sadness and boredom, which our human nature meets on its way. No one is free from them, because those hours are brought about by him who hates man. And the more a man serves God, the more satan tries to frighten and tire him to detach him from his ministry. You also are subjected to an hour of tiredness.
“You are fatigued by the persistent persecutions against your Master. And finally− and you do not know that it is not you, but it is the ‘tempter’ − you listen to a voice that whispers to you: ‘And tomorrow? What will happen tomorrow?…’
“Come on, stand up, Simon.. .Let us pray together. There is nothing else to be done to regain peace, spiritual strength, love, pity… also for ourselves. Prayer dispels satan’s phantoms, and makes us feel closer to God. And with God near us, we can face and put up with everything justly and meritoriously. Let us pray thus, you and I together, here, from this mountain, from which so much of our Fatherland can be seen, as the Promised Land was seen by Moses from mount Nebo. We are luckier than he was, because we are taking the Word and Salvation to the Land which will belong to the Christ. I first, then you. Look! The Judaean mountains can still be seen in the last light. But beyond them there is the plain, the sea, then other lands, the world… They are waiting for you, Peter. They are waiting for you to learn that there is a true God. A God Who will give the true light to the souls groping in the darkness of Gentilism and idolatry. Look: the earthly light is growing dim. How could wayfarers not lose their way in a lightless night? But there is the Pole-star. It is rising already to guide wayfarers. My Religion will be the star that guides spiritual wayfarers on the way to Heaven. And you will be so united to it as to be one light only with Me and My Doctrine, My dear Peter, My blessed Stone. Let us pray for that hour when men will be saved through My Name…”1
Jesus speaks to us through this passage, as we are looking at a world that needs to be re-Christianized, and it is Our Lady who is leading us to be ready for this awesome task. But first we must help Her defeat the satanic influences that have gained great control in every institution on earth, even within the Church.
satanic influences can only be defeated through prayer and fasting. The Community of Caritas’ Annual Nine-day Bread and Water fast is approaching. We are putting out a strong call for as many as possible to join us in this fast that will give Our Lady added sacrifices and prayers to go before God to break satan’s hold over our Church and nation. Along with satan wanting to take advantage of the scandals that are leading to great division in the Church, the midterm November elections in the United States are looming and we can be sure that there are hidden agendas in place to steal the elections in order to paralyze President Trump’s presidency. We must not grow tired, or bored, or complacent when we see Our Lady acting towards confronting and defeating what threatens everything that we hold dear. Jesus revealed to Peter that “the tempter” is behind these feelings. Prayer is the only remedy to regain spiritual vitality, and prayer with fasting is turbo-power in the spiritual life—while at the same time giving Our Lady what She needs to win the battles we are facing ahead of us. Our Lady said:
December 31, 1985
“…This year I will offer my peace to the world. But afterwards, I will ask you where you were when I offered you my peace.”
We all will be asked, not by Our Lady, but by Jesus Himself, what did we do to help Our Lady fulfill Her plans for the salvation of the world. Fasting on bread and water for nine-days can hardly even be considered a sacrifice in terms of what we owe Jesus for sending Our Lady for so many years for this moment in which we are now entering.
The fasting novena includes a prayer below for your intentions and the intentions of the Community and mission of Caritas. It is a powerful prayer leading to deeper conversion. The fast covers each day of 2019. Please spread this information to your family and friends, so that each day of 2019 will be covered several times over. One should do everything to fast on bread and water for the nine days to make it powerful. If you absolutely, honestly, cannot fast on bread and water for the nine days for legitimate reasons, please join us in making sacrifices during this time, praying extra Rosaries, offering your Holy Communions, increasing your prayers, and uniting other penances to give to Our Lady with our fasting. For those who desire to join in the fast on bread and water, please click here to sign up, or call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central Time USA, Monday through Friday. Or, leave a message on ext. 315 with your name and phone number and state that you are calling about joining the nine-day fast. We will call you back to tell you the day of 2019 that your nine-day fast will cover. If you are unable to commit to all nine days, or if you are not able to fast only on bread and water, your sacrifices are important to us and will add to the grace we are seeking for our nation through this nine-day fast, but, as we want to be assured that every day of next year is covered by at least one nine-day bread and water fast, we can only assign days for those fully participating in the nine-day fast.
Thank you and May God Speak
to You Through Your Fast,
O Queen of Heaven, we unite ourselves with others across the land in a holy fast, reminiscent of the so many times ancient Israel cried out in repentance to their God. By their history, we know God the Most High will hear our cry. We humble ourselves because of our sins. Seek, Mary our Queen, on our behalf, that the Lord not look upon our sins, but the love we show Him through this fast. Persuade Him to not only forgive but also forget and blot out our sins, that through Your hands we will grow close to Him and know Him intimately as a Father, as our Protector.
