What does it mean to “surrender” to God? How do we know that we have surrendered to Him? First, Our Lady wants us to place in God’s hands everything that we call our own, all our possessions, and even everything that we do. We must make God the King of all we possess.
What does it mean to “surrender” to God? How do we know that we have surrendered to Him? First, Our Lady wants us to place in God’s hands everything that we call our own, all our possessions, and even everything that we do. We must make God the King of all we possess.
July 25, 1988
“…today I am calling you to a complete surrender to God. Everything you do and everything you possess give over to God so that He can take control in your life as King of all that you possess. That way, through me, God can lead you into the depths of the spiritual life. Little children, do not be afraid because I am with you even when you think there is no way out and that satan is in control. I am bringing peace to you. I am your Mother and the Queen of Peace…”
Our Lady of Medjugorje says it plainly. She is active. She “is bringing” peace to you. But you cannot receive Her peace if you are not doing as She has asked. She wants you to be intimately connected to Her by living a deeply spiritual life. You cannot be led into the depths of the spiritual life until you make the decision to surrender to God all that is yours. On another occasion, Our Lady said:
April 25, 1989
“…I am calling you to a complete surrender to God. Let everything that you possess be in the hands of God. Only in that way shall you have joy in your heart…”
Our Lady tells you the only way you shall have joy in your heart is to let everything that you possess be in the hands of God. If you do not have joy in your heart, you must ask yourself if you are holding back from God something from your life that you are clinging to. You are to have in your heart that all you own and possess is really God’s…
…It may seem impossible to live what Our Lady is telling you, but She assures you that it is through surrendering everything completely to God that you will be able to live everything She is telling you.
January 2, 1986
“…I beseech you, dear children, to surrender yourselves completely and you shall be able to live everything I am telling you. It shall not be difficult for you to surrender yourselves completely to God…”
March 25, 1988
“…forsake everything and consecrate your time to God and then God will bestow gifts upon you and bless you…”
A multitude of pilgrims journey to Medjugorje to open their hearts to Our Lady, surrendering to Her all their problems and difficulties so that they may grow closer to Her Son Jesus. This pilgrim, after climbing Apparition Mountain, spent time in quiet prayer and reflection, opening Her heart to receive the gift of God’s peace.
There is still another reason that you should be very serious, and with a firm will, surrender yourself, your possessions, your past, and all that you do to God. Our Lady has said many times that She is able to present you to God through that surrender. If you do not abandon and surrender yourself, Our Lady is not able to present you to God as She desires to do. She pleads, beseeches us to understand this, because She wants “to keep on presenting you to God.”
August 1, 1985
“…I call you to surrender to me so that I can keep on presenting you to God, fresh and without sin. satan has taken part of the plan and wants to possess it. Pray that he does not succeed in that, because I wish you for myself so I can keep on giving you to God…”
November 25, 1987
“…today also I call each one of you to decide to surrender again everything completely to me. Only that way will I be able to present each of you to God…”
In some way, by your listening to Our Lady and doing as She asks you to do through the messages She is giving in Medjugorje, She can go before God and present you to Him in a way that She cannot if you are not living Her words. By your surrendering your life, your family, your possessions, your livelihood, and your problems to God the Father, you, in some way, mark yourselves as Our Lady’s possession, and She claims you as Her own before God’s throne. She says it is “only” through your surrender that She can continue to present you to God. This “presentation” is unique for our time. Our Lady said:
December 25, 1987
“…I want each one of you to open your heart to Jesus…I want Him to change you, to teach you, and to protect you. Today I am praying in a special way for each one of you and I am presenting you to God so He will manifest Himself in you…I call you today with great seriousness to obey me and to do as I am calling you…”
There is no doubt that we are living in decisive times. We must hold ourselves accountable to how seriously we are answering Our Lady’s call, because it is for our own good that we obey Her requests.
November 25, 1987
“Dear children, today also I call each one of you to decide to surrender again everything completely to me…”
Decide…Surrender…Everything…Completely…to Me.
In the Love and Hope that Our Lady Brings,
7 thoughts on “Decide… Surrender… Everything… Completely… to Me”
surrender its really very hard for me at first but if you put it into practice when you wake up in the morning thanking HIM offering ourself completely and emptying ourself everyday relying on HIM NO MATTER what it may bring us big or small what matter most is to maintain our intimate longing relationship with HIM AND TO HIS BLESSED MOTHER AND BOTH WILL GRANT US THE GRACE OF LOVE AND PEACE…..
Just this morning in my prayer time I specifically prayed and surrendered my eating disorder and my unmanageable life to God. I said my Rosary on the way down the Garden State Parkway and I was caught in slow moving traffic (on the way to a job interview no less!) I saw a bulletin board with this website and the traffic cleared immediately after seeing it! Surrender to win! (P.S. I think the interview went well!)
This is so true. You should always surrender yourself to God in order to recieve his protection and all the light that he has within. It is also very important to give all your enemys to God and pray for them so that you can give him a notice about them and so that he can protect you from them. Stick with the source that has everything you need to feel complete and satisfied with your life. The only source that will give you all that is our Father God. Without him there is nothing.
I have enormous difficulty understanding what exactly it means to ‘surrender ‘ everything to God. How does this work out in the practice of daily living ?
I have enormous difficulty understanding what exactly it means to ‘surrender ‘ everything to God. How does this work out in the practice of daily living ?
In my distress, I read: decide, surrender, everything… I so need to do this. Then continue in my flailing, “where are you, what am I to do? Then I remember, surrender,trust, pray.
This sounds very similar to what St. Louis de Montfort proposes to us in his Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary in his book “True Devotion to Mary.” Thank you for sharing this!