
Defeat the Anti-Christian Assault

Defeat the Anti-Christian Assault


April 2, 2012 A.D.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s April 2, 2012
Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana
on the Day for Nonbelievers


There were a lot of pilgrims in Medjugorje on April 2, 2012 for Our Lady’s monthly apparition to Mirjana at the Blue Cross on the Day for Nonbelievers. Rosaries were prayed without interruption during the whole night. A very large crowd arrived at approximately 4:00 am. Songs were sung between each decade of the Rosary and messages from Our Lady were read before each Rosary. Mirjana arrived at the Blue Cross at approximately 8:25 am. The apparition began at 8:33 and lasted 5 minutes. During the apparition, Mirjana was very expressive as she always is during an apparition. She was extremely joyful and then became more serious and joyful again. At some point during the apparition, Mirjana was seen raising her shoulders with an expression on her lips appearing to mean “I don’t know”; an expression so natural – talking to The Queen of Heaven – that it deeply touched those who noticed it.

Mirjana said Our Lady was very decisive today.

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s April 2, 2012
Annual Apparition and Message Given to Mirjana

Dear Children, as the Queen of Peace, I desire to give peace to you, my children, true peace which comes through the heart of my Divine Son. As a mother I pray that wisdom, humility and goodness may come to reign in your hearts – that peace may reign – that my Son may reign. When my Son will be the ruler in your hearts, you will be able to help others to come to know Him. When heavenly peace comes to rule over you, those who are seeking it in the wrong places, thus causing pain to my motherly heart, will recognize it. My children, great will be my joy when I see that you are accepting my words and that you desire to follow me. Do not be afraid, you are not alone. Give me your hands and I will lead you. Do not forget your shepherds. Pray that in their thoughts they may always be with my Son who called them to witness Him. Thank you.

Defeat the Anti-Christian Assault

By A Friend of Medjugorje

A new book concerning Medjugorje that is in the process of being finished at this moment is exactly what this message given today is about. There are some shocking things in the book. While one knows many facts which assail our culture, the book weds them together through Our Lady’s messages and a mosaic is formed. A mosaic that is not very beautiful, but very telling, very chilling, explaining what we are up against and what is not going to be happening very soon, because it is happening right now. After thirty years of apparitions, the book will show we are very behind in a competitive battle in which peace is not reigning and evil’s reign is way out in front. Many would say, “I know that,” but what the book will show is we are engulfed in a complete takeover unlike anything you can comprehend nor imagine, knowing just individual facts here and there. When combined, vetted through Our Lady’s words of “accepting my words,” with deep prayer, gaining wisdom, being humble, and being of good heart you will gain insight into what the book brings to light to the degree and measure that you enter this process. Giving you the necessary wisdom for many individual choices and making decisions that must be decided by you now. In this time of grace, before it’s too late. Mirjana said something very important today after the apparition. Mirjana said that, “Our Lady in Her message was very decisive.”

Everything evil is doing in our nation and world will become much clearer in this book. Again, one could say of the evil growing in our society today, “I know that.” No, you don’t. This ugly mosaic you might understand to a degree, but what is put together, with Our Lady words, through your “wisdom, humility, and goodness” will open up what you now do not see.

Our Lady’s message today is ‘toned’ in such a way as to be an active message on the offensive. We have been on the defense too long and it is time for us, as Christians, to go on the offense. Yesterday, in a conversation with a sheriff, he told how in their sheriff’s department they have always passed religious messages to each other from car to car in some of their communications. They have always done this. But recently and because of not being able to ‘vet’ if one is a believer on their employment application, an atheist was hired. When he got a message, a religious message, he said he would sue the department if he got more messages. He made nothing but a threat to sue the department and the whole department had to make a policy, in which all the religious messages from this point on could be sent only with a waiver stating, in essence, the the message being sent has religious material in it. So the atheist and anyone who comes later will have a religious viewer discretion clause to reject the message. Of course, this means that all the most important department information sent that must be read by all employees, can no longer include any religious content, because the communication is vital and must be transmitted. So comments such as, “God bless,” at the end will be blocked. So evil rules over God in this matter. We may think a compromise worked out, for an x-rated grading system for religious connotation warning for viewer’s discretion is a win for us, all the while we go backwards, while we think we make a gain. Our Lady’s words today tell us to be on the offense, for peace to reign. In other words, “that my Son may reign.” We do not have to be on the defensive, apologizing in weakness, submitting to atheists dictating to us what our public policy is going to be. We must allow an atheist to choose, in his free will, to be one. However, we do not have to, morally or constitutionally, allow him to insert his beliefs of his ‘god’ of atheism in what we do in our public square. It is our God who reigns and while we are not violate his personal free will, we can be very pointed in keeping his personal decision of free will to be atheist, just that, a private, personal matter. We, therefore, are to pointedly say, “No, the answer is no to you telling us no religious comments are allowed,” whether we are speaking about from our police cars, to every segment of society, to our highest skyscrapers. The answer is simply no! “We will not comply,” as the United States Bishops have said.

