June 24, 2013 A.D.
Ivan had his prayer group apparition tonight on top of Apparition Mountain. Pilgrims began to gather up on the mountain before 6:00 p.m. By the time the apparition began, there were tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered to pray and be before Our Lady on this first day of the 32nd anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions here in Medjugorje. Ivan led everyone present in the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. Our Lady appeared around 10:00 p.m. and the apparition lasted for several minutes. The following is Ivan’s description of the apparition.
“Today, as always after the meeting with Our Lady, I would like to describe also to you what is most important from tonight’s meeting. At the beginning, I would like to say that it is very difficult to describe the meeting with Our Lady in words and to find the right words, especially today when Our Lady, on today’s date, touched this place and when we saw Her for the first time. In a special way today, She came to us very, very joyful and happy. At the beginning, She greeted all of us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then She extended Her arms and for a longer time prayed over all of us. In a special way, She prayed for the sick present here. Then Our Lady said:
“Dear children, I am coming to you joyful and with joy. I desire to call you also today: accept my messages and live my messages. Dear children, with you I desire to realize my plans with the world and with the Church. In a special way, I call you today: renew my messages, live my messages. I introduced myself as the Queen of Peace and today I call you, in a special way, to pray for peace, for peace in men’s hearts, for peace in your hearts. Because peace comes from your heart. Dear children, the Mother prays for all of you. The Mother loves you all with Her Motherly love and intercedes for you before Her Son. Dear children, also today I say thank you. Thank you for having accepted me and for continuing to accept my messages.”
Then I recommended all of you, all your needs, your intentions, your families and in a special way, all the sick. A pleasant conversation followed between us that remains only between us. After that conversation, Our Lady left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross, with a greeting, ‘Go in peace my dear children.’
“Also I must say that Our Lady blessed us all with Her Motherly blessing and She blessed everything you brought to be blessed. This would be what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. We all know that tomorrow is the 25th and that on every 25th Our Lady turns to us with Her message which She gives for the whole world. We will wait until tomorrow to see what Our Lady desires to say to all of us.
Pictures from the Apparition June 24, 2013
A gray cloud hides the sun as it sets in Medjugorje this evening, bringing to a close the Feast of St. John the Baptist—and the 32nd anniversary of Our Lady’s first apparition on the Hill of Apparitions in Medjugorje, leading to tomorrow, the Feast of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Our Lady appeared that first day, June 24, 1981, holding what the visionaries thought was a baby lamb, but what they came to realize was that it was baby Jesus, the Lamb of God. Never could we have imagined 32 years ago that the apparitions would have lasted this long. Two years ago, for the 30th Anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions, A Friend of Medjugorje questioned why Our Lady had remained with us so long:
“Do you wonder why that as of June 24, 2011 A.D., Our Lady has been coming to us for thirty years? Before Medjugorje began, this was unthinkable—to have a sequence of continuous daily apparitions for 30 years. But why so long? Why so many messages? What is Our Lady’s purpose?”
These are important questions to ask ourselves, especially at this time of Her anniversary. Are you going to give time to these questions? Are these significant days, June 24 and 25, days that you have set aside to celebrate, to reverence, to spend in reflection, to make different from your normal routine? These are special days to Our Lady. As Ivan said tonight, Our Lady came “very, very joyful and happy.” Our Lady Herself said, “I am coming to you joyful and with joy.” Be a cause of Our Lady’s joy by “continuing to accept my messages.” Find a moment in these days to be “in joy” with Our Lady for Her coming all these years to bring us Her peace and Her love that comes through the Heart of Her little Lamb—our Redeemer, our Savior, and our Lord. Remove the gray clouds from around your heart that a life of distraction brings, and let Our Lady’s joy pierce through in all its love and glory.
A pilgrim who climbed Apparition Mountain tonight, June 24, 2013, to be in Our Lady’s presence when She appeared to Medjugorje visionary Ivan, falls at the feet of Jesus pouring forth the difficulties, the sufferings, a tear of repentance that fills the heart. This is what Our Lady calls us to do—each one of us. Come to Her, come to Jesus. Repent and receive God’s mercy.
