Direct Answers to Transform Our Lives

Direct Answers to Transform Our Lives

Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje open the door to understand many things. What value do we place Her messages in our lives?


Our Lady’s messages from Medjugorje are the very thoughts of God. When we read these messages, pray with them, study and meditate over them, we begin to learn them and, by the grace of God, live them. Through this process, we can replace our worldly ways and opinions with God’s own thoughts and desires in every area of our lives.


As children of Mary, Her messages need to have a prominent place in each of our lives. Why is this necessary? Because Our Lady in Medjugorje speaks strongly to us through Her messages to help us find God’s way in everything we do as individuals, as families, as parish churches. Her messages are living messages. They can speak to us today, tomorrow, next year, ten years down the road. Our Lady, Herself, is offering the world spiritual direction through Her messages, and if we go to Her with our prayers, petitions, and concerns, She very often gives us direct answers that can transform our lives.


In the Love of Our Lady,
A Friend of Medjugorje


Medjugorje Pilgrim in Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje

The Community of Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje – known as “The Message Place.” Pilgrims from all over the world come into the Mission House to receive Our Lady’s messages on beautiful keepsake cards, along with several other materials all pertaining to the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje, and the importance of living these messages in our daily life. In just a few days, on Monday the 25th, Our Lady will give us another fresh message from Heaven. Begin now to pray in preparation for Her message, and direction for you. Our Lady in Medjugorje has said:

January 25, 1995
“…pray to have the strength to realize what I am telling you…”

Begin now, and pray to have the strength to listen to Our Lady’s words.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

23 thoughts on “Direct Answers to Transform Our Lives”

  1. Thank you Mother Mary for loving us your children. When I read the massage of Our Lady I was filled with sorrow, courage and hope at the same time. We lift our weak lives to you mother. Help us, obtain for us that GRACE on daily basis. Thank you the family of mother Mary at Caritas for the work you are doing. God Bless. Maria

  2. It is time to act: the example of our lives speak volumes to others;distribute / letter-box-drop / speak up about Medjugorje and how it is to be a fulfilment of Fatima. Our Lady is warning us even more urgently than at Fatima.If She has been coming to us for more than 30 years, it must be something quite momentous. Let’s be ready.

  3. Thank you Mother Mary for loving us your children. When I read the massage of Our Lady I was filled with sorrow, courage and hope at the same time. We lift our weak lives to you mother. Help us, obtain for us that GRACE on daily basis. Thank you the family of mother Mary at Caritas for the work you are doing. God Bless. Maria

  4. Sonja Häusl

    I can not find (on any web or in any book) this message: January 28, 1987 %u201C%u2026Do not deceive yourselves into thinking…” Is it really a message from Medjugorje?

  5. Thanks for the beautiful commentary , for the warnings and especially for your understanding love and concern for all of us! May God bless you in your mission.

  6. Angus A. Stevens

    Dear Friends of Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, I appreciate the story you wrote. All, I wish for is that people who do not understand the message, would take to their heart and do the will of God. They do not need to go to hell. That is what I told a couple friends of mine. Anyway, my last message was heeded. So, Jim I guess I’ll have to change my ways.Thank you very much.If you are one of the religious people, then will say:Yours in Christ, and if you are a layman like me I’llsay…My warmest regardsAngus A.

  7. Like Art & Babes, I thank the LORD that He gave you a generous heart to respond to His call. There were many a time when I thought of bringing my family and live there with you, and decide to live in the atmosphere of love and joy that Our Lady has given the community. But I think I need to spread the Mejugorje message in my own little way — whatever God wills. I am listening.

  8. Thanks and May God Bless You All my dear friends for sending me Our Lady’s message! In this period of Lent, we were meditating our Savior’s passion. Mother, thank you for your motherly intercession and love for the entire world. Please lead us and be with us!

  9. Greg Linhares

    After reading this message I read tomorrow’s Mass readings. Is it a conicidence that tomorrow we hear the parable of the fig tree? I pray that I, and all of us, may repent and make use of the extra “year” God has given us to bear fruit.

  10. caterina verardi

    o letto questo articolo e molto emozionante o piantoio amo gesu e la madonna con tutto il cuore e tutto vero crazie e che dio benedica io ofatto un pellegrinaggioa medjugorje e stata per me una esperienza bellissimamolto toccante che villaggio benedetto ci appare la madonna che cosa meravigliosa pregate per me che io posso tornare a medjugorje di nuovo e un luogo che lo amo molto una terra santa vi saluto a tutti amici della madonna caterina

  11. Thank you for your excellent writing. How I wish the whole world could read both this one and the other relating to Pope Benedict XVI and Our Lady of Medjugorje. We need to pray, pray, pray for our World and now for the Cardinals that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit as they meet to elect our new Holy Father. God bless you all at Caritas you inspire so many of us throughout the world. Romilly

  12. Dee Dee Juster

    Need to correct below: There are a few typo errors..Dee Dee the Queen of Peace, has gained them salvation, through delivering a great plan from God for out time for the reset of time. We must no longer be resigned, with a skewed negative used of Church ruling, when this was never intended to be use to discount Our Lady’s Medjugorje apparitions and other private revelations. But more importantly, these are above all other private revelations, ever given. All promoters in the world

  13. Art and Babes

    Upon reading the March 2nd message, I felt sadness and joy. Sadness that we are coming to the end of this epoch, and yet most of us are still unaware and so much consumed with the world, and joy because Our Lady Is with us every step of the way of our daily conversion, Her blessed assurance that if we accept Her Mission, we will be strengthened by God’s Mighty Arm and will be protected by Her Love. And the Friend of Medjugorje and the Community is living it “brick by brick “. They live and profess it and Heaven confirms it through Our Lady ‘s message, as God is all ears to His children who live in holiness. You, The Community of Caritas of Birmingham, is a Blessing and a Hope for us, sinners, who are still in darkness. You are a Joy to Jesus. Thank you for this “manna”… Thank God you accepted the Call, or else .I can’t just imagine ..what didn’t. We love you with the love of Mama Mary…as we love Her with all our hearts…

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