O Mary, these days of fasting we wish to empty our hearts of everything useless. Cleanse us. Let this fast purify us and atone for everything that has defiled us. O Mary, Queen of Peace, let our hearts be refilled through Your hands with whatever graces are necessary to reconcile us, our families, and our nation back to God. We wish also to atone for any wrongs in advance for each day of the coming year 2019, so that all be consecrated to Your Immaculate Heart, to purify the body of believers in order for the rebirth and the ushering in of a new springtime for Christianity in our beloved nation.
We seek the healing of our hearts of all spiritual disease and illness and for You to fill our hearts especially during December 8th–12th. Please, please, dear Mother, please grant us these requests, and grant the three special intentions of the Community of Caritas as well as my own personal intentions of (name your personal intentions). We pray especially for Our Lady’s triumph over all the evil agendas assailing our nation. I especially offer _____________, 2019 (day assigned by Caritas of Birmingham), that on that day the plans of satan against ourselves, our family, and nation will be thwarted and grace will abound for conversion across our land.
We consecrate our hearts to You, Mary, and to Jesus. We want to give You and Jesus “title” of not only our souls, but also our bodies, as well as all we possess. We know Your words of January 1, 2001, when You revealed that satan was completely unchained, were followed with what our response should be. It was to give ourselves to You and Jesus completely, as a possession into Your and His hands, through the formal daily act of consecration, thereby, owned by You and Your Son, we are afforded protection through being Your possession.
January 1, 2001
“My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly Blessing.”
We, therefore, present to You the intention to empty our hearts that You may refill them, as well as Caritas’ intentions and our personal intentions through this nine-day fast, prayers and consecrations, in order that You will present this novena with your Son before the throne of God. We ask for an unleashing of grace to be poured out upon ourselves, our families, our nation, and upon the countless numbers who are in need of conversion throughout our land, and Your intentions for all of the above intentions. Please intercede for us as our Mother and as our Queen. Amen.
Answers many questions!
by A Friend of Medjugorje
Our Lady calls us to fast. But how? Twice the size of the original book by a Friend of Medjugorje, complete with common fasting questions and recipes!
1. Maria Valtorta, The Poem of the Man-God, Vol. IV, #495
11 thoughts on “Fast for the Beginning of the Reign of Our Lady”
I signed up for the 9 day fast but did not receive the day for 2019. It is now the 8th day of the fast and although my body is a little weary my soul is strong. It’s comforting to read the thoughts of others, confirming there are many fasting the 9 days. Thank you for the work you do and sharing the words of our mother. Much love, Liz
I signed up for the 9 day fast but did not receive the day for 2019. It is now the 8th day of the fast and although my body is a little weary my soul is strong. It’s comforting to read the thoughts of others, confirming there are many fasting the 9 days. Thank you for the work you do and sharing the words of our mother. Much love, Liz
Please pray for Canada We have an ungodly Prime Minister who pushes abortion and drugs for Canada Our elections are next year. Thank you
You are so right about Our Lady’s reign beginning now. All you have to do is turn on the news or read people’s comments under news articles to see satan is mad and using people in darkness to spread his hate. Did anyone notice obama’s slogan for the November elections? It said Take It Back! satan is not even trying to hide his agenda anymore.
I too continue this fast along with Caritas and all who enter this fast. Fighting through prayer for the conversion of sinners in our own families and those of the whole world. I pray, I wait, and continue to offer up all that I am in order to remain faithful to our God. It isn’t always easy but necessary for the salvation of souls. Thank you, Caritas, for your continued leadership and encouragement. Thank you for proclaiming Our Lady’s messages. May all who read, hear, and listen to Her words of Love be united on earth as it is in Heaven. Pray for us Mother Mary on this pilgrims journey as it is difficult on our own but with Your love and Mercy and prayers for us. God’s grace gives us food for the journey.
I too join with my Canadian bretheren in this fast for the conversion of our hearts, families and our Nation. Thank you Caritas family for leading us in this powerful grace filled 9 days.
What spurs me on in participating is that I so dislike the devil so much that I just know it is worth the Spiritual battle. I know with Mary at my side and the Holy Trinity I can do this. No cross, no crown! I am happy and excited to join with so many for a great and victorious cause.
I’m starting the 9 day fast on bread and water and I pray I will be able to do it. I’ll just focus on doing it one day at a time. Thanks for asking all around the world to join in.
I’ll be joining in the Fasting and Prayer! Thanks for leading the way!
I heard someone say Trudeau, our prime minister had his shirt off at a abominable parade. As per Radio Wave, God allowed Obama in power. I believe he placed Trudeau and his liberal government in power for some of the the same reasons. Please pray that your northern neighbours may follow your lead in the south and start glorifying God in the government. New leadership is a must but not the answer. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the answer!! THANKS BE TO GOD! Bring on the fast days ( spiritual feast with Jesus days), I didn’t realize how excited I am for this community sacrifice! #MaryRules2018!! My heart needs Jesus. Thank you Caritas for all your honorable and good work. I’m grateful for all of your daily sacrifices that continue to inspire me and feed me.