The Patriotic Rosary

The book, We Got Him, about the capture of Saddam Hussein was written by Lt. Col. Steve Russell. He was given command of one thousand plus troops who were looking for Hussein. He tells one day being with a small brigade of troops who drove right into an ambush. These ambushes had been repeatedly happening, and many of our soldier’s lives were being lost. The first time this happened after he took charge, he was were patrolling the streets in Iraq with just a few men and their military vehicles. A barrage of fire broke from surrounding buildings around them. From street level to roof level, Lt Col. Russell’s men scattered, running away to get cover. Lt. Col Russell did just the opposite. He walked out in the middle of the street with his pistol and began firing. Bullets were landing on the pavement all around Lt. Col. Russell. He ordered his men to come out and do the same. When his men saw his bravery, they followed suit. The enemy, though hidden, got so much gunfire back that they became disoriented and scattered or remained hidden. Lt. Col Russell told his men later that when ambushed, the instinct is to run for cover, to run away from the ambush. “My men,” he said, “will do just the opposite. You will run into the ambush and scatter them.” Lt. Col. Russell’s men began to be trained that when an ambush occurred on a patrol, they were to turn into the ambush, not run away from it. He instructed those who were blocks away from the shooting, whenever they heard the shooting, they also were to run at top speed to go into the ambush. Russell’s men became so successful at disbanding and persuing these men who ambushed them, that after awhile the enemy stopped the ambushes almost completely from occurring.

We are no longer to allow a one man ambush by an atheist change a whole county’s law enforcement “common law practice.” Common law is law. Our Lady’s message today is to go into the ambush. The soldiers’ instinct, being ambushed, naturally is to take cover, be taken over by fear for their lives and to scatter. The Lieutenant taught and witnessed to them, “do not be afraid.” He went right into the middle of the ambush and told his men to follow him. In other words, his witness showed them, “I’ll lead you, I’ll hold your hand in this. Do not be afraid.” What does Our Lady ask of us as our Queen in Her orders to us?

“…great will be my joy when I see that you are accepting my words and that you desire to follow me. Do not be afraid. You are not alone. Give me your hands and I will lead you…”

Lt. Col. Russell writes in his book of the bond and love between his men and himself, the care he had for them, yet he leads them into the streets, while bullets are flying all around. The bond and love Our Lady has for us, does not stop Her from leading us right into the battle against evil.

August 2, 2011, Our Lady said:

“…you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it. But, according to God’s will, all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world…”

You cannot win this war we are in, without Our Lady, without Jesus. We will be scattered, and the world destroyed. This is Our Lady’s great joy, if we follow Her into the ambush and scatter evil. This message today is very much a call to be in an offensive position, not defensive. It is the peace that is to reign, not a rule of evil which has now come to reign.

February 2, 2012

“…pride has come to rule…”

It is Jesus who is to be the ruler of our hearts, not what we have let taken over in the heart which now is manifesting out of the heart into the cultures and societies of the world. We have done this, all by seeking peace and satisfaction in the wrong places. We do not have to consign Jesus to second place, being put in a position of not ruling in society. He is to reign in our hearts and what is in the heart will manifest throughout society and the world. This is Our Lady’s time and therefore, what is given to Her by Jesus will be given back to Jesus’ “magnified.” It is through us that Her Magnificat, will triumph. His reign is coming to the world when enough hearts run into the ambush. We do not have to sit around, while every vestige of Christianity is being removed from the public square. To achieve where Jesus reigns first in society, only can happen by Jesus reigning first in our hearts. When enough people are true to this, we will defeat the anti-christian assault winning against us at this moment. The new book They Fired the First Shot, 2012, is about all the above and a whole lot more. It will alarm you, shock you and make you see we are in far more trouble than we could have ever imagined. Please pray for its finish and to get it published as soon as possible. Things are no longer just progressing year by year or even week by week. We are now in the phase where things are changing hour by hour. And we are very close to driving right into a huge ambush just around the corner, and yes, you can quote that literally, even prophetically if you wish. You will know when you read the book the preceding statement is without embellishment. The new book, They Fired the First Shot, 2012, is the manual, not for the war that has already started, but for what you need to know, when they fire the first shot, at them moment when you find yourself in this ambush.