“Do not hesitate. Do not wait for the sign.* Go down on your knees now. Cry out in repentance. Repentance should always and every day be the first step in reviving the soul, which is the first step towards the revival of the world. Do not mourn. Do not look back as Lot’s wife did. Look out to the future. It is one of the greatest hopes for those who are believers and those who become believers. There is no one on earth who Our Lady does not love. There is no one, no matter how wicked, that Our Lady rejects. Our Lady desires to be your mother and calls you to live God’s commandments and to be true before God in your very life.”
*Our Lady revealed to the six visionaries of Medjugorje that She will leave a sign on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje that will be permanent and indestructible to prove that She was truly present in these apparitions. The visionaries know when and where this sign will appear. It will last until the end of time. No armament will be able to destroy it. It will be apparent it is of supernatural origin. The sign is one of the 10 secrets given to the visionaries by Our Lady who has said that it is important to convert now and not to wait for the sign. Our Lady said on December 15, 1982: “Hurry to be converted. Do not wait for the great sign. For the unbelievers, it will then be too late to be converted…”
From “Thirty Years of Apparitions” by A Friend of Medjugorje
As night falls, tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered on top of Apparition Mountain tonight, June 24, 2013, for Our Lady’s apparition. Thirty-two years ago, Our Lady stood alone on this mountain, beckoning to a handful of frightened and bewildered children who did not dare approach Her and who could hardly accept the reality of what their eyes were telling them. But after that day, never again would Our Lady be alone on this Mountain. On the second day, already hundreds of Croatians were gathered with the visionaries. By the end of the first week, thousands were gathered. And then they began coming from nearby nations. And soon after, from every continent of the world. Millions now come every year. It’s the joy of Our Lady, the joy of the Mother, to be with Her children from around the world.
A young man separates from the growing crowd of people up on Apparition Mountain tonight and kneels with his Rosary in prayer, seeking to still his heart, his thoughts, seeking to have his own encounter with Our Lady, the Queen of Peace.
“All you have to do is go on your knees, shed a tear of repentance, ask for strength to change everything not of God in your life and love Her, love Her, love Her. This applies to the believer and the non-believer, and also the reprobate, no matter your past. Thirty years of apparitions—Our Lady has something to say to you. Beloved children, do not leave this writing without immediately pausing and closing your eyes in reflection. Think. Meditate. Listen to see what Our Lady has to say to you. Ask Her to speak to your heart. Loving Her is to give Her some time to listen to Her.
Be still. Be quiet. Listen.”
From “Thirty Years of Apparitions” by A Friend of Medjugorje
Happy Anniversary, Dear Mother! Thank you for these many years of your loving calls to our heart. Thank you for your words. Thank you for moving us to repentance. Thank you for leading us back to Your Son. We love you. We’re listening.
P.S. Truly difficult it is to describe what it is like to be in the presence of Our Lady. No words could begin to illustrate the great moment when She comes, prays over you, and blesses you. This July 1-5, 2013, Our Lady will be present physically at Caritas, Alabama. Five days of prayer for the healing and reconciling of your heart, your family, and nation back to God. Five days in which no words can begin to describe. Be present for Our Lady’s apparitions when She appears to Medjugorje visionary Marija, at Caritas, Alabama, July 1-5.
20 thoughts on ““Difficult to Describe the Meeting With Our Lady in Words…””
I believe that Mother Mary is always There for us. We are blessed with her signs of faith, hope and love. I love you Mother with all my heart, my mind and my soul.
What a wonderful e-mail! I was really touched by the words and pictures I saw and started crying. And I took a decision: I will plan a visit to Medjugorje! Now I can understand why people go there year after year. May Mary bless you and everybody responsible for this site. Thanks a lot!
Thanks and may God Bless You all for this messages to us. Thank You Mother for your Love and affection. Heavenly Father loves us so much, may be this is the last chance for repent and turn our selves to the Lord. Dear Lord! have mercy and give the wisdom to understand your Love. Make all your creation repent and turn to you!
Beautiful was mightily touch. GOD BLESS
Praised be Jesus and Mary forever! Thank you Father for loving us so much by sending your Son, the Spirit, and Our Mother to save us. Thank you for all the graces received over the past 32 years. ESPECIALLY, thank you for the gift we received on the 25th. Our hearts overflow with joy.
