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Ending the 40th Anniversary Year of Our Lady’s Apparitions in Medjugorje and Turning the Page into a New Time

Ending the 40th Anniversary Year of Our Lady’s Apparitions in Medjugorje and Turning the Page into a New Time

Pilgrims from around the world are flooding into the village of Medjugorje this week to celebrate the 41st Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions.  Among the crowd is our own group of BVM/Caritas of Birmingham Pilgrims who departed for Medjugorje on June 21, 2022, from the United States.  It is our first pilgrimage group to go to Medjugorje since March 2020 when the world began to shutdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.


A Friend of Medjugorje had visited Medjugorje earlier this spring when the village was quiet and empty.  He said it was thrilling because he felt like it was the Medjugorje of the beginning years when there was nothing to distract one away from Our Lady and to feel Her presence took no effort.  He knew it was time to return. And today, our pilgrims are overjoyed to be in Medjugorje again.


While our pilgrimage group was flying to Medjugorje, we had other BVM/Caritas pilgrims arriving in Birmingham to join the Caritas of Birmingham pilgrimage here at Caritas.  This was a first for us—having two simultaneous pilgrimages operating at the same time. But it is also a joy to gather on this side of the ocean with pilgrims to celebrate Medjugorje and Our Lady’s ongoing visitations as we enter year 41 of Her apparitions.


Rainbow over the Field of Apparitions June 23, 2022

A double rainbow appeared over the Field of Apparitions, Thursday afternoon, June 23, 2022.


A Friend of Medjugorje is extending an open invitation to all to join us here at Caritas of Birmingham on Friday, June 24th, and Saturday June 25th, to celebrate the Feast of the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje. A Friend of Medjugorje will not be here at Caritas, as he is in Medjugorje right now, but all are welcome to visit the Bedroom of Apparitions and the Field of Apparitions, climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain, and soak in the graces of over 200 apparitions of the Virgin Mary in this PLACE that She has established and sanctified.


The Bedroom of Apparitions will be open Saturday, June 25th from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.


The Rosary in the Field of Apparitions begins at 10:50 AM CDT on June 24th and 25th.


Visit The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages which is open for prayer.


These are special days of grace, and we are privileged to be able to come and honor Our Lady while She is still appearing on the earth.  One day these apparitions will end, and it will be with great sadness to see Our Lady return to Heaven never to visit the world again in these types of apparitions where the visionaries can see, hear, and touch Our Lady.  While you still have the chance to do so, come and say thank you to Our Lady for all of these years She has come to lead us and our world back to God.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

6 thoughts on “Ending the 40th Anniversary Year of Our Lady’s Apparitions in Medjugorje and Turning the Page into a New Time”

  1. Susan Philipp

    City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    So many things to celebrate today, The Feast Day of the Sacred Heart ♥️ of Jesus, and the overturning of Roe vs WDe where 63 million babies perished in a holocaust of holy innocents. Tomorrow is the June 25th message from Our Lady as well as the Feast Day of the Immaculate Heart ❤️ of Mary. Our Lady must be smiling down on us the apostles of Mary. I haven’t looked this joyful for quite awhile. God bless Caritas, Medjugorje and FOM. 💕🙏💐 Susan

  2. Della Caraveo

    City: Rio Rancho
    State: NM - New Mexico
    On this beautiful Feast day of the Saced Heart of Jesus and tomorrow the Feast day of the
    Immaculate Heart of Mary. And devoting the month of June to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
    A beautiful chapter in the beginning of 41 years of God’s Gift to us leading us back to
    God’s mercy! Amen! May all peoples seek the Love of God! Amen!
    Most Sacred Heart of Jesus; have Mercy on us!
    Immaculate Heart of Mary; pray for us!
    St. Joseph; pray for us!
    St. John the Baptist; pray for us!
    St.’s Joachim and Anne; pray for us!
    “Let the children come to me” thank you Jesus for prayers answered.
    To Jesus through Mary!

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