With Love for Our Lady,
A Friend of Medjugorje

A Word from the Community of Caritas:

People around the world are greatly affected by the writings on Our Lady’s messages by A Friend of Medjugorje. His books and booklets are published into the millions. A Friend of Medjugorje has written more on the messages of Our Lady than anyone in the world. Only a few from the community have had the opportunity to read and review most chapters of his latest book, entitled They Fired the First Shot, 2012. Our impression is that it is one of the most important books he has written in the context of what is facing us now, at this exact moment in time. We say that, not meaning a year from now, but right now! A Friend of Medjugorje has, for years, been warning us, but many still continue their ways, even most Catholics and Christians alike. They are without knowledge of what is about to come to pass. Now, in this time and moment, it is materializing. It appears that evil is no longer concerned with keeping its agenda hidden because it is fully confident that no resistance will prevail over it. And we who have reviewed They Fired the First Shot, 2012, agree. We cannot prevail over that which is not something in our future, but is in front of us, here and now.

We ask for your prayers for A Friend of Medjugorje as he works to finish the book. Most especially as he closes out the last chapters and what must be our response to this evil that has come to rule. Please offer up prayers, sacrifices, and the offering of your Masses and Communions for your part in helping with the writing of this book with a Friend of Medjugorje. Next, be ready to get multiple copies of the book to spread upon its release. Because of “the issues” being brought to light that pertain to everyone, the book will be a tool to introduce Our Lady to many who would, before now, not be opened to Her. We will be getting, They Fired the First Shot, 2012, onto our presses as soon as it is finished and as quickly as it is humanly possible to do so. Thank you.

Pictures from the April 2, 2012 Apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana


Mirjana Arrives April 2, 2012

This morning, April 2, 2012, Mirjana greeted pilgrims with smiles as she ascended Apparition Mountain to the site of the Blue Cross. There is always an indescribable joy that ripples through the crowds of pilgrims at Mirjana’s arrival. It is not so much the person of Mirjana that causes this joy, but the knowledge that with her arrival, Our Lady will be amongst us soon. The heart can’t help but “leap for joy” in anticipation of Her coming.


Pilgrims awaiting the apparition of Our Lady to Mirjana

Today, April 2, 2012, begins Holy Week, a beautiful time to be in Medjugorje and in the gathering of pilgrims by the Blue Cross awaiting Our Lady. Prayer…waiting…and finally silence overtakes the crowd just moments before Our Lady appears. The visionaries all testify that Our Lady is preceded by three lights makes them aware of Our Lady’s coming. It is a light unlike anything experienced on earth—brighter, clearer, without hurting the eyes. And out of that light, Our Lady appears.


Croatian Priest

This faithful Croatian priest, for years, has been carried up in a wheelchair to Mirjana’s apparitions on the second of every month. It is a difficult ascent for him and those who carry him through the thick crowds on the rocky ground. However, it is a labor of love on behalf of this priest who insists each month to place himself in Our Lady’s presence. We, who are often at Mirjana’s apparitions, always take note of his presence. But how much more does Our Lady notice this humble soul who, despite the difficulty, comes again and again for Her blessing and prayers of intercession.


Mirjana in ecstsasy April 2, 2012

Mirjana greets Our Lady with joy and her gestures seem to speak the words, “You are here.” So simple, but always so touching because what is more important to know in these days but that Our Lady still is coming to be with us.