Very positive. Uplifting.
Thank you Dear Mother and beautiful Lady. How I wish I could be there with you in your presence. We so need Our Lord back in all of our lives, school, government etc. Thank you we love you and will pray for peace. It is great to be able to share this with others.
Its very powerful and moving, just reading this messages of Our Lady to the visionaries, I am one of those that always fall to temptation. But this messages gives me the courage to carry on no matter how wicked and sinful I have become. Mother Mary, help me by Your prayers and intercession… Love to You our Mother, David.
It is so amazing that our holy mother cares so much for us.that we mean so much to the trinity and mother.
I hope some day I will. Be able to visit that blessed place where Our Lady appears with those messages to make us feel that not everything is lost. I will be able I am sure.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is joyful, hopeful. It keeps us mindful of our purpose, to be a light for the world, to be a reflection of Jesus in our everyday interactions with our brothers here at home. By our own merit, it is impossible, but with the grace of God, it is possible!
Thank you, Mother Mary, for your messages of peace and love! We love the two hearts, always.
Mother Queen of Peace, my heart loves you and has been with you for many years. The love of Jesus is felt through and through in my heart! Mother Dear, you have touched my very being and soul! I pray along with you in Miracles for the sick in “Praise JESUS”, and Joy for those who have Faith, Love, and Hope to look forward to Peace between man to bring world peace to save our world. Thank you, Virgin Mother, Mother of JESUS, Bless the visionary who receives your visits to Medjugorje for your messages to consult us with your messages for a better life in the Name of JESUS, you Beloved Son!
Ask our Lady for Graces to give God Glory by knowing our sins,confess our sins and repent. These our great Graces for all of us our sinners. Keeping the Stofle Family in Prayers
How amazingly awesome have these messages and apparitions in Medjugorie have turned our lives from the material world directly 100% toward Father God, through Jesus Christ, our Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit guided here on earth by the Holy Father Pope Francis I. We have completely dedicated the rest of our living here earth to these principles and guidance daily through prayer, fasting, meditating and penance. We are ONE in this way and show our gratitude daily by sharing these messages with others, especially non-believers and lukewarm-believers. Praise be God, our Father through HIS son Jesus Christ, and our All Loving Eternal Mother Mary! Steven and Ivanova, AMDG
There is nothing more beautiful,than the messages that flow from the mouth of our Blessed Mother during her apparitions. We are so fortunate to have these messages relayed on to us through Her messengers(visionaries) Thank you Blessed Mother for your prayers, and intervention, on our behalf with Your Son Jesus.
Thank you, Mama Mary for your love for us. never weary of callings us, imploring us to ask forgiveness from Your Son. That we will be courageous and resolute of changing our lives to the way of holiness. Draw us closer to your Immaculate Heart , united and one with the Sacred Heart of Your Son, Jesus, Who is closest to the heart of the Father. I cant just imagine that we will be on July 1-5 in the presence of the Woman clothed the sun, with the moon under Her feet, and on Her Head , a Crown of Twelve Stars. The Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Mother of God, is Our Mother, too. Blessed be God. Praised be the Lord. Beloved Father, as the Caritas community glorify You in their lives of servitude, may they be also be glorified by the fruits of their labor of bringing souls close to the Immaculate heart of Mary. Amen
I found this article to be particularly moving in a good way. I certainly do want to believe that Our Lady has been coming to us in this way for so many years to unite us all in the love of Christ.
We are living in a special time of Grace! I pray that our Father will be pleased with our offerings of ourselves, our hearts, our wills. He has called us! We will not fail him! On, joyous Day! Lead us, Holy Mother, to our Heavenly Father and pray for our purification to be complete and will magnify our living God. All to the greater glory of God! Amen, Amen
I praise the Father for creating you, dear Mother. You are the glorious crown of our race. I praise Jesus, the Son, for giving you to us as our own Mother. You are the Mediatrix of all grace. I praise the Holy Spirit, Your Spouse, O Our Lady. You are the quiet presence that stills our heart. Thank you, O Blessed Virgin Mary, for loving us, for leading us to your Son!