April 2, 2012 Mirjana seeing Our Lady

Mirjana always shows so much concern when Our Lady speaks Her messages to her. When a good friend comes to see us with a problem, we feel the impulse to want to help fix that problem. How much more does Mirjana feel before Our Lady, when Our Lady expresses Her desires for the salvation of the world and Her sadness over the state of unbelievers. All of us must feel the same concern and burden over Our Lady’s words as does Mirjana. Our Lady said that as individuals we can do nothing to thwart the plans of evil in the world, but together, with Her, victory will come.


April 2, 2012 Mirjana seeing Our Lady

In the middle of the apparition, Mirjana stretches out her hands to Our Lady. Perhaps she did this in response to Our Lady saying today, “…Give me your hands and I will lead you…” Place yourselves before Our Lady today, reach out your hands to Her, as Mirjana did, and tell Her from your heart that you want Her to take them and to lead you.


Mirjana in ecstasy still watching Our Lady, April 2, 2012

With uplifted eyes, Mirjana’s gaze follows Our Lady as She returns to Heaven. After the apparition, Mirjana said that Our Lady was very “decisive” today. Mirjana has said before that Our Lady has a great spirit of decision. She is not indecisive, wishy-washy, or vague. In Scripture it says, “Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no.” If Christians could grasp this one virtue and apply it to their lives, the world would become transformed with the power and love of God, because at the heart of this virtue is simple obedience to the Word of God.


Writing the message of Our Lady, April 2, 2012

If you could see an aerial shot of the scene on Apparition Mountain, you would see a large crowd of thousands encircling one individual, who is there among them—not on a stage or behind a barrier, nor surrounded by guards—but who makes herself assessable to all to give testimony to Our Lady. All are silent at this moment when the words given to Mirjana by Our Lady are recorded. As A Friend of Medjugorje for almost two decades made known and has repeatedly written and spoken about many times—these words given by Our Lady are clear as crystal, given once each month for the medicine for the nations, flowing to the whole world:

“Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
Rev. 22:1-2

Prayer for Nonbelievers

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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

10 thoughts on “Defeat the Anti-Christian Assault”

  1. Thanks ad may God Bless You dear friends. OUR Lady never let us to suffer or neglected. She is there for us always. Mother please have mercy and pray for us. God our father Thanks and have mercy!

  2. Followers of Our Lady are so in tune with Friend of Medjugorje.We are literaly on the same page.The ambush is all around us.It is becoming lonely and difficult “spread out” on a real ugly battlefield ! But God is so good he sends us a few souls lit by The Holy Spirit to accompany us in this battle.

  3. Mother, Thank You for taking us by the hand and leading us on. Yes, we are children who are trampled on all sides, not knowing where to go.Help us be as decisive as You are when we have to make choices. May all our decisions be in accordance to the will of Your Son. Help us choose holiness as our way of life. Thank You!

  4. the children's rosary

    The children’s rosary will definitely be praying for A Friend Of Medjugorje. We pray that the Holy Spirit will speak through his writings to help unify our efforts. The children and I are with you and desire to run full speed into the ambush. May Our Blessed Mother guide us in all things. Amen.

  5. Thank you for this beautiful article and pictures. God and our Lady must shed tears every day at what is happening in this world. As our Lady said, let’s say “yes” to Christianity. Please pray for me and my family, for the whole world and for non-believers.

  6. Thank you for the message. Personally am doing some form of fasting which I learned from Caritas and hopefully will help me become closer to God and help our Lady in her mission to save us. God Bless your community.

  7. I understand what our Friend of Medjugorje means, when he says we are in battle right now. With the nation wide protests against the HHS mandate, we were out there protesting and it was completely ignored by the national media. Only some regional minimal coverage. This is what we are facing when confronting evil in our day, a conformist mainstream media that distorts and mis shapes everything having to do with the Catholic Church. We are in peril on all sides. But since the Lord is for us, I’ll take that every time, with Mary our Blessed Mother leading our way through this darkness.

  8. For those who cannot see what is happening in this country and around the world, you must be blind! We have come to think of all this as normal!! We have been desensitized to all the evil around us. Wake up people this is not right. May God and Our Lady have mercy on us!! Pray that heaven will have mercy on us all. Glory be to the father and to the Son and to the holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be World without end! Amen Amen

  9. Thank you for always bringing the Apparition of the second of the month so alive for me. One thing that always moves me, as well as seeing Mirjana, is to watch her husband Marko. He discreetly kneels down behind her, head always bowed, quietly praying.

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